
yāo wéi
  • the waist;waistline;girth;round the middle;wide crafts
腰围 [yāo wéi]
  • (1) [round the middle]∶腰部一周的长度

  • 进规定的饮食以减少腰围

  • (2) [wide crafts]∶腰带

腰围[yāo wéi]
  1. 热衷于做菜并不一定会导致腰围增粗。

    A passion for cooking does not necessarily have to be bad for your waistline .

  2. 稍稍缝上几针把腰围收一收,这样就看不出来了。

    Catch in the waistline very lightly so that it doesn 't show .

  3. 腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。

    The waist expands to fit all sizes .

  4. 我的腰围大概粗了两英寸。

    I 'm about two inches larger round the waist .

  5. 房间里的每一个人都弯腰围在她的办公室桌前。

    Everyone in the room was bent over her desk .

  6. 她得去男装部找一条腰围合适的裤子。

    She has to go to the men 's department to find trousers that fit at the waist

  7. 裁缝正在给我量腰围。

    The tailor is measuring my waist .

  8. 你的腰围是多少?

    What is your waist measurement ?

  9. 但是那些越长越粗的腰围怎么办呢?

    But what about those growing waistlines ?

  10. 美国波斯顿塔夫茨大学的研究人员监控了3000名55岁左右的中年人发现,那些每天吃三份全谷物食品的人腰围比其他人小两英寸(约5厘米),而且血压和血糖水平也更低。

    Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn 't consume the same amount , as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels .

  11. 腰围身高比值与年龄、腰围、三头肌皮褶厚度、肩胛下皮褶厚度、髂部皮褶厚度、体脂含量的相关性大于BMI、腰臀围比值和C指数。

    Waist-to-height ratio was more correlated than BMI , WHR , and CI .

  12. 携带这一特殊DNA序列的人平均体重较重,他们的腰围要多宽半英寸。

    People who carry this specific DNA sequence are heavier on average , and their waist circumference is half an inch bigger .

  13. 用无弹性的卷尺测量腰围和臀围,测量数值应精确到mm。

    Inelastic tapeline was used to measure the waist perimeter and hip perimeter ( precision : mm ) .

  14. 腰围、BMI与人体测量参数的关系

    Relationship among BMI , waist circumference and anthropometric measurements

  15. 测量身高、体重、腰围(WC),计算体重指数(BMI)。

    Height , body weight , waist circumference were measured to calculate BMI .

  16. 腰围身高比值预测成人高血压的Meta分析

    The Predictive Value of Waist-height Ratio to Discriminate Adult Hypertension : a Meta Analysis

  17. 结果高血压家系中高血压患者较非高血压者血糖、血脂、体质指数(BMI)、腰围均高。

    The incidence of metabolic syndrome was higher in hypertensive patients than in normal persons .

  18. 目的:观察腹针疗法对单纯性肥胖患者体质指数(BMI)及腰围比值的影响,了解腹针疗法对单纯性肥胖临床治疗的效果。

    Objective : To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of abdominal acupuncture therapy for simple obesity .

  19. 研究人员还测量了参与者的腰围、血压以及血液中的C反应蛋白含量。一般心脏病患者的这些指标都很高。

    Their waist size , blood pressure and the level of C-reactive protein in their blood , which is often high in people at risk of heart disease , were also measured .

  20. 治疗组在改善患者体重、体重指数、腰围及腰/臀比方面,与对照组相比有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    There was a significant difference between the two groups in improving body weight , body mass index , waist circumference and waist-hip ratio .

  21. 而身高、体重、BMI、胸围、腰围则没有显著性差异(p0.05)。

    And height , weight , BMI , torre chest circumference and waistline is no significant difference ( p 0.05 ) . 2 .

  22. 以腰围为腹部肥胖指标,WC≥80为诊断界值。

    As the diagnostic index for abdominal obesity , the cut-off point of WC ≥ 80 cm should be instituted .

  23. 和腰围一样,身体质量指数(BMI)是间接的风险测量,其值越大伴随的是风险越大。

    Like waist circumference , BMI is an indirect measure of risk , but a higher measure correlates with greater risk .

  24. 结论BMI、WC及WHR都可估测腹内型肥胖,但以腰围的准确率稍高。

    Conclusion BMI , WC , WHR can all predict abdominal visceral obesity , with WC the best .

  25. 多元线性逐步回归方程所示:BMI与腰围臀围(WHR)、TG、SBP呈正相关。

    With multifactor linear regression analysis , the results showed that WHR , TG and SBP were related with BMI .

  26. 据一项最新的调查显示,爱吃糖果和巧克力的人的体重往往更轻,体重指数BmI和腰围也更小。

    Candy and chocolate lovers tend to weigh less , have a lower BMI and waist circumference , according to a new study .

  27. 研究结果1.本试验结果显示,经3个疗程治疗后,两组体重、腰围均显著减少(P0.05)。

    The results showed that , after 3 courses of treatment , two groups of body weight , BMI , body circumference were significantly reduced ( P 0.01 ) .

  28. 单纯性肥胖患者血清IL-6水平与BMI、腰围、空腹胰岛素及HOMA-IR密切相关(P0.05,P0.005,P0.01)。

    Fasting serum interleukin 6 levels were positively correlated with BMI , waist circumferences , insulin and HOMA IR in obese patients .

  29. 三围:治疗组和对照组腰围、臀围均有所下降,与其治疗前比较,差异有统计意义(P0.01)。

    BWH : The waist and hip measurements of two groups decrease . Compared with the measurement before treatment , the difference has statistical significance ( P0.01 ) .

  30. 目的调查分析军队退休老干部群体体重指数(BMI)和腰围及其与心血管病危险因素的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relationship of body mass index ( BMI ) and waist circumference ( WS ) to cardiovascular risk factors in veteran cadres .