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  • handbag;Clutch
  1. 上班的公文包换成精美的晚装手包。

    Trade your pocketbook for a delicate evening clutch .

  2. 一件光耀夺目的单品,比如一个手包,或者卡米拉.贝尔这件迷你短裙,能够在瞬间提亮你的装扮。

    One shimmery piece , like a clutch or Camilla Belle 's mini , dresses up any look in seconds .

  3. 她把镜子靠在手包上支好,开始涂口红。

    She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips

  4. COACH管理培训生计划期待你的出现!要成为世界一流的奢侈手包及饰品品牌,我们坚信人才是关键。

    We are sincerely inviting strong and talented individuals , with passion for the brand , to join the Management Trainee Program .

  5. 纽约市场调查公司PaoPrinciple的一项调查显示,将近90%的受访中国富人过去一年内都购买了一个名贵手包。

    A survey by New York market research firm Pao Principle found that almost 90 % of ' well heeled ' Chinese surveyed had purchased a designer handbag in the past year .

  6. 过去在eBay上,从古驰(Gucci)手包到汽车,几乎什么都能买到。但是由于面临来自亚马逊公司(Amazon)的激烈竞争,eBay的增长也陷入了停滞。

    Growth in eBay 's marketplace , where users sell everything from Gucci handbags to cars , had stalled amid intense competition from Amazon.com .

  7. 任何一位百万富翁现在都能买得起宾利车、Hatteras游艇或是Gucci手包。

    Any mere millionaire today can buy a Bentley , Hatteras yacht or Gucci bag .

  8. YSL金属皮革手包伊夫·圣罗兰设计的金属皮革手包是奢华的象征。

    A Yves Saint Laurent clutch in metallic leather is the height of luxury .

  9. 听笑话学英语:PinkSuitSale粉红西装卖出去了服装店经理吃完午餐回来,发现店员的手包上了绷带,没等他问,店员告诉他一个非常好的消息。

    When the store manager returned from lunch , he noticed his clerk 's hand was bandaged , but before he could ask about the bandage , the clerk said he had some very good news for him .

  10. 这篇帖子(用中文发的)指出,奶奶并不知道这是款LV的手包--竟在包里装满了食品和新鲜的鱼来迎接他。

    The post ( in Chinese ) says she hadn 't realised her new handbag was an iconic Louis Vuitton - and greeted him with it filled with groceries and fresh fish .

  11. 与此同时,芬迪的“bugs”系列(每件售价500英镑)——霓虹色卡通式夹子款手包配饰,也成为年轻人时尚手袋不可缺少的配饰。

    Meanwhile , the house 's " bugs " - neon-bright clip-on handbag accessories with cartoon faces that retail for about 500 a piece - have become an essential feature of the street-style uniform .

  12. 该校老师称,奢侈手包并不适合学生,学生书包是用来装A4大小的文件,课本和体育用品的。

    Teachers at All Saints ' Academy in Cheltenham , Gloucestershire , claim the luxury items are not suitable for carrying A4 files , textbooks and PE kits .

  13. 由于高额的进口税,像Gucci、Mulberry、Givenchy一类的设计师手包在中国的价格差不多相当于英国的四倍之高。

    Designer bags such as Gucci , Mulberry or Givenchy would cost Chinese four times as much in their home country , due to high taxes on overseas goods .

  14. DonnaKaran的长毛山羊手包可以视为可爱版的CousinIt,定价1995美元(其实应该配套出售一款梳子,梳理这么长的毛)。

    Donna Karan 's long-haired goat bag , looking like an adorable Cousin It , is priced at $ 1,995 ( it should come with a comb ) .

  15. 后来,Zippo和一家使用Zippo商标的小型意大利女士手包生产商因商标纠纷而闹上法庭。

    Later , Zippo tangled in court with a small Italian maker of women 's handbags that were using the Zippo name .

