
qián zài kè hù
  • potential customers
  1. 该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。

    The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad

  2. 通过分析和研究Web日志记录中的用户访问规律,来识别电子商务的潜在客户。

    Through analysis and research in the Web log records of user access , e-commerce to identify potential customers .

  3. 很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。

    A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients .

  4. 他不得不将向潜在客户测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。

    He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers

  5. 例如,未来版本的LeadManager应用程序要求将潜在客户信息域与邮件和即时消息域联系起来。

    For example , future versions of the Lead Manager application are expected to bridge the sales lead information domain and the mail and instant messaging domains .

  6. 事实上,pda的想法也未能迎合潜在客户。

    In fact , the PDA idea also failed to catch on with potential customers .

  7. 基于SOM神经网络对潜在客户的挖掘

    SOM - Based Mining of Potential Clients

  8. 登录商务社交网站LinkedIn,为网友答疑解惑,这并不是在网上吸引潜在客户的唯一方式。

    Answering questions on LinkedIn isn 't the only way to attract prospects online .

  9. 拍卖的目的是为了吸引那些为了装饰家居想买一幅画却又认为伦敦西区(westend)的拍卖会不太适合自己的潜在客户。

    The aim is to attract potential clients who are looking for a painting to decorate their home but who think that a West End auction is not for them and it seems to be working .

  10. 您能使用RSSfeed来浏览最近的文档,以便经理、系统工程师、系统架构师和潜在客户进行分组讨论。

    You can use RSS feeds to browse through the most recent documents for group discussions between managers , systems engineers , systems architects , and potential customers .

  11. 主题Web挖掘具有广泛的应用前景,包括专业领域知识库、企业决策支持、客户流失分析、潜在客户分析、企业管理优化、行业趋势分析等,与现有的通用搜索引擎相互补充。

    Topic web mining can be applied to various applications , including specific area knowledge base , enterprise decision support , customer loss analysis , potential customer analysis , enterprise management optimization , business trends analysis and so on .

  12. 通过构建和实施CRM系统,将有效的协助企业维系现有客户、挖掘潜在客户,从而增加企业利润率并提升企业核心竞争力。

    Constructing and implementing CRM system will help enterprise retain available customers , mining latent customers , then add enterprise profit rate and improving enterprise core competitive power .

  13. 一本电子书通常是一个短篇幅的PDF,内容是对你的潜在客户有价值的主题,和一些专业建议。

    An eBook is typically a PDF containing a short piece of expert advice on a given subject that your potential customers would find valuable .

  14. 当查看潜在客户或公司信息记录时,UI中的某个选项可以将邮件消息发送给潜在客户或公司的联系人。

    When you view a sales lead or company information record , you see an option in the UI to send a mail message to the contact for that lead or company .

  15. 在这种情况下,运营商都希望能通过运用客户关系管理(CRM),达到保留有价值客户,挖掘潜在客户,赢得客户忠诚,并最终获得客户长期价值的目的。

    Under this circumstance , the application of customer relationship management could help telecom service operators to retain valuable customers , explore potential customers , win customer loyalty and finally achieve long-term customer value .

  16. 当单击这个按钮时,将切换到潜在客户应用程序,同时组件调用UI创建新的潜在客户并使用可用信息进行填充。

    When you click the button , context switches to the sales lead application , and the component invokes the UI for creating a new sales lead and populates it with the available information .

  17. 例如,也许销售和潜在客户开发(lead-generation)团队使用同一个客户关系管理(CRM)应用程序。

    For example , perhaps the sales and lead-generation teams use the same customer relationship management ( CRM ) application .

  18. 根据市场营销理论,CRM既能够有效的帮助企业吸引潜在客户,又能很好的维系有价值的老客户,所以被认为是一种完整管理理念。

    According to marketing theory , CRM can effectively help enterprises to attract potential customers , and to maintain a good value of the old customers , so it is considered to be a complete management concept .

  19. 以电信客户关系管理(CRM)为研究对象和研究背景,研究了基于可拓逻辑的客户划分、客户群的转换分析和潜在客户挖掘的问题,提出了电信CRM的相应四条对策。

    Taking telecom customer relation management ( CRM ) as a research object , this paper employs extension logic to study the classification of customers , the transformation analyses of customer groups , and the data mining of future customers .

  20. 无论是像Cloudera那样主要依赖ApacheHadoop代码的方式还是像EMC这样不依赖ApacheHadoop代码的方式,厂商们都需要向潜在客户显示他们满足现实世界需求的能力。

    Whether they rely on almost solely on the Apache Hadoop code , such as Cloudera , or not , such as EMC , vendors need to show potential customers that they can address real-world needs .

  21. 品牌咨询机构ItoPartnership的合伙人戴维•梅兰克(DavidMelan?on)表示,联想在奥运会期间通过博客和社交网络与潜在客户建立联系的努力,给他留下了深刻印象。

    David Melan ? on , a partner at the Ito Partnership , a brand consultancy , says he is impressed with Lenovo 's efforts to connect with potential customers through blogging and social networking during the games .

  22. 中国的地产市场非常不透明,而这个名流集聚的董事会,可能帮助Winnington减少潜在客户的相关担忧。

    The star-studded board may help Winnington to allay potential client concerns about China 's rather opaque property market .

  23. 折扣广告包:高级和重要级别的ISV在与大量潜在客户获得联系时可以享受相比标准广告的大幅折扣,平均折扣超过60%。

    Discounted advertising package : Advanced and Premier ISVs can reach a large number of prospective customers with hefty discounts off standard advertising rates , averaging up to60 percent .

  24. 对于我们的新潜在客户和即将经由葆婴公司成为伙伴的人,我代表USANA和葆婴公司欢迎您加入世界上最健康的大家庭。

    To our new prospects and soon-to-be partners through BabyCare , I welcome you on behalf of both USANA and BabyCare to join the healthiest family on earth .

  25. 在这个项目中,tcs经理人的工作是“指导”其中一些生产商如何提升其对外国潜在客户的价值,比如通过改进它们的技术质量和提高交货可靠度。

    The job of TCS managers in the project is to " tutor " some of them in ways to make themselves more valuable to potential customers abroad , for instance by improving their technical quality and being more reliable with deliveries .

  26. 上个月,东软并购了芬兰外包公司sesca的手机软件开发测试业务,从而为吸引欧洲潜在客户赢得一个更好的基地。

    Last month it acquired the mobile phone software development and testing business of sesca , the Finland-based outsourcing firm , to give it a better base to target potential customers in Europe .

  27. 面向电子商务领域的潜在客户发现研究

    Research in Finding Potential Customers in e - Business Oriented Field

  28. 利用付费搜索来把潜在客户导向至行业电子时讯注册页面。

    Use paid search to drive prospects to your e-newsletter sign-up page .

  29. 谁都不会忽视3亿3千万个潜在客户的。

    It 's hard to ignore a market of330 million potential customers .

  30. 冷不防给潜在客户打打电话。

    Pick up the phone and make those cold calls .