
  • 网络Steering gear;steering box
  1. 变速比循环球式转向机的齿形分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Tooth Shape for Recirculating Ball Type Variable-Ratio Steering Gear

  2. 用于机械式转向机试验台的控制软件设计与开发

    Design and Development for the Software Used on Mechanical Steering - gear Test Rig

  3. 变速比齿扇插齿加工的新型CNC系统汽车转向机摇臂轴精锻成形工艺

    A New CNC System for Variable Ratio Sector Gear Shaping Precision Forging Technology for the Steering Sector Gear Shaft

  4. Z公司是一家跨国集团在济南设立的独资分公司,主要从事循环球式转向机的开发、生产、销售、维修等业务,是中国重要的一家商用车零配件提供商。

    Z Company is a wholly foreign owned company , which develops , produces , sales and repairs recirculation-ball steering gears for commercial vehicles , acting as a leading company .

  5. 并对将要进行分析的关键部件进行简化,为下一步分析打下基础。(3)基于有限元分析软件ansys,对转向机中的关键结构进行了相关的理论分析。

    Then , we simplified the critical parts that will be analyzed and make preparation for the following steps . ( 3 ) Based on FE soft ansys , the relative theory analysis has been done .

  6. MAAG插齿机的齿条加工齿轮齿条式液压转向机齿条杆部的表面处理工艺及参数设定

    Rackwork on Gear Shaping Machine Surface Treatment process of Hydraulic Rack Shaft In Rack and Pinion Hydraulic Steering and Parameters Set

  7. 本文根据空间啮合理论求出了EQ140转向机变距蜗杆螺旋面方程式、蜗杆各传动特性参数以及蜗杆轴截形表达式,并在计算机上计算了它们的数值。

    Based on the 3D surface engagement theory , a general equation for the surface of a worm with unequal pitch in the JEQ 140 steering mechanism is derived . All the characteristic parameters and the profiles of the worm are calculated on a computer .

  8. 拆下转向机隔热板上的紧固螺钉。

    Remove fastening screws on the heat shield for the steering gear .

  9. 请勿修理或拆解齿条-齿轮转向机和助力泵!

    Rack-and-pinion steering gear and servo pump must not be repaired or dismantled !

  10. 齿轮&齿条转向机的故障诊断与排除

    Trouble Location and Removal of Rack and Pinion Steering

  11. 拆卸转向机的紧固螺钉。

    Remove the fastening screws of steering gear .

  12. 用两个紧固螺钉将隔热板安装到转向机上。

    Fit the heat shield on the steering gear by means of two fastening screws .

  13. 动力转向机阀套的试制

    Trial-manufacture of valve sleeve in power steering-gear

  14. 将隔热装置从转向机上拆下。

    Remove heat insulation from steering gear .

  15. 吉普汽车转向机固定螺栓断裂失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Steering Gear Case Bolts

  16. 瑞安市凯泰转向机有限公司,位于中国浙江省温州古塘河畔。

    Ltd , is located near old river of Wenzhou City , Zhejiang Province , China .

  17. 对于带伺服电子系统的车辆,还必须从转向机中取下电气接头。

    For vehicles with servotronic , an electric connector must also be removed from the steering gear .

  18. 该系统由一台90度转弯传送机,两台直线传送机,两台下坡式传送机和两台转向机组成。

    This system by90 curves conveyers , two straight lines conveyers , two downhill types conveyers and two steering units is composed .

  19. 此外,本文还对车速,转向机的阻尼等相关的参数对摆振系统的影响进行了分析,并给出了相应的取值范围。

    The other factors ' impact on the wheel shimmy is also studied , such as speed and steering damp , the corresponding range is given .

  20. 转向机的作用是通过方向盘的旋转,改变转向臂的位置或者齿条轴向循环直线的位移,以达到扩大系统控制力的目的。

    Diverter becomes steering wheel 's rotation steering arm 's swinging or the rack axis straight reciprocating motion , and to changes the control force to carry on the enlargement the organization .

  21. 介绍了热挤镦加热精整汽车转向机摇臂轴精锻成形工艺,对热挤镦的成形原理及变形过程进行了分析探讨。

    The precision forging process for the steering sector gear shaft is discussed in the paper . The principle and the path of forming of the hot extruding and upsetting are also discussed .

  22. 针对机电产品的特点,研究了线缆的装配过程仿真方法。最后,以汽车中常用的转向机模型为例,对本文所提出的装配规划与仿真方法进行了验证。

    Taking into account the characteristics of the electromechanical products , cable simulation method is studied . Finally , the automobile steering machine model is used as an example , the assembly planning and simulation method this paper proposed is verified .

  23. HS401腈纶转向纺丝机是我国定型腈纶纺丝机,性能良好,在腈纶厂广泛应用。

    HS401 nylon reforming spinning machine is a kind of domestic standard one , with good performance and widely used in acrylonitrile production plant .

  24. 滑移转向装载机铲斗自动调平控制系统

    Control System for Self-leveling of Bucket on Skid - steer Loaders

  25. 除此之外,升缩臂叉车、滑移转向装载机、“两头忙”等小型工程机械市场也都在培育过程中,将有较大发展。

    In addition or reduction arm forklift , skid steer loader ," backhoe " and other small construction machinery market in nurturing the process , will have greater development .

  26. 滑移转向装载机的铲斗自动调平系统可以避免或减少装载过程中的物料损失,提高铲斗的定位性能,这对于提高滑移转向装载机的工作效率是非常必要的。

    Self-leveling system of bucket on skid-steer loaders can prevent or reduce material from spilling and improve bucket 's positioning performance , which is very important for increasing the work efficiency of skid-steer loaders .

  27. 然后该公司转向提供客户机/服务器计算,在HP9000服务器上开发其解决方案。

    The company then moved to become an early adopter of client / server computing , developing its solution on HP 9000 servers .

  28. 前轮及后平衡架转向式平地机

    Front wheel and rear bogie steer grader pivot bearing

  29. 数控卧式矩台平面磨床前轮及后平衡架转向式平地机

    CNC horizontal surface grinding machine with rectangular table front wheel and rear bogie steer grader

  30. 1996年的那起劫机事件中,劫机者要求飞机转向时,机上正好有4名眼镜蛇成员。

    In this instance , in 1996 , four Cobra members were on a flight when a hijacker demanded the plane be diverted .