
yāo zhǎn
  • cutting sb. in two at the waist;cut sb. in two at the waist;cut sth. in half
腰斩 [yāo zhǎn]
  • (1) [cut sb. in two at the waist ]∶古代刑法,从腰部把身体斩为两段

  • (2) [cut sth. in half]∶使事情半途而废,或比喻把同一事物或相联系的事物从中割断

腰斩[yāo zhǎn]
  1. 计划遭到腰斩。

    The plan was scrapped .

  2. Facebook的IPO估值为1040亿美元,但由于投资者担心其增速放缓以及在移动战略方面的不足,Facebook上市首日市值一度被腰斩。

    Facebook priced its IPO at $ 104 billion , and then lost nearly half its market value on its debut as investors fretted about slowing growth and a lacking mobile strategy .

  3. 如果不是这样,GoPro就将面临一个艰难选择,要么将Hero的售价腰斩,要么眼睁睁看着自己的市场份额遭到侵蚀。

    If that changes , GoPro faces a tough choice between slashing the Hero 's price or watching its market share erode .

  4. 比如在宾夕法尼亚大学(theUniversityofPennsylvania)的沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool),去年MBA毕业生进入投资银行的比例就从2006年的26%腰斩到了13.3%,而同期进入科技公司的比例则翻了一倍,达到了11.1%。

    At the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School , for instance , the percentage of MBAs entering investment banking dropped to 13.3 % last year from 26 % in 2006 . During the same period , those entering tech more than doubled to 11.1 % .

  5. 日本实际房价自1992年来近乎腰斩。

    Real Japanese house prices have almost halved since 1992 .

  6. 收入与2008年的峰值相比已近乎腰斩至31亿美元。

    Revenues have nearly halved from the 2008 peak to $ 3.1bn .

  7. 结果美国股市腰斩,经济急剧下滑。

    The US stock market was cut in half and the economy nosedived .

  8. 德鲁依有很多方法来存活至盲/腰斩。

    There are many ways a druid can survive your blind / KS .

  9. 她是史上第一位接受腰斩手术而存活的人。

    She has become the first person to survive being cut in half .

  10. 自周三以来,三家香港上市大公司的股票市值遭遇腰斩。

    Since Wednesday , shares in three huge Hong Kong-listed companies have lost half their value .

  11. 叶适用他的推断,直接从关键部位对程朱所宣扬的道统论进行了腰斩。

    He leaves for the inferred directly from the key parts of the Neo-propagated " Orthodox " were cut .

  12. 有人因砍树被捕,一排被腰斩的榆树倒在大众和威廉中间。

    And someone had been apprehended cutting down trees , a row of elms broken-backed among the VWs and Valiants .

  13. 住房价格从相比高点惨遭腰斩,亚利桑那州6%的房产在2009年收到了止赎通知。

    Home prices plummeted more than 50 % from their peak and 6 % Arizona properties received foreclosure filings in 2009 .

  14. 在过去六年里,全球最大50家银行的平均市净率已从2“腰斩”为1。

    Over the past six years , the average price-to-book value of the biggest 50 banks has halved from two to one .

  15. 刺激美国最近增长的最重要因素是,全球油价在过去6个月里近乎腰斩。

    The most important ingredient in the recent US growth spurt is the near-halving in the global oil price in the past six months .

  16. 油价直至2014年年中一直徘徊在每桶100美元以上,其间股价飙升,而油价腰斩后,股价最初还进一步走高。

    Share prices soared when oil trod water above $ 100 per barrel up to mid-2014 , and then initially went higher after oil halved .

  17. 这意味着当投资不再逐年增长时,中国经济增速将被腰斩。

    This means that when investment stops increasing year after year , the rate of growth of the Chinese economy will be cut in half .

  18. 太多的设计被腰斩的原因是因为老板“不喜欢绿色”。同样的,太多的网站内容包含仅用于本组织内的缩写和术语。

    Too many designs are rejected because the boss " doesn 't like green . " Likewise , too much website copy contains acronyms and terms used only within the organization .

  19. 2009年金融危机爆发后,造船业遭受重挫,烟台莱佛士市值惨遭腰斩,章立人的个人财富也缩水至1.6亿美元。

    In2009 , as the shipping industry took a hit in the wake of the financial crisis , Yantai 's market value halved and Chang 's fortune got knocked down to $ 160 million .

  20. 《水浒传》因金圣叹的“腰斩”而导致了整个梁山故事的中断和部分情节的失落,故被鲁迅揶揄为“断尾巴蜻蜓”。

    Because of Jing Shengtan 's abridgement , the story of Shuihu zhuan had become discontinuance and some plots been lost , the book , therefore , was considered as a dragonfly broken its tail .

  21. 在递交给香港交易所的一份声明中,汉能表示,李广民将辞职。在5月的一个上午汉能股价被腰斩之前,该公司市值曾高达近400亿美元。

    In a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange , HTF said Li Guangmin was leaving the company , which was worth almost $ 40bn until its shares lost half their value in one morning in May .

  22. 但是,国际市场的销售成绩再亮丽,也无法真正保护俄罗斯的知名设计师,因为过去一年,卢布的汇率几近腰斩——举个例子,维尔申科与瑟吉安科使用的多数面料均为进口。

    However , even international sales can 't protect Russia 's leading designers from the effects of an almost 50 per cent fall in the rouble over the past year - Vilshenko and Sergeenko , for instance , import most of their materials .

  23. 在他想不到的日子,不知道的时辰,那仆人的主人要来,重重的处治他,或作把他腰斩了定他和不忠心的人同罪。

    The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for [ him ] , and at an hour when he is not aware , and will cut him in sunder , and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers .