
  • 网络channel decisions;Channel Decision-making
  1. 简要的阐述了GIS在目标市场选择、竞争形式分析、销售网络确定、销售渠道决策、产品供应调控等方面的应用方法和基本模式。

    It briefly describes the GIS application methods and basic modes in the aspect of objective market selection , sale network planning and so on .

  2. 浅论客车产品市场营销渠道决策

    Talking about the Policy Decision of the Coach-product Marketing Ways

  3. 营销渠道决策是企业面临的重要决策之一。

    Marketing channel decision is one of important decisions that enterprises must face .

  4. 营销渠道决策系统分析

    On Analysis of Marketing Channel Decision System

  5. 而且渠道决策对于生产商比渠道成员具有更长久的约束性。

    And the channel decision of a company have more long-last restriction than channel member for the producer .

  6. 从运营商进行渠道决策需要考虑的因素出发,根据环境变化调整渠道管理策略。

    Adjust channel management strategy , according to environmental change since operator carries out the channel decision factor that need to consider .

  7. 分销渠道决策在整个供应链管理中非常关键,因为它直接影响着其它的市场决策。

    Distribution channel decision is one of the most important decision in supply chain management , because it has direct effect on other marketing decisions .

  8. 营销力在企业的竞争力建设中非常重要,营销渠道决策又是营销中的重要决策之一,所谓得渠道者得天下。

    Sales force in the construction of enterprises is very important . Marketing decision-making is one of the important decisions and the so-called channel bidders are the world .

  9. 其次,居住环境形态的营造是多层次、多渠道决策活动的结果,它要求住宅的创作过程必须是一个包含多阶层、多角色共同参与的开放过程。

    Secondly , the construction of residential environmental pattern is the outcome of a multi-level and multi-channel strategy , which requires an open housing design process involving multi-class and multi-role participation .

  10. 强零售商的竞争型闭环供应链回收渠道的决策

    Reverse channel decision for competing closed-loop supply chain with dominant retailer

  11. 消费品分销渠道模式决策

    The mode of distribution channel of the consumer goods makes policy

  12. 营销渠道系统决策研究的进展与思考

    The Latest Development and Thinking on Studies of Marketing Channel System Decision-making

  13. 消费者购物渠道选择决策意向是消费者购物渠道选择决策的主要依据。

    The intention of selecting shopping channel is the basis of customers ' shopping channel choosing decision .

  14. 营销渠道的决策与管理在市场营销组合中占有重要的地位,俗话说得渠道者得天下。

    The decision-making and the management of the marketing channel play a significant part in the marketing combination .

  15. 考虑到中间商的利益和渠道成员决策一致性,本文也比较了三种模式中中间商的利润极值,其结果作为制造商选择决策的辅助条件。

    Considering the profit of resellers and the coherency of decision-making , the article also compres the resellers ' profit max values in three channels and the results maybe the assistant conditions for manufacturers ' choosing-decision .

  16. 但是,在现实生活中,公众参与公共决策要受到公共决策体制、政治文化、参与成本、参与渠道以及决策信息等因素的制约。

    However , in our daily life , People 's participation in public decision-making is restricted by the decision-making system , political culture , the cost of participation , the participating channels and the information of decision-making .

  17. 现阶段,我国企业的分销渠道模式决策基本沿用传统的渠道管理理论,借鉴国外的企业分销渠道管理实践,这就使得企业的分销渠道模式决策存在不适应性。

    But at this stage , the decision of distribution channels model bases on the traditional decision-making channels of basic management theory and corporate foreign distribution channel management practices , and the decision-making of the distribution channels model are adaptive .

  18. 不同价格模式下的双渠道供应链决策研究

    Study on Decisions of Dual Channel Supply Chain with Different Pricing Schemes

  19. 文章采用两阶段法对多渠道融资结构决策进行分析,为决策者提供科学的决策支持。

    In this paper , two-phase method was adopted in the process of the decision of the structure of multi-sourced financing to supply the scientific decision support .

  20. 本研究透过文献回顾、专家访谈及脑力激荡等方式,搜集影响灌溉渠道更新改善决策因素,计得十七项因子,归类为三大指标群,并建立层级结构。

    This research total organized seventeen effect factors to build up the " Analytic Hierarchy Process Decision Mold " by many ways , such as documents review , experts interview and brain expression .

  21. 通过实例验证了指标的科学性与评价方法的可行性,为房地产开发企业选择营销渠道及管理决策提供了量化依据。

    Finally , verify the scientific of indicators and the feasibility of the method by examples . Provide a quantitative for real estate Development Company to choose marketing channel and decision-making . 5 .

  22. 研究结论可以为中小制造企业协调传统分销和网络分销双渠道的运营提供决策借鉴。

    This conclusion can be helpful to Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises with the intention of running both traditional and Internet distribution .

  23. 其中物流服务提供商同时为制造商和分销商提供服务,两个渠道拥有独立的决策权和需求量,价格为外生变量。

    Logistics service provider services to manufacturers and distributors at the same time , two channels have independent decision-making power and demand , price is exogenous variable .

  24. 然后从经济学的研究角度,将渠道成员看作理性决策者,通过构建两类博弈模型,说明营销渠道冲突的产生是不可避免的。

    From the research angle of economics , it looks channel members as reasonable decision makers , constructs two kinds of game models to illustrate the occurrence of the channel conflict is unavoidable .

  25. 然后将选择依据函数化,得到渠道成员的渠道决策函数,并以函数图像为工具进一步挖掘了结论的涵义。

    After that , the article makes the conditions be functions , and gets the members ' channel choosing-decision functions , then the author analyzes the conclusion further more using the images of channel-decision function .

  26. 文摘:政策问题就是经过一定的渠道反映到有关决策部门,成为决策者研究和分析人员分析对象的社会问题或公共问题。

    Abstract : policy problems are a sort of social problems o r public problems whic h are reported through certain channels to relative decision-making departme nts and become the objects studied by decision makers and analyzed by analyzers .

  27. 从经济学的研究角度,将渠道成员看作理性决策者,通过构建两类博弈模型,证明渠道成员通过阻碍对方获得确定的产品需求信息可以最大化自身利益。

    From the research angle of economics , we look channel members as reasonable decision maker , this paper constructs two kinds of game models to illustrate that channel member can maximize self interest through baffling other member to acquire certain product information .

  28. 第四章探讨了中国化妆品企业营销渠道管理对策,包括渠道设计决策、中间商的选择、对中间商的激励、渠道的冲突管理和渠道合作。

    Chapter four probes into the countermeasures for Chinese cosmetics marketing channels , including channel designing decision , choice of middlemen , encouragement to middlemen , conflict dealing and channel cooperation .

  29. 另外,个人属性和网络行为属性是通过影响消费者购物渠道选择的态度间接地影响消费者购物渠道选择决策意向。

    In addition , personal attributes and network behavior is through attitude to influence the choice of consumers shopping channels indirectly .

  30. 因此,如何从消费者渠道偏好因素和渠道服务成本系数两方面建立模型进行渠道决策研究是本文重点研究的问题之一。第二,引入成型定制后多级库存控制问题。

    Therefore , how to make a decision according to the consumer channel preference and channel service cost is one of the key research issues in this paper . Second , multi-echelon inventory controls .