
  • 网络inverse pole figure;IPF
  1. 用反极图和织构取向因子等方法研究了经300~980℃轧制75%的Zr-4合金板的织构。

    The textures of Zircaloy-4 plates rolled at temperatures from 300 ℃ to 980 ℃ were studied by employing the techniques of inverse pole figure and texture orientation factor .

  2. 反极图测纯钛板织构

    Measuring texture of pure-Ti sheet by using inverse pole figure

  3. 为了考察大晶粒材料各晶粒体积分数对织构的影响,利用级数展开法计算大晶粒材料的定量反极图,并用FORTRAN语言编制了计算程序。

    To investigate the influences of different grain volume fractions on textures in coarse-grained materials , the method of expansion in series is used to compute quantitatively the inverse pole figures , with a FORTRAN program written .

  4. 通过对半镇静钢气瓶用热轧钢板的三维取向分布函数(ODF)的测试与其反极图的分析,研究厂终轧温度和终轧道次变形量对HP255b热轧板织构和深冲性能的影响。

    The effect of the finishing temperature and finishing pass reduction on the texture and drawability of hof rolled plate of semi-killed steel is studied with an analysis of ODF and inverse pole figure .

  5. 通过分析合金取向分布函数(ODF)及其反极图,研究了塑性加工率与时效处理过程对Cu-Cr-Zr合金线材织构组分及其择优程度的影响;

    Texture variation of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy during the drawing and aging process was studied by analyzing the orientation distributing function ( ODF ) and the inverse pole figure of the Cu-Cr-Zr wire .

  6. Al-Mg-Sc-Zr合金板材反极图测算实验结果表明,由LG法所测算的H-M反极图精度显著地高于各种现行的近似方法。

    The experiment results of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy plate show that the precision of H-M inverse pole figure calculated by LG method has the obvious superiority over other current approximated methods .

  7. 如Dickson法实质上是反极图织构校正法,它是Bunge法的特殊情况,而极图法则是积分强度在空间的平均值。

    For example , the Dickson 's method is actually the texture correction of reversed polar graph method which is a special case of Bunge 's method , and polar graph method gives the average values of integration intensities in space .

  8. 立方系材料反极图上纤维织构组分定量的数值积分法

    A Numerical Integration Method for Quantitative Fiber Texture Analysis on the Cubic System Materials

  9. 反极图定量计算中漫散度对织构定量的影响

    Effect of diffuse degree in quantitative analysis of inverse pole figure on textures of quantitative analysis

  10. 立方系多晶材料反极图测建的简化球面调和分析法

    A simplified spherical harmonic analytical method in plotting inverse pole figure of cubic system polycrystalline materials

  11. 本文提出了电解电容器用高纯铝箔晶粒择优取向测量及表述的新方法,引入了表征参量,分析了常规反极图测量的不足之处。

    This paper establishes a new expression and measurment method of texture for pure aluminium foil in electrolysis capacitor and analyses the disadvantages of the conventional inverse pole figure measurment .

  12. 用反极图测纯钛板织构类型直接、简便,对于具有漫散织构、多重织构的纯钛来说,采用反极图比用极图更为有效。

    It is direct and convenient to measure the texture types of pure-Ti sheet by using inverse pole figure , and it is more effective to use inverse pole figure than pole figure for pure-Ti with diffusing textures and multi textures .