
  • Target Audience;target customer
  1. 在此任务中确定您的目标客户群。

    In this task identify your target audience .

  2. 确认和了解您的目标客户是产品设计重要的第一步。

    Identifying and understanding your target audience are important first steps when designing your product .

  3. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  4. 面对这一切,人们不免想探个究竟:对于许多公司而言,如果只将目标客户定位于使用谷歌(Google)搜索引擎的人群,是否投资回报率反而会更高?

    It all makes one wonder if many companies might be better off just targeting customers searching Google ( GOOG ) .

  5. DM是直达目标客户的媒体,是为开发商省钱的媒体。

    DM is a direct target of the media , to save money for the developers of media .

  6. 特拉维夫开发商NemesyscoLtd.推出以人力资源经理为目标客户的“诚信维护”软件。

    One developer , Tel Aviv-based Nemesysco Ltd. , offers what it calls ' honesty maintenance ' software aimed at human-resource executives .

  7. 目标客户机必须在NIM主机上注册为一个独立NIM客户机。

    The target client must be registered with the NIM master as a standalone NIM client .

  8. 论文首先提出了B2C关系营销中目标客户确定的总体方法。

    The method of identifying target customer in business to customer ( B2C ) relationship marketing is offered generally first .

  9. 换句话说,SEO要做的工作是如何让目标客户找到自己的网站。

    In other words , the purpose of SEO is how the goal customer to find own website .

  10. 如果将富人(affluent)与大众富豪(massaffluent)通常是国际银行优先理财服务的目标客户群包括在内,这个数字甚至更加惊人。

    If the affluent and mass affluent - groups normally targeted for priority banking services by global banks - are included , the numbers are even more impressive .

  11. 其次详细描述了案例背景,并提出本文所要分析的问题;并根据存在的问题明确了G银行S支行个人理财业务的营销战略定位,并就目标客户的选择以及理财产品市场设计进行了分析;

    The Second particular describing case background and putting forward the problems in existence of case Then Fixing a definite position of marketing stratagem about PWM , and analyzing the choice of target customers and marketing design of personal wealth product ;

  12. 本文的核心论点是:搜索引擎营销(SEM)其实就是基于关键词搜索的目标客户推广,是目前最有效,针对性最强的网络营销方式。

    This article core argument is : at present , the search engine marketing ( SEM ) actually is based on the keyword search goal customer promotion , is most effective , the pointed strongest network marketing method .

  13. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  14. 在HF外滩商品房市场定位分析中,着重分析了其在市场定位中存在的主要问题,发现影响其市场定位的主要因素,包括企业自身因素、目标客户因素和外部环境因素。

    The market positioning analysis of " HF Waitan " commercial residential buildings details the main problems and the primary factors which influent market positioning , include the enterprise factor , the consumer factor and the external environmental factor .

  15. 汇丰银行也在试验一种全球卓越理财服务(premier),目标客户是通常拥有大约10万美元以上可投资资产的中等富裕人群不过,这一标准会根据每个国家的具体情况而有所变化。

    HSBC is also trialling a global premier banking service , which is aimed at moderately affluent customers who usually have about $ 1 00000 or more in investible assets although this can vary according to each country .

  16. 第五章是根据选定的目标客户和市场竞争的程度进行STP营销策略分析,第六章是更细化的组合营销策略分析。

    The fifth chapter takes the STP marketing strategy analysis according to the goal customer and the market competition level . The sixth chapter takes detailed analysis of combination marketing strategy analysis .

  17. 由此得出关系建立的意愿和价值贡献是判断B2C关系营销中目标客户的决策依据的结论。

    At the same token , the proposition that both of the desire to establish relationship with the enterprise and value contribution are decision-making variables to identify target customer in B2C relationship marketing can be concluded .

  18. 这款Mini-Note的目标客户包括学生和那些成本敏感的、厌烦携带笨重笔记本的商务旅行者。

    The Mini-Note is designed to appeal equally to students and cost-conscious business travellers tired of carrying a heavy laptop .

