
  • 网络switching frequency;frequency conversion;turnover frequency;TOF
  1. 利用电磁轴承具备主动控制系统和定子与转子之间有较大气隙的有利条件,通过采用电磁轴承双支承结构在转换频率处的支承转换,实现转子在共振区域的平稳过渡。

    Taking advantage of the active control system and the air gap between the rotor and stator , the bearing point was changed at the point of switching frequency and the formation of a double supporting structure , an even transition was attained .

  2. 通过调整驱动脉冲增量,实现了单位时间亮暗转换次数最大化和亮暗转换频率均匀化的优化目标。

    By adjusting the driving pulse increment , the bright dark conversion to maximize the number of dark and light switching frequency optimization goal of homogenization in per unit time were achieved .

  3. 转换频率fc决定了1/f噪声的大小;而fc仅由噪声参数βH所决定。

    The collector 1 / f noise is found by f_c , and f_c is determined by parameter β _H alone .

  4. 随着Ir负载量增加,Ir粒子逐渐变大,反应比速率和反应转换频率(TOF)逐渐下降,表明小粒子上具有更高的CO反应活性。

    Ir particle size increased gradually with Ir loading , but specific rate and turnover frequency ( TOF ) declined gradually . It indicated that the catalyst with small particle size had a higher CO reactivity .

  5. 无线员操作调度表盘,转换频率。

    The radio operator manipulated the dials and changed the frequency .

  6. 提出的模仿昆虫复眼的仿生信号采集技术提高了信号的采集频率和降低了A/D转换频率以减少硬件成本。

    Signal acquisition technique which emulates compound eye of insect has been developed .

  7. 基于神经网络的土层阻尼系数转换频率预测

    Prediction on Translation Frequency of Damping Coefficient of Soil Based on Neural Networks

  8. 正在转换频率到麦阿密飞机服务中心。

    Changing frequency to Miami flight services station .

  9. 观察采用瞬时记录方法,每次观察间隔5分钟。记录立卧、侧卧、姿势转换频率和头部朝向等行为参数。

    During observation scan sampling was adopted and the time interval for each observation is five minutes .

  10. 通过改变励磁线圈的励磁转换频率和励磁电流大小来调节磁场的旋转频率和磁场强度,产生一个转速和场强连续可调的空间旋转磁场,并利用此旋转磁场来控制焊接电弧。

    Through changing frequency and exciting current , the speed of rotation and magnetic intensity can be regulated continuously .

  11. 调谐钮收音机或电视机用来转换频率的转动控制钮或其它装置。

    A movable control knob or other device on a radio or television receiver used to change the frequency .

  12. 名词及名词性词组是转换频率最高的词类;

    EL Ns and NPs are switched with the highest frequency among EL morphemes in intra sentential code switching cases ;

  13. 语码转换频率主要与学生的英语水平和课堂教学目的有关。

    It is found that the frequency of code-switching is closely related to students ' English proficiency and the teaching goals of the lesson .

  14. 发现了建立过程的平滑作用可以明显地削弱信号的谐波分量,并存在一个最佳转换频率,使谐波失真达到最小值。

    It shows signal harmonics is obviously weakened by the smoothing action in the setting process and there is a best conversion frequency to minimize harmonic distortion .

  15. 推导了电旋转低频峰值转速所对应频率以及正、负介电泳力之间转换频率的表达式,并以此为基础推导细胞膜电容和膜电导与溶液电导率之间的函数关系式。

    The peak frequencies of rotation speed and transformational frequencies of positive DEP and negative DEP were derived , which was used to deduce the expressions of the membrane capacitance and conductance .

  16. 本文通过两个试验对限位栏和分娩圈中母猪产前、产后的趴卧位置、趴卧姿势、头部朝向和姿势转换频率进行了研究。

    Two experiments were carried out to study lying positions , lying posture , orientation and frequency of posture transition of sows before and after parturition in farrowing crates and in farrowing pens .

