
sī shù
  • tows
丝束[sī shù]
  1. 民用纺织大丝束PAN原丝的碳化处理工艺研究

    A study on carbonization process of textile large tows pan crude filament for civil

  2. 就民用纺织大丝束PAN的碳化试验情况,对前期稳定化处理和低温热解工艺过程作了粗浅论述。

    Prior-Period stabilizing and low temperature pyrolysis process were roughly described based on Carbonization test condition of textile large tows PAN crude filament for civil .

  3. 以亚麻纤维为增强体,与聚丙烯(PP)长丝进行丝束级共混,形成PP包覆亚麻的纱线结构,利用机织工艺织成二维机织布,作为复合材料的预制件。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) was commingled with flax fiber reinforcing material to realize the mixture of two materials at the stage of yarn .

  4. 结果表明,NMR法具有分析速度快、无污染、无损伤和准确度高的优点,适合于二醋酸纤维素丝束油剂的分析。

    The method is suitable for the routine analysis of spin finish in cellulose acetate tow with the advantage of non-pollution and non-damage .

  5. 研究了采用低场脉冲核磁共振(NMR)测定二醋酸纤维素丝束油剂的新方法,给出NMR法测定二醋酸纤维素丝束油剂含量的标准曲线。

    A new method of low-field pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) spectroscopy for the determination of spin finish in cellulose acetate tow was investigated .

  6. CaM主要分布于平滑肌细胞的线粒体和细胞核中,在滑面内质网、糖原颗粒表面、肌丝束以及胞膜和核膜上也有CaM分布,其它部位散在、偶见。

    CaM was mainly distributed in mitochondria and nuclei , but also in smooth endoplasmic reticulum , the surface of glycogen particle , myofilament bundle , cell membrane and nuclear membrane .

  7. ES复合短纤维生产过程中丝束经过卷曲机旋转侧面板处时产生黑丝。

    The reason causing black fiber during tow passing by the rotary side plate of a crimping machine was analyzed for ES composite staple fiber .

  8. 结果表明:随着共混纤维中EVA含量的增加,丝束强力显著下降,丝束间热粘接性增强。EVA和PP以各自的结晶结构结晶,未发现形成共晶。

    The result show that the tenacity and elongation at break of the fibre decrease apparently with the increasing contents of EVA and so is the heat-bondability of the fibres .

  9. 文章提出了一种用于自由曲面零件铺丝束成型轨迹规划的新方法,即基于STL文件格式的轨迹规划。

    This article put forward a new method for layout the track of automatic fiber placement on free form face-track layout based on STL document format .

  10. 通过热失重分析(TGA),SEM,拉伸力学及电阻测试等方法研究了不同碳纳米管丝束抽取速度和喷洒溶液浓度对碳管复合材料结构和性能的影响。

    Influence of different drawing speed and polymer solution concentration to the structure and properties of CNT composites were investigated through thermal gravimetric analysis ( TGA ), SEM , tensile and resistance testing .

  11. 为提高卷烟滤嘴的过滤性能,由醋酸纤维丝束滤芯、C型沟槽纯纤维素纸(定量80g/m2)和成形纸开发出醋酸纤维沟槽滤棒。

    In order to improve the filtration efficiency of cigarette filter , a novel grooved filter rod consisted of diacetate cellulose tow filter core , pure cellulose tissue ( basis weight 80 g / m ~ 2 ) with C-shape grooves and plug wrap was developed .

  12. 应用动电位极化和丝束电极技术测量了碳钢、纯铝和不锈钢在NaCl溶液和添加缓蚀剂的溶液中的极化曲线以及丝束电极表面的自腐蚀电位和电化学阻抗谱分布。

    Polarization curves , corrosion potentials and electrochemical impedance spectra inside and outside the crevice of mild steel , pure aluminium and stainless steel were measured in NaCl and inhibitor-containing NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization and the wire beam electrode technique .