  16. 1920年,为了把妻子Josephine做饭过程中反复弄伤的手包起来防止感染,Johnson和他的雇员EarleDickson发明了世界上第一个创可贴。

    In 1920 , Johnson and Johnson employee Earle Dickson created the first bandage to cover the frequent burns and cuts his wife Josephine inflicted on herself while cooking .

  17. 在推出的诸多协作款中,就包括了带有“丹佛街集市”标识的一款耐克网球鞋以及一款詹巴蒂斯塔瓦莉(GiambattistaValli)的限量版手包。

    Among the items were a Nike tennis sneaker featuring the DSM logo and a Giambattista Valli limited-edition bag .

  18. 最近准备带儿子参加巴黎时尚周时,这位新妈妈说她带上了那些球鞋,但把OlympiaLeTan手包留在了家里。

    As she prepared recently to travel to Paris for Fashion Week with her son , the new mother said she was packing those sneakers , but that the Olympia Le Tan clutches were staying at home . '

  19. J.Mendel品牌推出了四款令人印象深刻的包包,手包和手提包各两款。手提包材质用的是大块颜色的阔尾羔羊皮。一款手包用羔羊皮和小牛皮制成,起始定价4900美元。

    J. Mendel , though , is selling four memorable styles-two clutches and two totes-of color-blocked broadtail , with prices starting at $ 4900 for a clutch made of the baby lamb and calf skin .

  20. 但是,Zippo的董事长、公司创始人之孙乔治·杜克称,Zippo一直未能在意大利以外的市场成功拓展这项手包业务。

    But George Duke . Zippo 's chairman and a grandson of the founder . says Zippo hasn 't been very successful in expanding the handbag business outside Italy .

  21. 这里有BurberryProrsum的银色金属质感手包和过膝长靴,怪异得就像世界末日之后穿的某种护身盔甲;还有Pucci的金属质感连衣裙。

    Here is Burberry Prorsum 's silver metallic handbag and over-the-knee boots , eerily akin to some kind of post-apocalyptic body armour ; there is Pucci 's metallic shift .

  22. 这款手包是为了纪念日本樱花而创作,由路易威登创意总监马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)和艺术家村上隆(TakashiMurakami)共同设计,以奇特的笑脸图案而著称。

    This style , celebrating Japanese cherry blossoms , was a collaboration between Louis Vuitton 's creative director Marc Jacobs , and the artist Takashi Murakami , known , among other things , for his whimsical smiley faces .

  23. 为吸引那些不想随大流的消费者,芬迪(Fendi)为其秋季皮草手包系列款式配备了各类挂饰,可以吊在任何手包甚至你的后视镜上&当然所有的挂饰也都是皮草做成的。

    For shoppers who don 't want to commit to the full trend , Fendi has augmented its fall menagerie of fur handbags with accessories to hang from any bag or even your rearview mirror-all made of fur , of course .

  24. 巴黎——伊夫·卡塞勒(YvesCarcelle)是一位富于领袖魅力的执行官,曾一手将路易威登从古板的法国手包和旅行箱制造商改造为世界最为知名的奢侈品牌之一。他于周日在巴黎逝世,享年66岁。

    Yves Carcelle , the charismatic executive who transformed Louis Vuitton from a staid French maker of handbags and travel trunks into one of the world 's most recognizable luxury brands , died on Sunday in Paris . He was 66 .

  25. 我这有个很重要的手包抢劫案

    I 'm working on a very important purse snatching case .

  26. 你知道这里有人丢了一个手包么?

    Do you know someone who lost a purse around here ?

  27. 另一张则是她装着爱马仕手包的满当当的柜子。

    Another revealed her closet full of Herm è s handbags .

  28. 仔细检查手包,寻找可能表明伪造的破绽。

    Examine the bag carefully for this sign of a possible counterfeit .

  29. 菲欧娜答道,把她的手包放在另一张椅子上。

    Fiona answered , and she put her bag on another chair .

  30. 别把手包起来,要大方秀出来。

    You mustn 't hide it , display it proudly .