
  • 网络targeting;Target lock;Target acquired
  1. 人力资源部门则将夏季聘用的目标锁定在中学生身上。

    Human resources departments are targeting high schoolers for summer employment .

  2. 中国企业正把目标锁定那些拥有专业技术的行业&机械、材料和特种零部件业。在这些领域,很多欧洲公司占据着优势地位。

    The Chinese groups are targeting businesses with expertise in machinery , materials and specialised components , fields where many European businesses occupy strong positions .

  3. 做空机构GlaucusResearchGroupCaliforniaLLC正将目标锁定一家台北上市的中资泡沫橡胶回收公司。

    Short-seller Glaucus Research Group California LLC is going after a Taipei-listed Chinese foam-rubber recycler .

  4. 例如,它将bug目标锁定为方法、函数、类或包含复杂逻辑的模块。

    For example , methods , functions , a class , or a module of complex logic might be identified .

  5. 并通过静态目标锁定实验和动态目标跟踪对比实验,检验了该视觉跟踪系统和速度反馈PID控制算法的性能。

    By the experiment of fixing static object and contrasting experiments of tracking moving object , the capability of the visual tracking system and the velocity PID control algorithm is tested .

  6. 3G的领导者是三个巴西人,他们的投资资金是从全球最富有的家族募集的。3G将目标锁定于难以保持增长的美国大型消费者产品集团,这些集团如果采取积极的削减成本措施,就能迅速提高盈利能力。

    Led by three Brazilians who invest funds raised from the world 's wealthiest families , 3G wages its campaigns on large US consumer groups that have struggled to grow and where aggressive cost-cutting measures can rapidly improve profitability .

  7. TDA故意把招聘目标锁定于那些因经济下滑而担心失业的金融城雇员。

    The TDA has made a conscious decision to target anxious City workers who may fear for their jobs as a result of the downturn .

  8. BIBT研究所的研究目标锁定在史前文明探源,尤其关注“文明同源说”。

    The purpose of the BIBT institute is locked in seeking the origin of prehistorical civilizations , especially " the civilized homology " .

  9. 在这次调查中,联邦特工和ElPaso当地官员将目标锁定BarrioAzteca团伙。目前已经根据逮捕令拘留了二十多人,同时对他们进行审讯,要求他们提供该案件的线索。

    Federal agents and local El Paso authorities have targeted the Barrio Azteca gang in this investigation , detaining some two dozen gang members on warrants issued against them for other crimes and also questioning them for leads in the case .

  10. 现在,她已经将目标锁定2016年里约奥运会。

    Now she 's focused on 2016 in Rio de Janeiro .

  11. 两年后的今天,吉福兹将目标锁定枪支游说团体。

    Two years later , Giffords is taking on the gun lobby .

  12. 这个战略还把目标锁定在关键市场上。

    It will also target key European markets .

  13. 目标锁定以及雷达显示屏的显示会由于难度的选择不同而各异。

    Lock-on procedures and radar scope presentations vary with the level of difficulty selected .

  14. 将目标锁定在变种病毒携带者身上。

    Is targeting carriers of the Starzl mutation .

  15. 她同样也将目标锁定里约奥运会。

    She 's also focused on Rio .

  16. 在这种市场情况下,各大汽车内饰厂商纷纷将目标锁定在新项目的投放上。

    In this situation , most of the interior part company focus on the new project launch .

  17. 一种方法是将治疗目标锁定在某种疾病的一部分患者。

    One way to do this is to just target a subset of those with the disease .

  18. 对于曾把职业目标锁定在投资银行业上面的学生们来说,情况尤其如此。

    That 's especially true for students who had set their sights on a career in investment banking .

  19. 但是在竞选活动中,克林顿夫人把目标锁定在跟酷小孩相对的投票人身上。

    But in campaign appearances , Mrs. Clinton has targeted voters on the opposite side of the cool-kid spectrum .

  20. 这群年轻的扒手以及具有攻击性的乞丐都是一个名为'看守者'、目标锁定在大型大主题公园的成人组织所支持的.

    Gangs of teenage pickpockets and aggressive beggars supported by adult ' minders ' targeted the vast theme park .

  21. 根据小说改编的同名电影今天上映,目标锁定这一观众群。

    The novel 's movie adaptation , which is to be released on Dec 5 , targets the same demographic .

  22. 这是一位将目标锁定为挑战新的高度,并且敢于将其展示在世人眼前的勇士。

    Here 's a man who 's clearly aiming to reach new heights-and he 's not afraid to show it .

  23. 为了实现具有自动维护功能的网络目录,将抓取目标锁定为主题网站的网站聚焦爬虫应运而生。

    To implement a web directory which can maintain automatically , focused website crawler which retrieve only relevant website appeared .

  24. 教师专业发展学校将目标锁定在三个方而:一是为职前教师提供示范教育。

    Professional Development School will be targeted in three areas : First , to provide a model for the pre-education teachers .

  25. 他们将目标锁定在白领身上,这些人希望吃得健康却没有时间下厨。

    They took aim at office workers , who want to eat healthy food yet have little time to actually cook .

  26. 不过,西格尔及其团队认为,他们将目标锁定在企业家、专业运动员和娱乐圈人士身上,能够填补该行业的空白。

    Still , Mr Siegal and his team believe they can fill a niche by targeting entrepreneurs , professional athletes and entertainers .

  27. 许多私人银行(其中数家最近被大型银行收购)正将目标锁定这些新贵。

    Many of the private banks , several of them acquired recently by High Street banks , are targeting the newly affluent .

  28. 有时候,她会兴奋得浑身颤抖,变得跃跃欲试,就像狗儿们将目标锁定在一只鸟时所做的那样。

    She sometimes started and quivered with excitement , then she became perfectly rigid , as dogs do when they point a bird .

  29. 一批新兴的社交网站已将目标锁定富人,为财富相当的人创建单独的网络社区。

    A new crop of online social-networking sites has taken aim at the rich , seeking to create exclusive Web communities of like-moneyed friends .

  30. 目标锁定,等待攻击,20秒后到达目标,战机还在等

    Target marked . Still waiting.Time on target , 20 seconds.F-22s , we 're still waiting . Incoming ! Weapons armed . Status green .