
  • 网络lumbar debility
  1. 肾气虚者多伴腰膝酸软,腰以下汗多,应补肾气,固肾精。

    The kidney qi deficiency syndrome often accompanied with lumbar debility and sweat more under the waist , so Chinese herbs with nourishing qi and yin should be added .

  2. 气阴两虚证临床表现为易自汗、神疲乏力、气短懒言、腰膝酸软、食欲不振、心悸、脉细。

    The clinical manifestation of deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome include spontaneous sweating , fatigue , Qi shortness and talking laziness , lumbar debility , anorexia , cardiopalmus and thready pulse .

  3. 治疗组在对于倦怠乏力、腰膝酸软、气短懒言、手足畏寒、面色无华、大便频多的症状改善方面发现治疗组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    In the improvement of symptomatic : fatigue , weak waist , shortness of breath , chills , lazy word , lustreless face , stool frequency were more improved significantly better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 腰膝酸软、胁胀、溢乳、心烦易怒等症状及体征等消失率比较,差异无显着性意义(P0.05)。

    Comparing the disappearance rates of symptoms and other body signs like soreness and weakness of waists and knees , distension in the hypochondriac region , galactorrhea , irritability , etc. , the author finds no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 如:1.改善症候方面如腰膝酸软、活动受限、晨僵明显优于SSZ。

    Syndrome improve areas such as weak waist , limited mobility , morning stiffness better than SSZ . 2 .

  6. 次要症状:腰膝酸软、腰背酸痛、神疲乏力。

    Secondary symptoms : Aching , or soreness and weakness of waist and knees , and fatigue .

  7. 患者的皮肤硬化、肤冷肢寒、腰膝酸软的发生率均比对照组有极显著性差异。

    There were markedly high rates of skin sclerosis , coal limbs and soreness of loins and knees .

  8. 精亏:生长迟缓、身材矮小、腰膝酸软、关节内作响、牙齿松动、面色黧黑、尺脉弱。

    Essence Deficiency : Growth retardation , short stature . Soreness and weakness of waist and knees , creaked intra-articular .

  9. 骨疏补胶囊不仅能改善骨质疏松引起的腰背四肢骨痛,而且还能改善原发性骨质疏松症患者腰膝酸软、畏寒肢冷等肾阳虚的症状。

    GBSC can not only improve the osteodynia caused by POP , but also improve the symptom of dificiency of kidney Yang .

  10. 肾阴阳两虚证为:头晕、腰膝酸软、耳鸣;

    Deficiency syndrome of both kidney yin and yang are in terms of vertigo , tinnitus and the sore lumbus and knees ;

  11. 肾气丸方面:(1)基本病机为肾阳亏虚,其主症当见腰膝酸软、四肢不温。

    Aspects of Shenqi Pill : ( 1 ) the basic pathogenesis is Kidney-Yang deficiency , the core symptom is aching lumbus and knees , limbs not warm .

  12. 视力逐渐减弱,眼睛干涩,头晕失眠,记忆力减退,或伴腰膝酸软者,舌红,脉细。

    Vision is declining gradually , dryness of eyes , dizziness , insomnia , poor memory , soreness and weakness of the lumbar region , red tongue and thready pulse .

  13. 稀莶草主要有祛风湿、利关节、解毒等功效,还可以治疗风湿痹痛、腰膝酸软、半身不遂等病症。

    Siegesbeckiae mainly used in the treatment of rheumatism , arthrosis , detoxification , and it can also treat soreness and weakness of waist and knees , hemiplegia and other illnesses .

  14. 在中医症候方面患者的勃起硬度、成功概率、心情抑郁、腰膝酸软、胸胁胀满、倦怠乏力、精神不振、头晕耳呜的程度均有较为显著的改善。

    In the aspect of TCM symptoms in patients with erectile hardness , probability of success , depression , lumbar debility , breast bilges full , languid , fatigue , dizziness tinnitus degree have more significant improvement .

  15. 临床运用中发现能改善夜尿频多,腰膝酸软,眩晕,耳鸣,记忆力下降,老年斑等衰老症状,临床检验证实对肾功能确有一定的防护作用。

    This recipes can improve many decline-symptoms in clinical practice , such as : polyuria at night , ache and weakness of the lumbus and knees , vertigo and tinnitus , failing memory , senile plaque , and so on .

  16. 结果:中药治疗组和对照组比较在临床症状改善方面腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣有显著性差异(P<0.01);

    Results : There were differences in the Lassitude in lion and legs , tinnitus and dizzy ( P < 0.01 ) and dysphoria with feverish sensation in chest , palms and soles ( P < 0.05 ) between treatment group and control group .

  17. 次症指标选择口干喜饮、恶热喜冷、消谷善饥、腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、五心烦热、口臭、便结、尿黄。

    The secondary CM symptom included dry mouth and inclining of drink , disliking of hot and liking of cold , polyorexia , anergia knees and loin , dizziness and tinnitus , burning sensation of five centers , halitosis , dry stool and yellowish or reddish urine .

  18. 肝肾阴虚、肝阳上亢、瘀血阻络证主要症状:腰膝酸软、腰背酸痛、失眠多梦、头晕目眩、少苔或无苔、薄白苔。

    Liver and kidney Yin deficiency with liver yang hyperactivity and blood stasis blocking collaterals syndrome Main symptoms : aching , or soreness and weakness of waist and knees , insomnia and dreaminess , dizzy , scanty or peeled tongue coating , thin and white tongue coating .

  19. 西药治疗组中,血沉、腰膝酸软、苔白、关节疼痛、屈伸不利和关节肿胀等与疗效呈正相关,苔黄、舌红、白细胞检测与疗效呈负相关。

    In WM , erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ), weak waist , white fur in tongue , joint pain , joint stiffness and swollen joint were positively related to the efficacy , and yellow fur in tongue , red tongue , white blood negatively related to the efficacy .