  13. 比较系统地研究开纤幅度、处理速度、树脂粉末的粒径和加热温度等对BPR粉末在炭纤维丝束上的涂层效果。

    This essay systematically investigated that the scope of the spread carbon fiber tow , the processing speed , the resin powder particle size and the heating temperature have the influence on the effect of the powder coating .

  14. 同时,将丝束电极(WBE)技术和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)技术联用研究了常压海水浸泡条件下有机涂层的劣化过程。

    The deterioration processes of coatings under atmospheric pressure of seawater were studied using the wire beam electrode ( WBE ) method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

  15. 通过正交实验分析了纺速、拉伸倍率、DF3出口处丝束温度对1。

    Through crossed experiment , the effects of spinning speed , draw ratio , tow temperature at DF3 exit on strength and elongation of1 .

  16. 通过对2种丝束平纹编织碳纤维布增强SiC(C/SiC)复合材料的力学性能实验,研究了纤维束丝数(1k和3k)对复合材料性能的影响。

    The effect of the yarn counts on mechanical properties of the woven carbon cloth with two types of tow ( 1 k and 3 k ) reinforced silicon carbide ( C / SiC ) composites was investigated by the mechanical tests .

  17. 介绍了在FDY设备上纺制POY的生产技术,讨论了丝束集束上油的形式、丝束在两辊上的缠绕形式及纺丝速度对POY可纺性及质量的影响。

    The technology for spinning POY on FDY device was introduced . The effects of the method and position of bundling oiling and the wrap way of yarns around GR 1 and GR 2 on the spinnability and the quality of POY were also discussed .

  18. A-60日本复合油剂的附着性、丝束上油效果、丝束加工性能最好,17-20油剂次之,100国产复合油剂最差。

    The Japanese composite finish A-60 offered the best adhesion , oil pick up and tow processability , the finish 17-20 took the second place , and the home-made composite finish 100 was the worst .

  19. 本文简要介绍了钓鱼竿用大丝束(60K)碳纤维预浸料熔胶膜法浸渍工艺,并着重就影响预浸料质量的几个主要因素进行了讨论。

    The hot-melt impregnation process of large tow carbon fiber ( 60K ) prepreg to prepare fishing rods is briefly introduced in this paper ; in addition , several typical factors which affect the quality of the prepreg are also discussed in detail here .

  20. 浸胶丝束拉伸强度统计分布研究

    Investigation of tensile strength statistic characteristics of the impregnated fiber bundles

  21. 采用丝束电极研究金属镍的快速电沉积行为

    Study of Fast Electrodepositing Behavior of Nickel Using Wire Beam Electrode

  22. 适合中高速滤棒成形的烟用聚丙烯丝束的研制

    Development of Polypropylene Tows for Mid or High-speed Filter Rod Maker

  23. 烟用聚丙烯丝束的纺牵工艺

    Technology of spinning and drawing of PP tow for cigarette filter

  24. 使用强碱及乌洛托品降解醋酸纤维丝束的比较研究

    Comparative Experiments on Degradation of Acetate Fibrils by Using Different Dissolvents

  25. 七自由度四丝束纤维铺放机及数控系统的开发

    Development of 7-DOF Four Tows Fiber Placement Machine and CNC System

  26. 聚丙烯腈纤维或变性聚丙烯腈纤维长丝丝束GB15270-1994聚丙烯丝束滤棒

    Filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic Polypropylene fiber tow filter rod

  27. 腈纶丝束采用拉断工艺方法制条。

    Acrylic tow is produced from acrylic top by drawing process .

  28. 冷拔丝束配筋混凝土梁的裂缝宽度问题

    Crack width of RC Beams of Pullout Mild Steel Bundle

  29. 中国烟用丝束的产业现状与发展趋势

    Present Situation and Development Trend of China Cigarette Filter Tow

  30. 醋酸纤维丝束生产动力监控系统的开发

    Development on supervisor system of power processing in acetate cellulose fibers production