
  • 网络packing;PACKING CHARGE;Packing and wrapping expenses
  1. 如包装费包括在内,我们愿意接受你方报价。

    We will accept your offer if packing charges is include .

  2. 包装费已包括在价格之内。

    Packing charges are Include In the price .

  3. 本价格包括邮资和包装费。

    The price includes postage and packing .

  4. 所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。

    All prices include postage and packing .

  5. 请寄上18.99英镑的支票,外加2英镑的邮资和包装费。

    Send a cheque for £ 18.99 plus £ 2 for postage and packing

  6. 除修理费之外还有邮寄和包装费。

    There 's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge .

  7. 全部价格为fob到贵方运输港口,包括耐航包装费。

    Unit and total price FOB your port of shipment , seaworthy packing included .

  8. 我们的报价将是以英镑为单位,FOB英国口岸价,包括包装费。

    Our quotation is FOB UK Ports , package fee included , in sterling pound .

  9. 包装费应由买方承担。

    The packing and wrapping expenses shall be borne by the buyer .

  10. 那么包装费和保险费呢?包括不包括在价格中。

    What about packing and insurance ? Include or not ?

  11. 该系统售价100英镑,包括邮费,包装费以及12个月的使用保证。

    The system costs £ 100 including postage , packing and a12-month guarantee .

  12. 我价格已包括具体出口包装费在内。

    Special export packing is include in our price .

  13. 谁支付运费,包装费,管理费,保险,以及其他费用?

    Who pays shipping , packing , handling , insurance , and other cost ?

  14. 这种物品的价格已包含了包装费。

    The cost of this article includes packaging .

  15. 以上报价包含包装费;

    The quote above including packing fee ;

  16. 贵方报价应包括板条箱包装费及到我方仓库的运费。

    Your price is to include packing in crate , and delivery to our warehouse .

  17. 价格中包括包装费。

    Packing be include in the price .

  18. 凡英国国内的订货,请附上2.5英镑的邮资及包装费。

    For orders within the uk , please enclose $ 2.50 for post and packing .

  19. 装卸的费用(特别是包装费和定单邮寄费)。

    The cost of handling ( especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order ) .

  20. 价格为装置出厂价,含指导安装、调试费、木箱包装费(不含运费)。

    The price is ex-factory price , including installation instruction , commissioning cost ,( excluding freight ) .

  21. 包装费中有1美元是包装桶的费用,此费用在桶还给我们时可退回。

    883 Our packing charge includes $ 1 for the drum , which sum will be credited on return .

  22. 我们建议你重新评估你的刊登并确保只收实际运费及包装费。

    We recommend that you take a moment to review your listing to ensure only actual shipping and packaging costs are being charged .

  23. 所有退回必升能的产品产生的重新进货费用加上运输费、包装费、保险费和任何进出口费用,也均由买方承担。

    All Product returned to Fisnar shall be subject to a restocking charge plus the costs of freight , packaging , insurance and any import or export costs .

  24. 扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、运费、包装费

    " without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts , rebates , returns , commissions , indirect taxes , insurance premiums , freights , packing expenses , transportation charges "

  25. 卖方必须自付费用订立运输合同,将货物运至指定目的港的指定的点。谁支付运费,包装费,管理费,保险,以及其他费用?

    The seller must contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named point , if any , at the named port of destination . Who pays shipping , packing , handling , insurance , and other cost ?

  26. 但这不是因为变化莫测的市场,而是因为包装材料费和运费要加到售价里来(大多数时候)不是个轻松活。

    Stuff needs to be calculated and since shipping is included in the price ( most of the times ), it 's not that easy task .

  27. 请注意:货物必须仔细包装,保险费由我方自理。

    Kindly take care that the goods should be carefully packed . Insurance will be effected by ourselves .

  28. 卖方负责设备的包装,包装费包括在设备总价内。

    The Seller shall be responsible for package of the equipment , which shall be included in the total prices of the equipment .

  29. 我必须说清楚:使用不同的包装材料,包装费就不一样。

    I must make it clear that with the different packing material , the packing expenses will be different .

  30. 一如所获的指示,这批货物将在曼谷重新包装,这项特别包装费并未包括在我们的价格中。

    They are to be packed at Bangkok , as we have been informed , and the charges for special packing are excluded from our price .