  19. 今年4月,汇丰银行(HSBC)在中国内地推出私人银行服务,目标客户净资产需达到或超过1000万美元,其中300万美元可用于投资,能够存入最低100万美元的存款。

    In April , HSBC launched private banking services on the mainland , saying it would target customers with net assets of $ 10m or more with $ 3m available for investment , who could deposit a minimum of $ 1m .

  20. 银行业处在竞争激烈的环境当中,必须寻找属于自己的目标客户群,并以各种方式提供VIP式的服务,留住他们,提高他们的忠诚度,进而发展自己,提高经济效益。

    In the highly competitive banking environment , and must find its own targeted customer groups , and in various ways to provide VIP-style service , retain them , enhance their loyalty , then our own development , and increase economic efficiency .

  21. 负责别克、庞蒂克和GMC营销的常务董事拉斯克拉克(Clark)表示:目标客户对别克的典型反应是,在人们的认知中,这款车适合年纪较大的人,不适合我。'

    The typical focus-group response to Buick is that it 's perceived as a car for older people , and not for me , says Russ Clark , executive director of marketing for Buick , Pontiac and GMC .

  22. 劳埃德TSB银行的私人银行部门拥有4.5万名客户,其目标客户是拥有25万英镑以上资产的人士,但也会考虑低于该标准的客户,特别是那些有财富增长潜力的个人。

    Lloyds TSB Private Banking has 45,000 clients and targets those with assets of 250,000 or more but will consider those below , especially those with potential to add to their wealth .

  23. SNS社交网站提倡实名制,用户信息真实,不仅为企业提供精准的用户群,实施精准营销,而且有利于企业挖掘潜在目标客户,提高企业品牌忠诚度。

    SNS advocates real name registration and real user information , which not only provides the enterprises with accurate user groups to implement the precise marketing , but also helps the enterprises to excavate potential target customers , and to improve the enterprise brand loyalty .

  24. UXD的主要目的是,确定哪些特性会让应用程序对于目标客户最有价值,并在设计中融入这些知识。

    The primary objective of UXD is to identify what will make the application most useful for the intended customer base and including that knowledge as part of the design .

  25. 加布罗称,网站的“甜点”(此处指目标客户&译注)在于经理人、资深经理人和副总裁级别的职位,并且在2到3个月内,大部分职位仅限Headhunter网站独家提供。

    The site 's " sweet spot " will be manager , senior manager and vice president-level positions , and in two or three months , most of the jobs will be unique to the site , Jablow says .

  26. 确定第三方电子简讯,它和你有同样的目标客户和潜在客户,与它们一起工作你能怎样审和提升属于你自己的电子简讯,Gielen说。

    Identify third party e-newsletters that target your prospects and customers and investigate how you can work with them to promote your own e-newsletter , says .

  27. 而巨头Tickemaster致力于服务大企业,它的目标客户可不是什么准备筹备乔迁新禧的初创企业或准备子女洗礼聚会的普通母亲。

    Tickemaster catered to the big names , not the startup that wanted to hold an office-warming or the mother who wanted to throw a baptism party .

  28. 标致周二宣布,新车型将在西班牙维哥(vigo)的工厂生产,目标客户是快速增长国家中的中产阶层买家,这标志着“一项全球计划的第一阶段”。

    Peugeot said on Tuesday that the new model to be built at its plant in Vigo , Spain , would target middle-class buyers in fast-growing countries and marked " the first phase of a global programme " .

  29. 但是随着特斯拉将产品线扩展到价格较低的车型,同时宝马推出i8油电混合动力轿车以吸引高端客户,这两家厂商难免会日渐瞄准同一群目标客户。

    But as Tesla fills out its product line with less-expensive models and BMW rolls out the sporty I8 hybrid-electric coupe to go after high rollers , the automakers will increasingly be targeting the same customers .

  30. 文章根据设计定位及目标客户,确定规划模式;

    This article sets the planning mode by design positioningandtarget customer ;