
  • 网络Latent Demand;latent need;Fact-Finding
  1. 每个API、每个方法和每个资源都潜在需要某种形式的授权。

    Every API , every method , and every resource potentially needs to require some form of authorization .

  2. dynamic块中的所有代码都能够支持潜在需要的动态查找功能&哪怕代码中尝试访问的成员并不能在编译时确定,编译器也不会抛出异常。

    All the code that occurs in a dynamic block will potentially support dynamic lookup ; even if the accessed members are not known by the C # compiler to exist , it will allow the code .

  3. 环境管理体系认证能够证明企业采取适合自身潜在需要的环境保护方针的合理性。

    Environmental management system certification is an instrument that testifies to the adoption of an environmental protection policy , tailor-made for the specific potential of the company .

  4. 这就需要在网站的设计过程中,尽可能提前考虑到客户的潜在需要。

    The best approach to take is to a proactive approach to the design process and takes care of any potential issues before it 's too late .

  5. 质量是产品满足规定和潜在需要特征的总和,是企业在不断加剧的市场竞争中赢得成功、求得生存的决定性因素之一。

    The quality is defined as the sum of regulated or potential characteristics and properties which the product will be content with , and one of crucial factors for enterprises to survive and succeed in the competitions with the increasing competition of the market .

  6. 如IPM研究中的风险分析,生态系统管理决策,农业生态区域规划等课题,对天气模型都有现实的或潜在的需要。

    Risk analysis in IPM programs , decision making in ecosystems management , ecologically planning of agricultural areas , are all need weather simulators really for the present or potentially for the future .

  7. 虽然这对于许多人来说并不是致命的弱点,但这是潜在用户需要意识到的。

    It 's not a deal-breaker for many people , but it is something potential users need to be aware of .

  8. 精子银行的一名医生表示,有意愿捐精的潜在候选人需要在捐献前做体检。

    Potential candidates need to make an appointment for health examination before donation , said a doctor at the sperm bank .

  9. 为了避免突然出现大量赎回,潜在投资者需要披露其有意投资的期限,这是该基金严格的筛选程序的一部分。

    To avoid big sudden outflows , potential investors have to disclose the intended duration of their investments as part of a tough screening process .

  10. 利用潜意识进行广告诉求成了许多广告人的一种策略,其目的是为了让消费者轻松地接受广告信息,并激发他们内心深处潜在的需要。

    Appeal to subconsciousness is a popular strategy with advertisers in that it creates an easy acceptance of advertised information and intrigues the potential need on consumers .

  11. 认为市场需求创造分析的实质是笃信技术决定论,即企图凭借飞速发展的信息技术革新供给体系,促使消费者潜在的需要转变为现实的需求;

    The essential of the new theory is convicting that higher technology decides information enterprise 's development , which wants to depend on the rapid technology to innovate the supplement system , to simulate consumer 's potential requirement transit to the real , payable requirement .

  12. 股东和潜在投资者需要得到定期的,可靠的,可比的,足够详细的信息,从而使他们能对经理层是否称职做出评价。股票的价值评估关系到股东的决策。

    Shareholders and potential investors must be access to regular , creditable , comparable and detailed information so that they can make a correct assessment on whether the managers are competent or not , and stock ' value assessment has a direct influence on policy-making .

  13. SOA中的联合访问的潜在使用者是需要访问分布式信息的应用程序、门户和业务流程中的活动。

    Potential consumers of a federated access in a SOA are applications , portals and activities within a business process that need access to distributed information .

  14. 如果要基于SA的使用来做出业务决策,则潜在的用户需要了解SA构建人员的最初目标是非常重要的。

    If business decisions are to be made based on the usage of an SA , it 's important that prospective users understand the SA builder 's original objectives .

  15. 验证流域潜在蒸散量需要把流域站点20cm口径的蒸发皿蒸发量转换成大型蒸发池蒸发量。

    The station 's 20 cm-diameter evaporation pan evaporation capacity is converted to that of large-sized evaporation tank .

