
yāo suān
  • Lumbar acid;soreness of waist;mild lumbago
腰酸[yāo suān]
  1. 他走着走着,觉得腰酸背痛,疲惫不堪,左右张望一番,又回头小声问仆人:“看看,后头有没有人?”

    As he walked and walked , he felt his back aching , and was entirely2 exhausted3 . He looked around , then turned to his servant and whispered : " Take a look . Is there anyone behind ? "

  2. 结果改进组术肢制动时间及血管并发症,腰酸、腹胀发生率显著低于传统组(P0.01,P0.05)。

    Results The immobile time of the lesioned limbs was shorter , incidence of vessel complication , waist soreness and abdominal distension were significantly lower in improvement group than those in conventional treatment group ( P0.01 , P0.05 ) .

  3. 腰酸背痛已经变成全世界的共同问题了。

    Back pain has become a common problem throughout the world .

  4. 他患腰酸背痛已经好几年了。

    He has been troubled with a bad back for years .

  5. 他腰酸背疼,汗水顺着脸颊往下流。

    his back aching , sweat running down his face .

  6. 忧虑能产生很多疾病,如神经紧张性头痛、腰酸背痛等。

    Worry can bring a lot of diseasessuch as tension headaches and backaches .

  7. 她身体不壮实,整天坐在那里干活使她腰酸背痛。

    She was not very strong , and sitting all day affected her back .

  8. 这就意味着你不必再为腰酸、手腕酸痛、眼镜疲劳而烦恼。

    It means no bad backs , no aching wrists , no tired eyes .

  9. 京晶:有没有晒伤或者腰酸背痛啊?

    Did you get sunburned or sore ?

  10. 不知道为何会腰酸背痛,是不是因为睡眠不足?

    Don 't know what I feel back pain , izzit because not enough sleep ?

  11. 在90分钟的旅途中,乘客们抱怨腰酸背痛,还担心得上了深静脉血栓。

    During the90-minute journey , commuters are complaining of back pain and fearing deep vein thrombosis .

  12. 当您长时间面对电脑伏案工作,受否感到腰酸背痛?

    After working on the computer for a long time , do you have a backache ?

  13. 筋骨酸痛、腰酸背痛、能调气血、消除疲劳。

    Cures sore waist and aching back , regulate vital energy in the blood , relieve fatigue .

  14. 腰酸背痛确实是一种积极的发泄方式&对于渴望寻求刺激的人来说。

    More seriously , pains should be taken to provide constructive outlets for the love of excitement .

  15. 预防骨质疏松,肌肉抽蓄,骨软化,腰酸腹背痛的中老年人。

    Prevention of osteoporosis , muscle cramps , osteomalacia , lumbar back pain in the elderly acid belly .

  16. 一趟旅行下来,我腰酸背痛,脚肿得连鞋子也穿不进去了。

    Toward the end of the flight , my feet got so swollen that my shoes no longer fit .

  17. 强壮骨骼,预防骨质疏松症;帮助舒展筋骨,减少腰酸背痛。

    The strong skeleton , prevention osteoporosis sickness ; The help stretches the physique , reduces the backache backache .

  18. 这并不是说我们不会遭遇疾病,不良情绪或腰酸背痛。

    That 's not to say that we won 't encounter illness , bad moods or a stiff back .

  19. 如果你醒来时感到疲惫不堪,腰酸背痛,疼痛或僵硬,或许是由于床垫的原因。

    If you wake up tired or achy , sore or stiff , your mattress is probably to blame .

  20. 在漫步山林和周游名胜后,你可能想要放松一下,舒缓腰酸背痛。

    After all that trekking and sightseeing , you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains .

  21. 是啊当她们周一早上上班的时候各个腰酸背痛的她们都抱怨浑身都疼死了

    yeah , they are all sore when they come in Monday morning , they 're complaining about how sore they are

  22. 到下课时,哈利和其他同学一样满头大汗,腰酸背疼,身上沾满泥土。

    By the end of the class , Harry , like everyone else , was sweaty , aching , and covered in earth .

  23. 这本书也道出了那些按照旅行手册两眼昏花腰酸腿痛走遍欧洲的美国人的心声。

    The book voiced the thoughts of the thousands of Americans who with glazed eye and aching feet had followed the rule of their guide-book round Europe .

  24. 至于钱币的数量,我能肯定多得像秋天的落叶,弄得我腰酸背疼,手指都因区分那些金币而磨痛了。

    And for number , I am sure they were like autumn leaves , so that my back ached with stooping and my fingers with sorting them out .

  25. 痛经是是指行经前后或月经期出现下腹疼痛、坠胀,伴腰酸或其他不适,程度严重影响生活和工作质量者。

    Dysmenorrhea is passing through before and after the menstrual period abdominal pain , bulge , with backache or other discomfort extent seriously affect the life and work quality .

  26. 结果:浮肿、乏力、腰酸等症状及体征的改善情况治疗组优于对照组;尿蛋白定性和24小时尿蛋白定量减少的程度治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results The treatment group ` s medical syndromes and the urine protein quantity improvement rate were better than those in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 他走着走着,觉得腰酸背痛,疲惫不堪,左右张望一番,又回头小声问仆人:

    As he walked and walked , he felt his back aching , and was entirely exhausted . He looked around , then turned to his servant and whispered :

  28. 今年早些时候的调查显示,比起压力大或者其他心理健康问题,雇主更能接受腰酸背痛这一病假理由。

    Earlier this year , it was revealed that employers were more likely to accept back pain as a reason for not coming into work than stress or mental health .

  29. 思嘉一时间想起了在棉田里那些漫长的炎热日子,又感到腰酸背痛,两肩磨得皮开肉绽的可怕滋味。

    For a brief instant Scarlett saw the long hot days in the cotton field , felt again the terrible ache in her back , the raw bruised flesh of her shoulders .

  30. 天麻双膝颗粒可以有效改善高血压前期肝肾阴虚型人群的中医临床证候,如头痛、眩晕、耳鸣、腰酸、膝软等。

    Tianma hyssop particles can effectively improve liver-kidney deficiency pre-hypertension at TCM clinical syndromes , such as headache , dizziness , tinnitus , backache , knee soft and so on . 3 .