
mù biāo qiú
  • object ball
  1. 谈成功与失误的目标球对台球直线球的影响

    The Effects of Pot object-balls and Missing Object-balls On Hit straight Balls of Billiard

  2. 另一名A队球员再投掷一个球,要尽量接近“目标球”。投球时双脚必须站在圆圈内。

    A player from team B tries to throw a'boule'even closer to the target ball or knocks away team A 's leading'boule ' .

  3. 做靶子的球草地保龄球中的静止不动的球;作靶子的目标球综述了除草剂的作用靶标与作用模式,并对除草剂按作用靶标进行分类。

    A stationary ball in lawn bowling ; a jack . With the development of the study in herbicide , great progress was made on the mechanism of action .

  4. 在台球完全弹性碰撞的假设下,运用基本的理论力学原理对主球在碰撞目标球后、碰桌边前的运动规律进行了分析,给出了这段时间内主球的运动控制方程。

    With the assumption that the billiards is perfectly elasticity and by adopting the basic theory of theoretical mechanics , the track of the main ball has been simulation analyzed . The control equations of the move of main ball were got .

  5. 任务范围包括身体方面的,例如朝一个目标掷球;还包括需要集中注意力的挑战,例如玩simon这是20世纪70年代末的一种玩具,要求玩家记住一连串的颜色顺序。

    The tasks varied from physical ones , such as throwing balls at a target , to concentration-based challenges , such as bashing away on Simon , a toy from the late 1970s that requires the player to memorise sequences of colours .

  6. 最后,提供了典型目标导体球的成像结果。

    Finally , imaging result of a typical target is provided .

  7. 重要的是要记住,你必须专注于自己的方向(目标/球洞),不要因为一次失误便失魂落魄,无心比赛。

    The important thing to remember is that you must stay focused on where you need to go ( the goal / the hole ) , and don 't let a bad break here or there take you mentally out of the game .

  8. 保龄球的目标是一球或两球击倒所有的瓶形滚柱。

    The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls .

  9. 目标是把球击过网。

    To return the ball across the net .

  10. 这项运动的目标是把球投进篮圈中得分。

    The object of the game is to score points by putting the ball through a net basket .

  11. 它的目标是把球击过网。然后双方往返击球,一直连续进行到这个队未能把球击回或者使球落在本方地面上。

    The rally continues until one team fails to return the ball or lets it hit the ground on its side of the court .

  12. 本文给出了基准目标如导体球、杏仁核、双橄榄体等的后向散射结果,这些结果均与测量值吻合很好,充分说明了本文方法的高效性。

    The backscattering results of benchmark targets such as big-sphere , NASA almond , ogive , double ogive and cone-sphere , are given in this paper , they agree very well with the measurement .

  13. 查尔斯的球杆是顺着目标线,从球的正上方去触球。

    So Charles'club is coming nicely on top of the ball .

  14. 变化光照目标图像合成的球调和方法

    Spherical Harmonics Method for Object Image Synthesis under Changing of Illumination

  15. 一种基于目标场法的球型线圈设计方法

    An approach to spherical coils design based on the target field approach

  16. 目标设置对乒乓球运动员接发球准确率及自我监控能力的影响

    Influence of Goal Setting on Receiving Success-Rate and Self-Control Ability of Table Tennis Players

  17. 这项运动的终极目标是要把球打进洞里。

    The real aim of the game , to get the ball into a hole .

  18. 记住,你的第一个目标是不能掉球,第二个目标是带球时不能看球。

    Remember , your first aim is not to droop the ball and your second aim is not to look at the ball .

  19. 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务的记者们也有机会一试身手,他们可以在罚球点试踢“飞火流星”,目标是踢中球网上的指定位置。

    Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot , with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal .

  20. 采用不同难度目标设置对乒乓球运动员接发球准确率及自我监控能力影响进行实验研究,试图探讨合理的目标设置能有效地促进运动员的接发球准确率及自我监控能力。

    By means of experiment , this paper studied the influence of different goal setting on receiving success-rate and self-control of table tennis players , tried to find out that rational goal setting could improve athletes ' receiving success-rate and self-control efficiently .

  21. 以相对毁伤体积为基础定义了体目标损伤,给出体目标为球、长方体和圆柱体时计算毁伤效率的方法,同时指出其随机仿真方法。

    Based on the relative damage volume , the stochastic simulation of the damage effectiveness of a space volume target is discussed .

  22. 图像处理部分要从图像中快速提取出球场中的目标,本文所述的目标是球、球门和场地白线。

    The part of image processing must extract the target form images rapidly , and this paper described the method of ball , goal and white line .

  23. 需要把目标定在一个方向上,需要把目标定在球上的某个点。

    We choose which direction we want to aim for , you know , which point of the sphere we want to aim at .