
  • 网络defensive strategy;defense strategy
  1. 直到最近,公司通常采取的一种防御战略是,努力让他们的网络尽可能地不可渗透,以期击败进攻。

    Until recently , companies typically adopted a defensive strategy of trying to make their networks as impermeable as possible in hopes of repelling attacks .

  2. 太平洋战争前,英美奉行“先欧后亚”战略方针,在远东方面根本没有一个整体防御战略。

    Before Pacific War , America and British pursue " the Europe the first ", there was not at all whole defensive strategy in fareast area .

  3. 通过以上的分析,得出CT公司分析仪器的新产品开发战略,在初期以防御战略为主,进入分析仪器市场;

    Base on the analysis of above , it can reach a new product development of CT on the developing of the analytical instruments : first , developing the kind of new product of low risk , to enter the analytical instruments market ;

  4. 近海防御战略战场环境分析与研究

    Analyze and Research about the Environment of Battlefield in Inshore Defense Strategy

  5. 对积极防御战略思想指导作用的再思考

    Re-thinking of the significant role of active defense strategy

  6. 在军事上,我们的基本防御战略是威慑战略。

    Militarily , our basic defense strategy is deterrence .

  7. 论敌后抗日根据地的攻势防御战略

    Offensive Defense Strategy of Anti-Japanese Base in Enemy Rear

  8. 其次分析确立了近海防御战略战场的范围。

    Secondly , the article analyzed and established the scope of the inshore battles .

  9. 21世纪中国城市海洋灾害防御战略研究

    Research on the Defence Strategy for Marine Disasters in Chinese Cities in the 21st Century

  10. 所以南方一开始采取了积极防御战略。

    Therefore , the South takes the defense strategy in the early time of the war .

  11. 而对于无潜力型企业应该采取防御战略,逐步调整产品结构,摆脱被动局面。

    The no potential enterprise should adopt recovery strategies to gradually adjust product structure and get rid of passive phase .

  12. 纵深防御战略源自君士坦丁大帝的军事改革,成为拜占庭帝国基本的军事战略。

    Defense-in-depth strategy from the military reforms of Constantine the Great , which is basic military strategy of the Byzantine Empire .

  13. 齐长城的防御战略有两大特点,即:山地防御、济水防御、黄海防御三位一体的防御战略;

    The defence strategy of the Qi Great Wall boasts two features : one is the trinity of hillside field defence , Jishui defence and Huanghai defence ;

  14. 保持或维持企业现有的市场地位,有这种战略目标的企业会选择新产品开发的防御战略。

    Keep or maintain the current business market position of the new product , the enterprise who has this strategic goal will choose defense strategy of new product development .

  15. 对于低潜力型企业应该采取稳定发展战略,并使其逐步向高潜力型企业转变;而对于无潜力型企业应该采取防御战略,逐步调整产品结构,摆脱被动局面。

    For the lower potential enterprises the steady develop strategy should be taken and promote them gradually to turn forward highly developmental types . And for the enterprises without potential defensive strategy should be taken .

  16. 面对国外公司在中国专利布局已经基本完成的局面,中国烟草企业应学会运用专利战略,可以采用的专利进攻战略和专利防御战略,两者也可混合运用。

    While facing the situation that foreign tobacco companies have almost accomplished their patent layout in China , Chinese tobacco enterprises should learn how to use patent strategies for protecting themselves or competing with foreign companies .

  17. 第七章游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻

    Chapter VII the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive in guerrilla war

  18. 型战略比防御型战略更善于进行各种不同的成本控制策略。

    Prospectors were also more likely to be engaged in various cost-containment strategies than defenders .

  19. 重申将坚持走和平发展的道路,并采取积极防御的战略思想。

    It reaffirmed China 's adherence to peaceful development and its active defense military strategy .

  20. (四)战略防御和战略进攻;基于HLA/CGF的防空攻防作战模拟

    The strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ; Simulation of Attack-Defense Warfare Based on HLA / CGF

  21. 游击战争战略问题的第四个问题,是游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻的问题。

    The fourth problem of strategy in guerrilla war concerns the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive .

  22. 论现代篮球攻击性防守的技战术特点(四)战略防御和战略进攻;

    Characteristics of Defense Strategy in Modern Basketball ; ( 4 ) the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive ;

  23. 于是战略防御和战略进攻等等一全套的东西都发生了。

    Hence the emergence of a whole series of problems , such as the strategic defensive , the strategic offensive , etc.

  24. 贯彻新时期积极防御军事战略方针,加强军事斗争准备。

    We must implement a military strategy of active defense in the new era and get better prepared for military struggle .

  25. 为了实现积极防御的战略目的,在提出组网侦察与跟踪和多层拦截策略的基础上,给出了一个适应当前要求的区域巡航导弹防御体系设计方案,对其硬件系统的功能进行了描述。

    A design of area cruise missile defense system is given based on combinatorial reconnaissance and multiplayer interception In order to achieve the vigorous defense aim .

  26. 第二,美国从战略防御到战略进攻的转变,分析了战略转变的原因,描述了战略进攻的实施情况;

    Second , American change from strategic defensive to strategic counter offensive , analyzing the reasons of the change , describing how the strategy carried out .

  27. 中国实行积极防御军事战略,在战略上坚持防御、自卫和后发制人的原则。

    China implements a military strategy of active defense . Strategically , China pursues a principle featuring defensive operations , self-defense and attack only after being attacked .

  28. 许多资产阶级军事家都主张慎重初战,不论在战略防御或战略进攻皆然,而以防御为尤甚。

    Many bourgeois military experts advise caution in the initial battle , whether one is on the strategic defensive or on the strategic offensive , but more especially when on the defensive .

  29. 在论述了企业专利战略的概念及其重要作用的基础上,从进攻型战略、防御型战略及虚实相间战略三个方面概述了专利战略的类型。

    Based on discussing the concept and its important impact of patent strategies , this paper summarizes types of patent strategies from three following aspects : attack strategies , defense strategies , false-and-true strategies , and then brings forward four suggestions .

  30. 新的历史时期,党的第二代领导集体形成了关于近海防御的战略思想,确定了建立精干、顶用、具有现代作战能力的海军的总目标;

    In the new historic period , the leaders of the second generation , headed by Deng Xiaoping , formed the unique style of strategic thought about defending coastal waters , which aimed at establishing a well trained navy with modern fighting capability .