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  • silk stockings
丝袜[sī wà]
  1. 不如像MichelleWilliams,搭配件紧身衣和丝袜之类就可以了,但不要选择标准配置啊。

    Or throw on tights , booties like Michelle Williams for an outfit that 's anything but standard-issue .

  2. 抽屉里,除了一些圆珠笔和丝袜,还有一个有10多年历史的黑莓(BlackBerry)手机盒子。

    In the drawers , along with Biros and tights , is a BlackBerry box dating from a decade ago .

  3. 因为两年前与亚洲航空CEO托尼·费尔南德斯就F1大奖赛打赌输了,这位亿万富翁企业家不得不男扮女装:脱掉平角内裤穿上丝袜!

    The billionaire entrepreneur swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings after losing a Grand Prix bet with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandez two years ago .

  4. 因此,Debenhams公司发出的公告广受欢迎,他们宣布将会发布一系列针对任何肤色的隐形丝袜。

    So we welcome Debenhams ' announcement that it is launching a range of ' invisible hosiery for all skin tones .

  5. Debenhams公司减少了丝袜的光泽,这意味着一双紧身丝袜不仅能够给你提供温暖,而且没有别人会注意到你的腿上穿了东西。

    Debenhams has reduced shine of the leg-wear , meaning that you get the warmth offered by a pair of tights , but none else will notice you have got anything on your legs .

  6. Debenhams丝袜买手乔安娜·汤森说:“裸色丝袜是最好的保持时尚的秘密武器。这是女性对抗冬天来临的一个武器,金秋时日穿着黑色不透明的连裤袜太沉闷了。”

    Debenhams hosiery buyer , Joanna Townsend , said : " Nude hosiery is one of fashion 's best kept secrets . It 's a woman 's weapon to fight the onset of winter , when wearing black opaque tights is just too depressing on a golden autumn 's day . "

  7. 这些颜色的丝袜各有三种不同的尺寸,每双3.5英镑。

    They are all available in three sizes and are priced at £ 3.50 a pair .

  8. 丝袜颜色包括橄榄色、青铜色以及咖啡色,还有更贴近肤色的浅褐色和蜂蜜色。

    Colours available include olive , bronze and coffee along with fairer skin tones such as beige and honey .

  9. 他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子,落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长筒丝袜里。

    He besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the man 's daughters .

  10. 汤森补充说:“我们的研究发现,市场上针对深肤色的自然丝袜有很大的缺口。”

    Townsend adds : " Our research identified a huge gap in the market for natural hosiery for darker skin tones . "

  11. 最好的情报就是来自一个丝袜商人,他与德国海军邮局有联系,

    The best ... came from a black market dealer in silk stockings with a contact in the German Naval Post Office ,

  12. 你有半小时的午餐时间我建议你利用那段时间买一双新丝袜

    And you get a half-hour for lunch . And may I suggest you go get yourself a pair of stockings during that time ?

  13. 剑桥公爵夫人因为钟爱80年代样式的透明丝袜引发了一些追随者,但也曾遭到批评。

    The Duchess of Cambridge has been criticised for her love of Eighties-style sheer hosiery , which has sparked a bit of a following .

  14. 想必你已经知道了指甲油用来防止丝袜继续脱丝的功效了,用它来挽救要脱落的纽扣效果也不错。

    You probably already know how great clear nail polish is at stopping runs in tights , but it 's also great at preventing loose buttons from falling off .

  15. 下面的照片中,卡特穿着设计师专门设计的连衫裙,看起来非常完美,但是几乎每套套装都与老气的有光泽的丝袜搭配。

    In the following pictures , Kate looked perfect when it comes to designer frocks , but with almost every single outfit , she is wearing ageing shiny hosiery .

  16. 每天开始的时候,加西亚女士通常会穿得很有层次感:她外出的典型打扮可能会是一件钉珠上衣、一件皮夹克、一条半裙,外加透明丝袜。

    Ms. Garcia usually starts her day wearing several layers of clothing : A typical outfit might be a beaded top , a leather jacket , a skirt and opaque tights .

  17. 她住在路易家里,因为她自己家在波多黎各。她好像是叫玛琳或者玛芮斯,或者跟这差不多的名字。她总是穿暗色的尼龙丝袜,化很多妆,那是她推销雅芳的时候不花钱得来的。

    She lives with Louie 's family because her own family is in Puerto Rico. Her name is Marin or Maris or something like that , and she wears dark nylons all the time and lots of makeup she gets free from selling Avon .