  17. 氢气传感器将当前氢气浓度n转换成频率f(n)输出,并经过混频,得到一个较低的频率。

    Hydrogen sensors convert the current hydrogen concentration n to the frequency output f ( n ) . And after mixing , a lower frequency can be produced .

  18. 并针对该理论模型,采用小信号分析方法讨论了波长转换的频率调制响应特性;

    The frequency modulation response of wavelength conversion was discussed under the small-signal analysis .

  19. 利用A/D转换测试频率及相位

    The Simple and Convenient Method of Testing Frequency and Phase with A / D Conversion

  20. 最后,从拉氏域转换到频率域也很容易。无线通信所需要的频率资源是有限的。

    Finally , it is easy to move form the Laplace domain into frequency domain . Wireless spectrum is a limited resource .

  21. 频谱成像将地震数据体从时间域转换到频率域,利用分频处理技术大大提高了对薄储集层的分辨能力。

    Mainly using high-resolution seismic along-horizon slices and seismic along-horizon spectrum imaging technique , and combining with spatial distribution feature of channels , the paper .

  22. 在直驱风力发电系统中,变流器将永磁同步发电机发出的频率变化的电能转换为频率恒定的电能并网。

    In the direct driving wind power system , converter put the transient power translate into the constant pressure and frequency power to connect with the grid .

  23. 在碱基置换中,转换的频率(58.3%)高于颠换的频率(29.2%)。

    Interestingly , the frequency of the base transition ( 58.3 % ) is obviously higher than that of the base transversion ( 29.2 % ) among the base replacements .

  24. 第三,讨论了速度误差对时间偏移和深度偏移的不同影响,并将两种方法处理的波场特征转换到频率波数域来加以比较;

    Thirdly , discusses the different effect on time migration and depth migration caused by migration velocity error and transform the result in frequency-wavenumber domain to compare the characteristic of wavefield ;

  25. 问卷调查则用于估算教师英汉语码转换的频率、汉语语码的使用数量及考察师生双方对教师语码转换的态度。

    Two questionnaires are used to estimate the frequency of teachers ' code-switching and the amount of teachers ' Chinese code and to investigate students ' and teachers ' attitudes toward code-switching .

  26. 方法将接收信号转换到频率域内,分离阵列流形中信号方向和阵列参数;

    In the algorithm , firstly , the received wideband signal was transformed into frequency domain , and the DOA and the others array parameters were separated in the array matrix manifold .

  27. 在轴承外圈细化倒频谱图中,出现了故障特征倒频率,转换成频率后与轴承特征频率进行比对确定外圈缺陷故障频率,但是整体倒频谱中却存在谐波干扰。

    In the cepstrum analysis of the bearing outer ring , the fault feature quefrency occurred , which could be converted into the frequency to determine the fault of the outer ring .

  28. 凭借收集到的语料,论文对于中学英语课堂教师话语的语码转换的频率和类型进行了分析,并且概括探讨了语码转换三大语用功能,即顺应功能,教学功能以及人际功能。

    With data collected , it explores the frequency and patterns of code-switching in teachers ' talk and it concludes the three pragmatic functions of code-switching : adaptability , teaching and interpersonal .

  29. 应用Ⅲпемнпъх级数展开不同类型异常转换的频率特征,可以得到空间域级数求和法进行异常转换的诸系数。

    By using the frequency characteristics from the Schlomilch series expansion of different type anomaly transformation , a summation method of series in spatial domain has been developed to determine the coefficients for anomaly transformation .

  30. 由于光磁共振的电磁场的频率与磁力仪所在点的外磁场具有比例关系,故磁场强度的测量可以转换成频率的测量。

    Due to the proportional relationship of the frequency of electromagnetic wave and the optical pumping magnetic resonance magnetometer point external magnetic field , so the magnetic field strength measurements can be converted into frequency measurement .