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  • look at
  • 看:~见(看见)。~空(看机会,找闲空)。~睬(答理)。


[方] (看) look at:

  • 瞅了一眼

    take a look [glance] at; cast a look at;

  • 让我瞅瞅。

    Let me have a look.

  1. 我不能相信刚才一下子,仅仅因为他六周以来第一次碰巧瞅了我一眼,感情居然就冲动得那么厉害。

    I couldn 't believe the rush of emotion pulsing through me - just because he 'd happened to look at me for the first time in a half-dozen weeks .

  2. 他壮着胆子瞅了瞅她那张愤怒的脸。

    He risked a glance at her furious face .

  3. 她惊奇地瞅着他。

    She gazed at him wonderingly .

  4. 他色迷迷地瞅着她。

    He eyed her vulgarly .

  5. 那个建筑工人瞅着我,好像我哪不对劲儿似的。

    The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad .

  6. “我行我‘素’,”他说道,我瞅着他,说:“随你喽,呵呵。”

    He said ' vegetarians unite ' , and I looked at him and said ' yeah , ha ha ' .

  7. 他在瞅空悄悄离开。

    He is watching for an opportunity of retiring quietly .

  8. 她瞅了我一眼。

    She took a look ( or glance ) at me .

  9. 眼瞅着一根大梁掉了下来。

    I saw with my own eyes a girder fall .

  10. 他眼瞅要红起来了。

    He 'll be a celebrity in no time .

  11. 它卷起尾巴,目不转睛地瞅着,非常柔和的说话了,几乎每个字都是窃窃私语:

    He curls his tail , and , gazing earnestly . He speaks so soft , scarce whispering each word :

  12. 小王子瞅着他,他喜欢这个点灯人如此忠守命令。

    As the little prince watched him , he felt that he loved this lamplighter who was so faithful to his orders .

  13. 他瞅着我手拿锤子,手指沾满了油污,伏在一个在他看来丑不可言的机件上。

    He looked at me there , with my hammer in my hand , my fingers black with engine-grease , bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly …

  14. 中国联通己经推出CD瞅手机了。

    China Unicom has put forward CDMA handsets .

  15. RobertOrben每天早晨起床后我都要从头到尾瞅一眼《福布斯》的美国富人排行榜。

    Everyday I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America .

  16. 我偷偷瞅了一眼钟,希望Charlotte离开的时间不会太久了,然后开始整理手上的扑克:黑桃皇后在红桃王上面;

    I sneaked a look at the clock , hoping it would soon be time for Charlotte to go , and began to stack up my cards : black queen on red king ;

  17. 号称“下一代多触碰技术”的新型“3D触碰”(3DTouch)界面会检测施加在iPhone屏幕上的压力大小,据此创建新的快捷方式——比如“瞅一眼”电子邮件和直接跳转至自拍相机。

    Billed as the " next generation of multitouch , " a new " 3D Touch " interface detects the degree of pressure applied to the iPhone 's screen to create new shortcuts , such as " peeking " into emails and jumping straight to a selfie camera .

  18. 自从摩斯开始穿着迷你短裤、背心在泥泞中打闹,并追到男朋友皮特•多西提(PeteDoherty)后,商业大街和高级女装业就都瞅到了机会,做买卖的机会。

    Ever since Moss started splashing around in the mud in her micro-shorts , vests and Hunters after boyfriend Pete Doherty , the high street and high fashion have both seen opportunity .

  19. 取样啁瞅光栅(CSFBG)可以实现对多个倌道进行色散补偿,在取样光栅中插入多相移(MPS)可以减小信道间隔,密集倌道数目。

    Chirped sampled fiber Bragg grating ( CSFBG ) can be used for multi-channel dispersion compensator . The multiple-phase-shift ( MPS ) technique , in which multiple phase shifts are introduced in sampled fiber gratings can reduce the channel spacing and increase the number of wavelength channels .

  20. 头上围着黑色头巾的老年妇女从门廊里瞅着我们。

    Old women in black shawls peered at us from door-ways .

  21. 他要花一个半小时去瞅察一个小时。

    It takes him an-hour-and-a-half to watch " 60 Minutes " .

  22. 这个讲痤极其枯燥,以至很多学生都瞅着了。

    The lecture was so dull that many students dazed off .

  23. 韩德把那些证券翻过来,瞅着上面打的金印。

    Hand turned over the securities , eying their gold seals .

  24. 他瞅着报纸上的照片:银色热气中朦朦胧胧望到牛群。

    He looked at the cattle , blurred in silver heat .

  25. 康妮爱理不理地瞅了他一眼,“管什么事?”

    Connie gave him a bland look . " what show ?"

  26. 迈克尔瞅了瞅坐在厨房里的四条汉子。

    Michael looked at the four hoods sitting in the kitchen .

  27. 她抬起眼瞅着他冷硬瘦劲的脸。

    She lifted her eyes to his hard , lean face .

  28. 我骑上那辆闪闪发光的自行车时,卡尔眼馋地瞅着。

    Karl watched enviously as I climbed onto the gleaming bike .

  29. 瞅他一眼,你就得咋舌惊奇。

    It takes your very breath away to look at him .

  30. 他在床上一下坐直了,眼睛一直瞅着她。

    He sat bolt upright in bed and looked at her .