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yāo dài
  • belt;waistband;girdle;waist band;pelvic girdle
腰带 [yāo dài]
  • [belt;girdle;waist band] 古代官员束在腰间的皮带;束腰的带子

腰带[yāo dài]
  1. 这条便裤的腰带可伸缩。

    The slacks have an elastic waistband .

  2. 扎弹性腰带后腹部受压程度评分显著下降(P<0.01)。

    The ratings on abdominal pressure were significantly decreased when elastic waistband was used ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 他用刀子在皮腰带上又扎了一个洞。

    He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife .

  4. 白腰带表示他完全是个新手。

    The white belt signifies that he 's an absolute beginner .

  5. 这条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带。

    This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist .

  6. 她将腰带又束紧了一格。

    She tightened her belt an extra notch .

  7. 由于物价上涨,我们都只好勒紧裤腰带了。

    With the price increases , we are all having to tighten our belts .

  8. 他那硕大肥胖的肚子挺在腰带上面。

    His big fat belly overhung his belt .

  9. 一堆肥肉坠在他的腰带上。

    Rolls of fat hung over his belt .

  10. 她扣上了腰带。

    She buckled her belt .

  11. 他松开腰带,裤子掉下去。

    He dropped his pants .

  12. 工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。

    Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers

  13. 她身着一件系有蓝色细腰带的白色连衣裙。

    She wore a white dress with a thin blue sash

  14. 他系着一条带大铜扣的腰带。

    He wore a belt with a large brass buckle .

  15. 这种腰带即便在最薄的衣衫下都看不出来。

    The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments .

  16. 他们的腰带紧紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的身体。

    Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames .

  17. 他穿着一件系腰带的雨衣,使他发福的腰身更加显眼。

    He wore a belted raincoat that accentuated his portly middle

  18. 她走上前去从即将离职的总统手中接过了就职腰带。

    She arrived to receive the sash of office from the outgoing president .

  19. 用腰带来装点一件素裙。

    Use a belt to accessorise a plain dress .

  20. 腰带、和服和其他衣服都是儿童款的。

    The sash , kimono , and other garments were made to fit a child

  21. 房子里的一扇门砰地关上,一个男子边扣腰带边走了出来。

    A door slammed in the house and a man came out buckling his belt .

  22. 在其他人正不得不勒紧裤腰带的时候,给法官提高薪水是不合适的。

    It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts .

  23. 各种腰带成了抢手货。

    Bolts of all kinds became the rage at the market .

  24. 如果我不扎腰带,衬衣就向上滑。

    My shirt will hike up if I don 't wear a belt .

  25. 这些碎片可以折叠成一个小巧优雅的包,能被系在你的腰带上。

    These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt .

  26. 要系腰带,就用不着吊带了。

    You don 't need braces if you 're wearing a belt !

  27. 我用扦子在腰带上又打了一个眼儿。

    I used a skewer to make an extra hole in my belt .

  28. 名词,高腰带吊裤带的高腰裤。

    high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps n.

  29. 我想要一条黑色腰带。

    I want a black belt .

  30. 配饰也会使你产生靡肿或修长的视觉效果。如果你腹部赘肉很多,则避免佩戴宽腰带,那会使你的腹部成为焦点。

    Accessories can also make you look fatter or thinner . Avoid using a large belt if you have tummy , since you are drawing attention in your tummy .