
fǎn duì zhě
  • opponent;objector;dissenter;anti;enemy;protestor
  1. 对安乐死支持和反对者都有强有力的论据。

    There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia .

  2. 无论老少都看出他是种族隔离制度的坚决反对者。

    Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid .

  3. 能做些什么来减少那些难缠的反对者的影响呢?

    What may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents ?

  4. 他的反对者们认为他固执、教条、僵化。

    His opponents viewed him as stubborn , dogmatic , and inflexible .

  5. 区政务委员会同意反对者的意见,拒绝了这一申请。

    The district council agreed with the objectors and turned down the application .

  6. 他成了烟草业的强烈反对者。

    He became a fierce critic of the tobacco industry

  7. 首相的反对者认为她的权威已经受到致命削弱。

    The Prime Minister 's opponents believe that her authority has been fatally weakened

  8. 凯恩斯故意歪曲了反对者的观点。

    Keynes deliberately misrepresented the views of his opponents

  9. 民意测验显示两名反对者获得了大量支持。

    Opinion polls suggest that the two rebels have attracted a lot of sympathy .

  10. 他最新发布的声明让支持者大呼意外,令反对者方寸大乱。

    He has surprised his supporters and wrong-footed his opponents with his latest announcement .

  11. 隐晦提到了他的反对者。

    There were indirect references to his opponent

  12. 反对者占50%,赞成者占35%,其余人尚未决定。

    The noes have 50 percent , the yeses 35 percent and the rest are undecided .

  13. 协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。

    Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany .

  14. 约翰总是非常温和,总是能够顾及反对者的意见。

    John was always so extraordinarily peaceable , one who invariably saw an opponent 's point of view .

  15. 她从未放弃过她的国籍。即便如此,反对者仍然说她不是真正的缅甸人。

    She has never given up her nationality . Even so , her opponents argue that she is not a true Burmese .

  16. 反对者想知道改革的潜在好处。

    Opponents wanted to know the potential benefits of the reform .

  17. 他们威胁要与反对者算账。

    They threatened to settle accounts with those who opposed them .

  18. 对环境保护主义的反对者来说,转基因食品是邪恶的,是一种未经研究的、可能有害的工具,被大型农业企业用来控制全球种子市场和压榨当地农民。

    To environmentalist opponents , GM foods are simply evil , an understudied , possibly harmful tool used by big agricultural businesses to control global seed markets and crush local farmers .

  19. 反对者的角色不是软弱之人所能够担当的。

    The role of the dissenter is not for the weak-kneed .

  20. 总统拷打和监禁他的反对者已经使的国人生厌

    Mr Afwerki may disgust his compatriots by torturing and imprisoning his critics . Afwerki

  21. 反对者认为,接受IMF公正、独立的意见符合欧洲人的利益。

    The counter-argument is that it is in the Europeans ' interest to receive unbiased and independent advice from the IMF .

  22. “Round-upReady(抗杀草剂)”转基因甜菜的反对者表示,这种基因改造的作物会异花授粉,危害其他作物。

    The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops .

  23. 此外,有些反对者对注射BST过多的奶牛所产牛奶的安全性表示怀疑。

    Moreover , some opponents question the safety of milk from cows with extra BST.

  24. 反对者之一是加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学研究所的billevers。

    One of those opponents is Bill Evers at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University in California .

  25. 范围更广泛的反对者,将会加入支持全球化进程的行列,包括印度、巴西及欧盟,因为如果“b计划”取代了多哈回合谈判,它们将受到极为不利的影响。

    A broader group of naysayers would be jolted into supporting the global approach , including India and Brazil as well as the EU , because they would be so adversely affected if " plan B " were to supplant Doha .

  26. 但包括英国商务大臣曼德尔森勋爵(lordmandelson)在内,该关税的反对者抓住延长建议被否决的机会表示,欧盟委员会应该放弃了。

    But opponents of the duties , including Lord Mandelson , the UK business secretary , seized on the vote to argue that the Commission should back down .

  27. 总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的反对者将其最近在大马士革和阿勒颇取得的进展标榜为决定性的战役。

    Opponents of President Bashar al-Assad have framed their recent advances into Damascus and Aleppo as decisive battles .

  28. 然而,在这个问题上,卡梅伦遇到了极难应付的反对者,包括伦敦市长鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson)、工党和右翼媒体。

    Still , this is an issue where Mr Cameron faces a formidable array of opponents , including London Mayor Boris Johnson , the Labour Party and the rightwing press .

  29. IRRI的所长RobertZiegler说,那些转基因技术的反对者不太可能永远阻止这种技术。

    Robert Ziegler , director-general of IRRI , says it 's unlikely that those opposing GM will be able to hold back the technology forever .

  30. 现行措施的反对者,包括尤他州共和党参议员奥伦・海契(OrrinHatch),认为这些措施降低了安全标准并可能因此而危及病人。

    Opponents of the current measure , including Senator Orrin Hatch , Republican of Utah , say it lowers safety standards and could imperil patients .