
  • 网络objective encouragement;motivation of destination
  1. 企业目标激励有效性分析

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Objective Encouragement in Enterprises

  2. 民营企业中层管理者目标激励体系的研究

    Objective Encouragement System of the Middle-level Manager in Private Enterprise

  3. 阐述了权力的物质基础与目标激励;

    Setting forth the material foundation of authority and discussing goal incentive ;

  4. 高档饭店预算管理目标激励研究

    Goal Incentive Study on Budgeting Management of High-level Hotel

  5. 民营企业中层管理者的目标激励

    Objective Encouragement of the Middle-level Manager in Private Enterprise

  6. 目标激励对创业行动效能影响的情景模拟实验

    A Situational Simulated Experiment on the Impact of Goal Motivation on Entrepreneurial Action Effectiveness

  7. 对企业目标激励有效性的权变分析

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Flexibility of the Objective Encouragement in Enterprises

  8. 目标激励是当前企业使用频率较高的激励方法之一。

    Among various encouragement , the objective encouragement is one of the most often used .

  9. 装备采购多目标激励模型研究

    Study on Multi-Incentive Model for Equipment Procurement

  10. 挑战性问题中的目标激励与目标强化式策略;

    Challenging target and reinforcement strategy ;

  11. 目标激励与创业行动效能的关系受到成就目标导向的缓冲。

    Achievement goal orientation moderated the effect of goal incentive on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial action .

  12. 目标激励、物质激励、精神激励、榜样激励是学校管理中经常运用的激励方法。

    The frequently used methods are material incentive , goal incentive , moral incentive and example incentive .

  13. 物业管理职业经理人目标激励的现状及系统性对策分析

    The Present Situation of Professional Managers ' Target Encouragement in Estate Management and its Systematic Countermeasure Analysis

  14. 当目标激励变为奉献激励时,会导致代理人不作为行为。

    When target incentive is changed into dedication incentive , it makes a deputy to do nothing .

  15. 委托代理中的目标激励

    Target incentive in agency

  16. 三是激励&学生管理工作的手段,即目标激励、情感激励、榜样激励。

    And motivation , effective means of student work , involving goal motivation , emotional motivation and model motivation .

  17. 激励机制上从思想激励、利益激励和目标激励三个方面进行新的设计。

    The redesigning of the encouraging system from three aspects , idea encouraging , interest encouraging and target encouraging .

  18. 第四,学校应综合运用物质激励、情感激励、目标激励、职业生涯规划激励、制度激励以及惩罚激励。

    Fourth , schools should comprehensive use material , emotional , target , career planning , institutional and punitive motivation .

  19. 教师可以用目标激励、荣誉激励、情感激励、危机激励、榜样激励等方法来激发学生的各种需要。

    Teachers can stimulate various needs of students by the stimulations of goal , glory , emotion , crisis and example .

  20. 这个目标激励了我,然后我认识了尼文,我们就是这样开始这项事业的。

    So that 's what motivated me , and then I met with Niven , and that 's what got it started .

  21. 必须运用目标激励、强化激励、及时关怀激励、树立榜样激励等方法,激发青年教师的积极性。

    So the various methods such as goal incentive , concern incentive and example incentive must be adopted to stimulate the young teachers'enthusiasm .

  22. 激励的科学含义及在管理中的重要性:物质激励是必要的,精神激励是不可缺少的,同时存在目标激励和竞争激励,这些激励在管理中的重要性。

    The necessity of material encouragement and the indispensability of the spiritual encouragement ; target encouragement and competition encouragement ; their respective importance .

  23. 在此基础上,讨论了中层管理者目标激励体系的实施步骤与方法。

    On this basis - it is discussed that administrator 's goal of middle level encourages the implementation step and method of the system .

  24. 文章主要选择目标激励和满足激励两种激励方法,探索有效的激励理论和激励方法在工程项目管理中的运用。

    The article mainly discusses two motivation methods : goal motivation and satisfaction motivation to seek effective application of motivation theory in project management .

  25. 激励的主要方法是精神激励、目标激励、公平竞争激励、奖惩强化激励等。

    The main methods of encouragement are spiritual encouragement , target encouragement , fair competition encouragement , encouragement on intensity of praise and penalty , etc.

  26. 目标激励方式正在工程项目管理实践中被广泛应用,盲目的目标激励将给工程项目带来损失。

    The way of motivation by goal is applying extensively in construction project management , Motivation by Goal blindly will bring loss to construction project .

  27. 虚拟企业的激励方法有:目标激励、信任激励、虚拟企业文化激励、授权激励等。

    This article focuses on several methods of incentive for virtual enterprises , such as objective incentive , trusting incentive , virtual enterprise culture incentive , authorized incentive .

  28. 第二步,运用求出的目标激励场照射目标,获得地面背景下目标的宽带散射特性。

    Second , the field achieved above is used to excite the target , the wide-band scattering characters of ground target are acquired by a complex computing procedure .

  29. 从管理学的激励理论出发,分析了体操教学中情感激励模式、目标激励模式、成就激励模式三种体操教学模式的含意及运用方法。

    This article analyses meaning and its application of sensibility incentive mode , aim incentive mode and achievement incentive mode in gymnastics teaching according to incentive theory of management .

  30. 然而,信息的不完全以及政府的内在缺陷往往导致监管失灵,致使银行监管体制与监管目标激励不相容。

    However , incomplete information and inherent defect of government always lead the banking supervising to be failure , and bring the system of banking supervising on incentive incompatibility at last .