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  1. 你绝拿不了所有这些包包袋袋的。

    You can 't possibly carry all those bags .

  2. 他把一包包的衣服夹在胳膊下面。

    He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms

  3. 那位老人到达时,头上顶着个大包包。

    The old man arrived , bearing a large bundle on his head .

  4. 街上有个男人在卖一包包热栗子

    A man in the street was selling bags of hot chestnuts .

  5. 包包里还总会放着两条不同花色的头巾作装饰。

    A turban for in returning gross would putting two different assortments makes the adornment .

  6. 因此,有些人会特意使用“隐形包包”作伪装来骗过小偷。

    Therefore , some people deliberately2 use stealth bag as a disguise to fool thieves .

  7. 包包的外表决定你是否会被视为(抢劫或行窃的)目标。

    What the bag looks like can determine whether you will be recognized as a target .

  8. “隐形包包”就是目的在于掩盖其价格、使用者或内容物的包包或手袋。

    Stealth bag is a bag or purse designed to disguise1 its cost , wearer , or contents .

  9. 除此之外,如果对方是家底丰厚的“备胎”,更会三不五时送你礼物,即使贵重如名牌包包、手提电脑、珠宝首饰,为博你一笑,就算花再多的钱都心甘情愿。

    Also , they would never go Dutch but take care of you for everything . Apart from that , they are likely to bring you gifts if they happen to be born loaded including luxury bags , laptops , jewelry .

  10. PerformanceInspector程序包包括一个内核补丁文件和一个驱动程序补丁文件。

    The Performance Inspector package contains a kernel patch file and a driver patch file .

  11. DB2修复包包含bug修复、新的特性和性能增强。

    DB2 FixPaks contain important bug fixes and performance enhancements .

  12. 传递的参数包含以冒号(:)分隔的Java包名列表(这些包包含从模式派生的类)。

    The argument passed contains a list of colon (:) separated Java package names that contain schema derived classes .

  13. 工具包包括Qt、GTK+和Motif。

    Toolkits include Qt , GTK + and Motif .

  14. 让人从心中对LV等名牌LOGO包包产生无比热爱。

    People from the heart have a love for brands such as LV LOGO bag .

  15. JPA实体包包含带注释的JPA实体对象。

    The JPA entities package contains the annotated JPA entity objects .

  16. 资源适配器包包含应用程序编程接口(ApplicationProgramInterface,API),可用于帮助从会话EJB访问CICS应用程序。

    There are application program interfaces ( APIs ) in the resource adapter package to facilitate access to the CICS application from the session EJBs .

  17. IBMTivoliDirectoryServerSDK工具包包括几个用于操作目录服务器和数据库的命令行实用工具。

    The IBM Tivoli Directory Server SDK kit includes several command line utilities for manipulating the Directory Server and Database .

  18. Dojo包包含一个或多个文件,在其他文件上有可选的依赖项。

    Dojo packages consist of one or more files , with optional dependencies on others .

  19. 该包包括URI类,后者频繁用于Android应用程序开发,而不仅仅是传统的联网方面。

    This package includes the URI class , which is used frequently in Android application development beyond traditional networking .

  20. 主Git包包含git可执行文件和一些辅助Git应用程序。

    The main Git package contains the git executable and a few auxiliary Git applications .

  21. 如果这些包包不再lv的橱窗里,我们还相信他们是lv吗?

    If these bags are not in LV 's windows , do we still believe that they are LV ?

  22. 这个特性包包含可用于嵌入点击呼叫、共同浏览和双向表单功能的Dojo小部件。

    The feature pack includes Dojo widgets you can use to embed click-to-call , co-browsing , and two-way form capability .

  23. Mitchell我说过别把钥匙放包包里!

    Oh , mitchell , I told you not to put the keys in the bag !

  24. 这里的输出表明Ethernet数据包包含了IP数据、全部数据包大小和时间,以及数据包的目标和来源地址。

    The output here specifies that the Ethernet packet contains IP data , specifies the overall packet size and time , and the destination and source Ethernet addresses for the packet .

  25. 核心JAX-RPC包包含一个用于调用Web服务的功能完备的JAX-RPC客户机以及JAX-RPC服务器的一个参考实现。

    The core JAX-RPC package contains a fully functional JAX-RPC client for invoking Web services and a reference implementation of a JAX-RPC server .

  26. 提高100t精炼钢包包衬寿命的途径

    Measures to improve lining life of 100t refining ladle

  27. 各系列素材包包含了其相匹配的元素,比如动态背景,动态叠加,降低三分之二,SD和HD分辨率下动画抹掉转场等。

    Each volume contains a set of matching elements such as backgrounds , overlays , lower thirds and animated wipes in both SD and HD resolutions .

  28. 本工具包包括了以下的演示、Podcast、Webcast、白皮书以及文章教程

    This kit contains the following demos , podcasts , webcasts , whitepaper , and articles

  29. 功能包包含启用SCMP和运行SFM控制台的文件。

    The feature pack will contain files for both SCMP enablement and for running the SFM console .

  30. 宝钢300t钢包包衬材质的选用与改进

    Selection and improvement of the 300t ladle linings in Baoshan Iron & Steel Complex