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fáng bèi
  • guard against;take precautions against;premunition
防备 [fáng bèi]
  • [guard against] 为应付攻击或避免伤害预先作好准备

防备[fáng bèi]
  1. 矿工头戴钢盔,防备落下的岩石。

    Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks .

  2. 我其实是个防备心很重的人,谁也不相信。

    Actually I 'm a guard against heart is heavy , who also don 't believe that .

  3. 这是一场她完全没有防备的危机。

    It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared .

  4. 我对这事引起的诸多麻烦毫无防备。

    I was not prepared for all the problems it caused .

  5. 小册子告诉人们在家里如何防备各种危险。

    The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home .

  6. 她毫无防备地被拍摄下来。

    The camera had caught her unawares .

  7. 公司需要上保险以防备火灾、洪灾等风险。

    A business needs insurance against risks such as fire and flood

  8. 把羊圈关好,防备羊群跑掉。

    Close the gate of the pen properly to prevent the sheep from getting away .

  9. 其中还包含了一个取消令牌(cancellationtoken),以防备IDE需要取消分析操作,原因可能是因为用户对某个文件进行了编辑。

    A cancellation token is also included in case the IDE needs to abort analysis , perhaps because the user edited a file .

  10. AIXV6.1系统上TELNET的自动下线防备是通过/etc/profile中的参数控制的。

    The auto logoff provision for TELNET on AIX V6.1 is controlled via parameters listed in / etc / profile .

  11. 巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)两周前投票通过了新协议,决定将银行必须留存以防备未来风险的资本金与经过风险调整的资产的比例从2%提升至7%。

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision voted two weeks ago to increase the capital banks must hold against future losses from 2 to 7 per cent of their assets adjusted for risk .

  12. 就像我们在内罗毕(Nairobi)购物商场看到的那样,这还会增加防备薄弱目标遇险的可能性。

    It heightens the danger to less defensible targets , as we saw in a shopping mall in Nairobi .

  13. 浅谈如何提高我国船载HNS污染事故防备与应急能力

    How to Improving the Preparedness and Response Capacity to HNS Pollution Incident in China

  14. 面对二战以来最严重的贸易瘫痪,G20峰会努力制定解决策略,而这些防备政策将使这一过程变得更加坎坷。

    Such policies could complicate the G20 's efforts to come up with ways to deal with what is already the biggest collapse in trade since the second world war .

  15. ROBERTS:我不知道实际情况到底怎么样。但是我认为,我问她这个问题的时候,她看上去确实非常防备。

    ROBERTS : I don 't know exactly what the is , but I think she did seem a little defensive when I asked her that question .

  16. Suckerpunch这个说法最早来自于拳击运动,指在对方毫无防备的时候突然出拳。

    The phrase " sucker punch " originally comes from boxing , it means to hit , to punch , someone when their guard is down , when they are not ready .

  17. 在回答有关大流行警戒级别变更的问题时,陈博士解释说,世卫组织流感防备级别的定义是以H5N1禽流感为背景来制定的。

    In response to a question on pandemic alert phase change , Dr Chan explained that the definition of WHO 's influenza preparedness phases was developed against the backdrop of H5N1 avian flu .

  18. 爆炸案消息迅速传到华盛顿,总统奥巴马收到高级官员的简要汇报。白宫为此增强了安全防备,司法部门及FBI都行动起来全面调查案件。

    The repercussions extended from Massachusetts to Washington , where President Obama was briefed by top officials , the White House increased security , and the Justice Department and FBI mobilized to fully investigate what had happened .

  19. 最有趣的是,你可以造出许多纸飞机,存在背包里,然后BAM!在你的朋友毫无防备时,一股脑全部扔给他!

    The best part about these airplanes is that you can make multiples , leave them in your inventory , and then BAM , you can unleash a swarm of paper on an unsuspecting target !

  20. 没有准备评论;毫无防备的震动;我们的谈判者谈到了毫无准备得非常困难的问题r.e.达尼尔森。

    Unprepared remarks ; the shock was unprepared ; our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared-r.e.danielson .

  21. 意识到其中的好处后,CDC很快又发布了《预防僵尸袭击101招》(ZombiePreparedness101),这本漫画书指导读者如何防备僵尸的袭击,它所列出的举措与防备自然灾害的举措如出一辙,这当然并非巧合。

    Recognizing a good thing , the CDC soon released Zombie Preparedness 101 , a comic book designed to educate readers about how to prepare against a zombie attack ─ which , not coincidentally , requires the same steps as preparing for natural disasters .

  22. 人类反机器人联盟(简称HUAR)和防备僵尸倡议组织(简称ZPI)都是基于这些无端的恐惧而建立的。他们为信奉者以及那些找乐之徒提供相关信息和组织网络。

    Humans United Against Robots ( HUAR ) and the Zombie Preparedness Initiative ( ZPI ) build on these irrational fears , supplying information and networking for believers and jokers alike .

  23. 旅程凉爽而快捷,但米兰中央火车站(MilanoCentrale)的闷热、拥挤和混乱,却让我毫无防备。这座宏伟的车站始建于1912年,但由法西斯分子完工和装饰。

    The journey is cool , fast but leaves me totally unprepared for the fuggy heat and crowded chaos of Milano Centrale , a monumentally grand station started in 1912 but finished and decorated by the Fascists .

  24. 所以如果一个客户端发送一条命令类似:“查看ID200000的角色”,这会使服务器当机,如果没有防备的话,因为服务器会访问非法的内存区域。

    So if a client sends a command such as : " look at actor with ID200000 " this will crash the server if unguarded since the server will attempt to access an invalid memory .

  25. 在联系你之前,我们需要做一些防备措施。

    We needed to take a few precautions before contacting you .

  26. 我们可以预计周边被军方重装防备。

    We can expect the military perimeter to be heavily guarded .

  27. 心里没有防备,所以很简单被污染。

    Without any preparation at heart , we are easily contaminated .

  28. 这些存款用来防备房客们不付款就走人。

    The deposit is an insurance against tenants leaving without paying .

  29. 这是为了防备我比我丈夫先死。

    It 's in case I should die before my husband .

  30. 不过,为了防备遭受灾难而出谋划策使我兴趣盎然。

    Still , planning for disaster held considerable fascination for me .