
  • 网络Resistance;The Rebel;resister
  1. 心怀不满的反抗者建立了自己的组织:WebHypertextApplicationTechnologyWorkingGroup(Web超文本应用技术工作组),简称WHATWG。

    The disaffected rebels formed their own group : the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group , or WHATWG for short .

  2. 她们是父权制的真正反抗者。

    They are the real rebels against the harsh Puritanical rules .

  3. 他想成为这种体制的坚定反抗者。

    He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system

  4. 他当时屈服了,却自以为是一个孤独的反抗者。

    He had gone under , thinking himself a lonely rebel .

  5. 你正是我所说的反抗者,安迪帕斯!

    You are the opposition I speak of , antipas !

  6. 从局外人到反抗者&默尔索在边缘情境中的自我超越

    From the stranger to the resister : Meursaul 's self-transcendence in marginal contextualizations

  7. 又是一个具有浪漫主义精神的有力的反抗者。

    It 's a revolt in the romantic perspective .

  8. 反抗者广播对于被战火撕裂的城市,是一种团结的力量。

    The rebel broadcasts act as a unifying force for the war-torn city .

  9. 中国,就像印度,是一个有着上百万反抗者的国家。

    China , like India , is a land of a million mutinies now .

  10. 你支持你们总统和反抗者的和平协议吗?

    Do you support your president 's agreement to make peace with the rebels ?

  11. 警察突袭了反抗者。

    The police rushed the protesters .

  12. 小说惟一的主人公霍尔顿是个不同寻常的反抗者形象。

    Holden Caulfield , the only hero in the novel , is an image of extraordinary revolt .

  13. 惊世骇俗的反抗者&从古希腊三大悲剧的比较中看《美狄亚》的创作思想

    Horrifying Revolt & - The idea for creating from the comparison of the three great Greek tragedies

  14. 就在中秋节的夜里,反抗者成功地推翻了元朝政府。

    On the night of the Moon Festival , the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government .

  15. 野性的丑怪兽还是聪明的反抗者&《暴风雨》卡列班人物分析

    A Savage and Deformed Monster or a Clever Resister & The Tempest : Caliban : A Character Analysis

  16. 据报道,伊朗防暴警察逮捕了德黑兰一批具有暴力倾向的尚未武装的反抗者。

    Iranian riot police are reported to have arrested a number of pro-reform protesters in Tehran after demonstrations turned violent .

  17. 50年间,小说创作的成绩集中体现在殖民者、反抗者、东洋奴、历史孤儿等四类形象的塑造上。

    For 50 years the novels have created four types of characters & colonialists 、 anti-imperialists 、 lackeys and historical orphans .

  18. 山丘上竖着的绞刑架警告命运的反抗者(威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。

    A gallows erected on an eminence admonished the offenders of the fate that awaited them ( William Hickling Prescott ) .

  19. 还有的人将法律视为不平等力量的产物,而将自己视为面对法律困境的反抗者。

    And for others , law is the product of unequal power and they reveal their sense of being up against law .

  20. 普什图人组成了全国最大的宗教团体,同时掌握着多数反抗者,但他们不愿签约受到雇佣。

    Pushtuns , members of the country 's largest ethnic group , to which most insurgents belong , are loth to sign up .

  21. 这些人物兼具理想主义和现实主义的思想底色,他们是觉醒者、批判者、反抗者、坚守者。

    These figures both idealism and realism ideological background , they are the awakened , the critics , the rebels , the Defenders .

  22. 如今的受众已经不再是游走于不同媒体间的读者、听众和观众,也不再是单纯的信息接受者,而是发展成为了媒介文本的解读者、创造者和反抗者。

    Audiences are no longer simple readers , listeners or viewers in front of various media , nor are they merely information recipients .

  23. 第二天,他换下制服,偷偷溜出侧门,加入了反抗者队伍中。

    The next day , he changed out of his uniform , slipped out a side door , and ran to join the opposition .

  24. 只是当忠于卡扎菲的部队轰炸并进入了班加西反抗者在利比亚东部的最后一个主要据点之后,西方才发动了首轮突袭。

    The first western sorties came after Gaddafi loyalists had bombed and moved into Benghazi , the last main rebel stronghold in eastern Libya .

  25. 由《反抗者》的发表引发的加缪事件,是20世纪思想史上的核心事件之一。

    The Incident of Albert Camus ignited by the novel The Rebel is one of the monumental events in the 20th century international ideological circle .

  26. 同时他的幽默、活泼的叙事语言,显示着反抗者的机趣,让人们以一种乐观的姿态,去打破奴役的坚冰。

    Meanwhile his humorous and active language showed protestant 's interests which made people to break the hard ice of slavery with a optimistic attitude .

  27. 讨论了他们对是否存在共同人性的分歧:讨论了他们对个人与他人关系不同的处理态度以及他们关于反抗者的争论。

    And it also discusses the different attitude to dealing with the relationship between individuals and others as well as the argument between them on fighters .

  28. 从性别视角考察,虎妞形象内涵可以理解为有限的、自发的男性中心社会的反抗者。

    From the perspective of gender , Hu-niu can be categorized as a character who has a limited and spontaneous rebellion sprit to the male-centered society .

  29. 我们需要帮助利比亚重建并实现经济增长,满足人们对于机会和尊严的渴求,当初正是这种渴求促使利比亚反抗者走上了街头。

    We need to help Libya rebuild and grow to satisfy the desire for opportunity and dignity that brought the people out into the streets in the first place .

  30. 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳著名的短篇小说,主人公爱米丽同时具有传统的维护者、囚徒、受益人和反抗者多个身份。

    In the novel A Rose for Emily , the protagonist Emily is endowed with the images of protecter of the tradition , and its convict , beneficiary and revolter .