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  • Scarves;Scarf;Silk scarf
  1. 我买了条非常好的扎染丝巾。

    I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf .

  2. 然后她把丝巾解下来。

    Then she untied her silk scarf .

  3. 有时跳这种舞的人会手拿色彩鲜艳的丝巾。

    Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly colored scarves

  4. 她要走了,咱们送她一条丝巾意思意思。

    She 's leaving . let 's give her a silk kerchief as a token of our friendship .

  5. 一件水牛皮帆船摆件的售价为10200美元,它的船帆取材自一条PetitDuc丝巾。

    A buffalo leather sailboat whose sail was once a ' Petit Duc ' silk scarf is $ 10,200 .

  6. 今年夏季艺术世界最令人眼热的饰品之一当属杉本博司(HiroshiSugimoto)为法国奢侈品品牌爱马仕(Hermes)设计的限量版丝巾。

    One of the art world 's most coveted accessories this summer is a limited-edition Hermes scarf by Hiroshi Sugimoto .

  7. 完美的丝巾:赛尔贝德市场的“世界旅游”(LeMondeduVoyage)店有经典的爱马仕丝巾,用最柔软的丝绸制造而成,其中许多有数十年历史,价格60欧元起。

    The perfect scarf : vintage Herm è s scarves , many of them decades-old and in the softest of silks , start at 160 euros at Le Monde du Voyage in March é Serpette .

  8. 永远不要让丝巾只是简单地挂在你的脖子上。小常识:据说,针织围巾是1783年冬天由Krakow公爵发明的。

    Never wrap the scarf around your neck as if it were there simply to hold your head on.Fact : According to legend , the knitted scarf was invented by the Duke of Krakow during the winter of 1783 .

  9. 他和迪马挑选了20幅图片,在此基础上设计丝巾。

    He and Mr. Dumas selected 20 images to turn into scarves .

  10. 或许需要一个亮色的丝巾来配一下。

    Maybe a bright colored scarf is needed to go with it .

  11. 一条丝巾穿过一面镜子,真实直观的穿透表演。

    A scarf across a mirror , truely and intuitively penetrating performances .

  12. 系长丝巾,衣服要过臀部。

    Wear long scarves , dresses that button from neckline to hem .

  13. 我的确送给了玛丽一条丝巾。

    I ( did ) present a scarf to Mary .

  14. 我要送妈妈一条漂亮的丝巾。

    I 'll give my mother a beautiful scarf .

  15. 用的是爱美仕牌的昂贵丝巾。

    The scarf was hermes . it 's expensive .

  16. 如果是把丝巾放在案板上

    If the silk hankerchief is put on chopping board

  17. 奶奶还给朱迪婶婶买了一些T恤跟丝绸丝巾。

    Grandma has bought Aunt Judy plenty of T-shirts and several silk scarves .

  18. 丝巾是服饰品中的一个重要类别。

    Scarf is an important category in clothing accessories .

  19. 小贴士:这种两绕的绑法需要更长的丝巾。

    Tip : The double-wrap requires a longer scarf .

  20. 我给你们每人准备了一条丝巾。

    I got an Ascot for each of you .

  21. 是的。而且与你的丝巾特相配。

    Yes , and it matches your scarf perfectly .

  22. 因为又藏起了他演出的丝巾。

    For hiding his show scarves yet again .

  23. A你们有丝巾吗?

    A Do you have any silk scarves ?

  24. 手中立即出现一条长长彩带或丝巾。

    A long colorful ribbon or a silk emerges in the magician 's hand .

  25. 睡在缎面枕头上,或者用丝巾把头发包起来。

    sleep on a satin pillowcase or put your hair in a silk scarf .

  26. 这个高品质丝巾作最完美的,除了你的例行鸽!

    This high quality silk scarf makes the perfect addition to your dove routine !

  27. 不知名女子:用缎带和细线把两条丝巾绑在一起。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Tie two silk handkerchiefs together with a ribbon and cord .

  28. 妈妈用她的丝巾给我打了一个超大蝴蝶结在头上。

    Mum made me a super big butterfly knot on my head with her scarf .

  29. 丝巾作为服饰整体搭配的配饰之一,起着举足轻重的作用。

    The silk kerchief , as a kind of trimmings , there is important function .

  30. 杉本博司为爱马仕设计了20款彩色丝巾,每款限量发售七条。

    Mr. Sugimoto created 20 multicolored designs for Hermes , which offers seven of each .