
  • 网络target mode;target model;Target Schema;object mode
  1. XML分解需要一个关系目标模式。

    XML shredding requires a relational target schema .

  2. 面向多目标模式的EXPRESS模型转换

    On Multi - target Transformation of EXPRESS Models

  3. 她检查PDM和目标模式以确保它们是正确的。

    She reviews the PDM and target schema to ensure these are correct .

  4. 在DDL重新执行期间,如果默认模式与源模式匹配,那么它被改为目标模式。

    During DDL replay , the default schema is overridden to the target schema if it matches the source schema .

  5. 使用DB2的decomp例程(带注释的模式分解)比用XMLTABLE分解到同样的目标模式要多花2倍的时间,后者比插入到pureXML列多花4.5倍的时间。

    Using DB2 's decomp routines ( annotated schema shred ) ran about two times longer than the XMLTABLE shredding into the same target schema , which is4.5 times longer than inserts into a pureXML column .

  6. 第二部分:破产制度的目标模式。

    The second part : The object of bankruptcy legal system .

  7. 现代企业经营机制目标模式及体系

    The Objective Modle and System of Operational Mechanism of Modern Enterprise

  8. 粮食仓储网络的目标模式与建设内容研究

    The target mode and construction of China 's grain storage network

  9. 高职教育人才培养国际化目标模式的探讨

    Exploration of Purposeful Mode of Talent-Cultivating Globalization in Higher Vocational Education

  10. 目标模式:空间叠加分析;

    Objective patterns : ( 2 ) spatial overlay analysis ;

  11. 企业经营机制目标模式的构造及实现

    A Theoretical Model of Enterprise Operating Mechanism and Its Realization

  12. 试论中国财政体制变迁轨迹与目标模式

    The Research on the China Public Finance System Conversion and Target Mode

  13. 试论工业企业计算机信息系统目标模式

    First Exploration on Object Pattern of Computer Information System of Industrial Enterprise

  14. 我国国防资产产权制度改革的目标模式

    The goal model of national defense property right system reform

  15. 中国行政程序法目标模式的确立

    Establishing the Objective Mode of China 's Administrative Programme Law

  16. 但在当前应采用过渡目标模式。

    But should adopt the goal model of the transition at present .

  17. 我国高等教育改革的目标模式及其路径选择

    Objective Mode & Path Choice of Higher-Education Reform in China

  18. 军工企业产权改革的目标模式是什么?

    What are goal modes of property rights reform of military enterprises ?

  19. 我国汽车产业发展的目标模式研究

    The Study of Goal and Model about the Automobile Development of China

  20. 我国土地商品化经营要有一个明确的目标模式;

    A definite target model for such management is needed ;

  21. 浅谈虚拟企业文化及其目标模式的构建

    On Constructing Goal Mode of the Virtual Enterprise Culture

  22. 商品流通体制改革的目标模式及其可行性

    The Objective Model of the Reform of Commodity Circulation Systems and Its Feasibility

  23. 它们各自体系融合在一起构成了经济法目标模式。

    Their respective system mix together and constitute target pattern of economic law .

  24. 论经济法目标模式

    On the Pattern of the Target of Economic Law

  25. 青石油设计院改制目标模式研究

    Objective Pattern Research of Qinghai Oil Field Survey and Design Institue After Reshuffling

  26. 企业法律形态目标模式问题辨析

    Argument on the Issue of the Target Model of Legal Formations of Enterprises

  27. 目标模式中对象的统计信息设置为默认值。

    Statistics for the objects in the target schema are set to default .

  28. 关于我国农村卫生事业目标模式的设计构想

    An introduction on designing model in the objectives of rural health care development

  29. 略论我国企业分配制度改革目标模式

    On Reform of Distribution System in China 's Enterprises

  30. 改革的关键是发现目标模式;

    The key of innovation is finding target model .