
  • 网络Slotting allowance;slotting fee
  1. 而在中国,连锁零售业是从20世纪90年代开始大规模发展,家乐福的到来也使得收取进场费这一低成本、低风险的运营模式被国内零售商大为推广。

    In China , chain retailer business began to develop largely from the 1990s.At the same time , Carrefour , new arrival , take the low risk business model of slotting allowance which is used by most domestic retailers .

  2. 进场费是一个很有争议的话题。

    Slotting allowances is a dispute topic .

  3. 政府应出台相关法规,规范进场费,并进行监控。

    Our government should issue relevant regulation to normalize the slotting fee .

  4. 零售商一改往日在与供应商讨价还价中的劣势地位,转而成为了纵向关系中拥有相对优势的一方,而他们又凭借这种优势开始向上游的供应商收取名目繁多的进场费。

    Retailer turn their inferior bargaining position into the comparative advantages of vertical relationships .

  5. 基于多目标优化仿真方法的需求预期差异对进场费收取行为的影响

    Effect of expected demands difference on the slotting fees based on multi-objective optimization simulation

  6. 连锁超市收取进场费的合理性探讨

    Rational Research on Slotting Fee of Supermarket

  7. 政府默认合法建材城进场费由“灰”洗白

    Be washed by " ASH " white

  8. 超市公司该不该向供应商收取进场费?

    Should supermarket charge suppliers Entry Fee ?

  9. 大型零售店进场费与优势地位滥用规制

    " Entrance Fee " of Large Retail Stores and Regulations against " Dominant Position Abuse "

  10. 第五章对国外超市进场费竞争法规制的现状进行了介绍和分析;第六章介绍了我国的相关立法经验和司法实践以及相关立法情况;

    Fifth , exterior lawmaking experience and judicial legislation , and interior performance of relevant laws are presented .

  11. 目前,我国超市毛利水平普遍较低,以进场费来补偿利润。

    At present , our country supermarket gross profit level is generally relatively low , the slotting fee compensates the coming profit .

  12. 因为进场费体现的不仅是商业价值原则,是一种市场互惠的行为,而且它完全符合国际惯例。

    Entry Fee not only represents the business value principles which means mutual benefits , but also conforms to the international rules .

  13. 大型零售商滥收进场费等费用的买方垄断行为,危害了公平交易的市场原则和有效竞争,的是反垄断法的调整范围,反垄断法应对其加以规制。

    This monopolistic act has endangered the market principles and competition , so it fall into the scale of the antimonopoly law .

  14. 进场费符合市场的交易原则和竞争原则,可以看作超市品牌的价格。

    The slotting fee accords with the trade principle and competition principle of market , and we can regard it as the price of supermarket brand .

  15. 超市向供应商收取进场费源于美国,1995年由家乐福带入中国。

    It was from U.S.A. that the supermarket collects the slotting fee from its supplier , and it was brought into China by Carrefour in 1995 .

  16. 进场费也符合经济学的资源稀缺性原理和地租理论,能促进社会资源的优化配置,并不破坏市场秩序。

    The slotting fee accords with the resource rareness principle and the land rent theory of economics too , and it has positive impact on social economy .

  17. 在“雪花”啤酒案中,工商行政机关将啤酒公司向销售商提供现金、进场费等以销售产品的行为认定为商业贿赂。

    As to the case of Snow Beer , administrations for industry and commerce regard the beer company 's behaviors of providing cash and slotting allowances for its dealers as commercial bribery .

  18. 因此,供应商和超市应加强合作,整合双方资源,提高供应链的运作效率,提升自身竞争力。政府应出台相关法规,规范进场费,并进行监控。

    For this reason , suppliers should strengthen cooperation with the supermarket , combine the resources of both sides , improve the operation efficiency of the supply chain , and promote their own competitiveness .

  19. 当前的问题是,应该以预前性、合理性、透明性、规范性、互利性作为超市和供应商双方共同确立并共同遵循的收、缴进场费的基本原则。

    The problems is that the basic principles of ' predictability , reasonableness , penetrability , regularity , mutual benefits should be established and be conformed to by both the supermarket and the supplier when dealing with the Entry Fee .

  20. 但进场费的出现引起供应商的不满,导致工商关系紧张,供应链效率低下,在一定程度上不利于超市和供应商的发展。政府应出台相关法规,规范进场费,并进行监控。

    But the appearance of the slotting fee made the supplier discontent , and caused the relationship of the industrial and commercial to be tense and the low efficiency in supply chain . And this is not good to the development of the supermarket and supplier .