  16. 创建合理的关键词策略是最重要的SEO任务,这可以满足爬行器和潜在受众的需要。

    Creating a well-reasoned keyword strategy is the most important SEO task you can perform to meet both the needs of spiders and your potential audience .

  17. 例如,如果IaaS合同指定了一定容量的虚拟网络,托管应用程序的内部吞吐量上的这种潜在约束可能需要特定的机制来实现外部吞吐量目标。

    For instance , if the IaaS contract specifies virtual networks of a certain capacity , this potential constraint on the internal throughput of the hosted application might require specific mechanisms for attaining the external throughput targets .

  18. 然而,他补充,像域名服务提供商Dyn(许多大公司都依赖Dyn来提供对它们网站的访问)这样的潜在目标也需要提高它们的安全水平,更好地抵御不断扩大的僵尸网络。

    However , he added that potential targets , such as Dyn , a domain name services provider which many major companies rely on to provide access to their sites , also need to improve their security and better protect themselves from these ever-expanding botnets .

  19. 特别是,有无数的有毒的潜在危险区需要更严厉的控制。

    In particular , there were numerous " toxic hotspots " which needed more stringent controls .

  20. 为使细则适用于所有客户和潜在客户的需要,对上述推荐实施细则进行了修改。

    The modifications made to the recommended practice are intended to suit all clients and potential clients'needs .

  21. 脱氢表雄酮对女性的潜在治疗价值需要充分有力精心设计的随机安慰剂对照试验来探索。

    The potential value of DHEA therapy for women still requires exploration in adequately powered well-designed randomised placebo-controlled trials .

  22. 因此,师范学校生物教材中的生物科学史所蕴涵的教育因素是隐性的、潜在的,需要教师去研究、发掘。

    Consequently , it is necessary for teachers to study the educational factors that are potential in the textbook .

  23. 很有意义,不是吗?确实,最重要的是潜在客人到底需要什么,对吧?

    Makes perfect sense , doesn 't it ? Really , all that matters is what the prospect wants , right ?

  24. 完整的“传统”分期诊断在评定蔓延至淋巴结和实质器官的潜在转移时需要额外的影像程序。

    Complete " conventional " staging determination requires additional imaging procedures to assess potential metastatic spread to lymph nodes and solid organs .

  25. 而各种无线网络本身的开放性及其融合大大增加了网络信息安全的潜在威胁,需要健全的认证和密钥协商协议为网络安全提供可靠保障。

    However , the open character of the wireless network environment and the networks integration increase the potential threat to the information security greatly .

  26. 有时候一个合法的潜在的问题需要告知用户,但解决方案和后果却不能确知。

    Sometimes there is a legitimate potential problem worthy of informing users about , but the solution and consequences aren 't known for sure .

  27. 然而,由于这类化合物具有很高的潜在毒性,需要采取努力来减少目前环境的接触。

    However , due to the high toxic potential of this class of compounds , efforts need to be undertaken to reduce current background exposure .

  28. 更多的系统的早期监测和物理锻炼在阻止淋巴水肿和减轻症状方面的的潜在价值,需要进一步的临床分析和研究。

    More systematic surveillance for earlier detection and the potential benefits of physical activity to prevent lymphedema and mitigate symptoms warrant further clinical integration and research .

  29. 如果是这样的话,以及实际上它是如何使用的。服务界面还决定了潜在消费者所需要的信息,以决定服务是否能够解决问题,如果能解决的话,怎样使用它。

    A service interface defines information necessary for potential consumers to determine if a service is applicable for their problems , and if so , how to actually use it .

  30. 所谓的服务界面定义了服务潜在消费者所需要知道的一切事情,以决定它们是否对使用该服务感兴趣,以及如果要用的话该去怎样用。

    A service interface defines everything that potential consumers of the service needs to know to decided whether they are interested in using the service and exactly how to use it .