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wú duān
  • endless;unprovoked;for no reason;for no reason at all;without cause;evil;sideless
无端 [wú duān]
  • (1) [unprovoked;for no reason at all]∶没来由;没道理

  • 无端滋事

  • (2) [evil]∶品性不端正

  • 无端贱婢

  • (3) [endless]∶没有尽头

无端[wú duān]
  1. 有时她会无端地大发雷霆。

    Sometimes she 'll just fly off the handle for no reason .

  2. 因此,新人类文学表现的主题一般都是无端的冲动、虚幻的理想、反叛的激情和无所谓的麻木态度。

    Thus , the themes displayed by New Humanity Literature generally include impulse for no reason , illusive ideal , rebellious passion and indifferently numb attitude .

  3. 无人相信她对她丈夫的无端指责。

    No one believed her wild accusations against her husband .

  4. 电视里充斥着犯罪和无端的暴力。

    There 's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV .

  5. 他指控警方无端施暴。

    He accused the police of using unwarranted brutality .

  6. 无端的负罪感压得她喘不过气来。

    The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her

  7. 对他人无端的厌恶之情别人可以轻易察觉到。

    Strong irrational dislikes of other people can easily be picked up from others .

  8. 这是无端、愚蠢的恶意破坏。

    It was wanton , moronic vandalism .

  9. 你上周的报告是不公平的。它是基于毫无根据且完全无端的指控。

    Your report last week was unfair . It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations

  10. 任何讨论人权问题的尝试都会被以无端干预该国内政为由加以拒绝。

    Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country 's internal affairs

  11. 他们对我们的声明无端指责。

    They cavilled at our statement .

  12. 他们的无端攻击是别有用心的。

    Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives .

  13. 他们无端大吵一场。

    They quarrelled for nothing .

  14. 美国驻韩国的高级军官Gen.WalterSharp在星期三的一次讲话中谴责朝鲜向韩国发起的无端炮轰,并希望朝鲜能遵守平息了1950年至1953年朝鲜战争的休战协议。

    Armistice that ended the1950-53 Korean War .

  15. 最后,联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)应考虑通过一项决议,授权使用武力应对任何违反1953年停战协定的无端侵略行为。朝鲜战争就是通过该协定终止的。

    Finally , the UN Security Council should consider a resolution authorising force in response to any further unprovoked acts of aggression in violation of the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean war .

  16. 等待进程:没有进程需要长时间地等待处理器;同时,没有进程会无端地占用大量的CPU时间。

    Waiting processes : No process should stay without processor time for long periods of time ; additionally , no process should take an unreasonably high amount of CPU time .

  17. 关于巴克莱流动性的无端猜测是由于其递交的LIBOR估值高于其它银行。

    The unwarranted speculation regarding Barclays liquidity was as a result of its LIBOR submissions being high relative to those of other banks .

  18. 当我翻开一本书,放在她面前,在她读a,b,c时,她却用手把书页撕了,无端快活地叫起来,你的孩子就是这样做功课的。

    When I open a book before her and ask her to learn her a , b , c , she tears the leaves with her hands and roars for joy at nothing ; this is your baby 's way of doing her lesson .

  19. 无端隙活塞环在NPT-5型空气压缩机中的应用

    Application of piston ring without end gap to NPT-5 air compressor

  20. 文章利用Robinson判别法证明无端点稠密有序集是完全理论,并由Robinson判别法得到了一个理论是完全理论的充分条件。

    In this paper , the completeness of no endpoint dense ordered set is proved by Robinson method . And the sufficient conditions are given to prove the completeness of a theory from Robinson method .

  21. OMT将使我们能够应对国债市场的严重扭曲,而这种扭曲的主要来源是投资者对欧元可逆性的无端恐慌。

    OMTs will enable us to address severe distortions in government bond markets which originate from , in particular , unfounded fears on the part of investors of the reversibility of the euro .

  22. 香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)宣称,坚定领导和果断行动的时代已经到来,他雇了一名一流的美国烟草业游说人士,来戳穿有关香港空气质量的无端谣言。

    Declaring that the time has come for firm leadership and decisive action , Donald Tsang , Hong Kong 's chief executive , hires a top US tobacco industry lobbyist to put an end to baseless rumours about the territory 's air quality .

  23. 人类反机器人联盟(简称HUAR)和防备僵尸倡议组织(简称ZPI)都是基于这些无端的恐惧而建立的。他们为信奉者以及那些找乐之徒提供相关信息和组织网络。

    Humans United Against Robots ( HUAR ) and the Zombie Preparedness Initiative ( ZPI ) build on these irrational fears , supplying information and networking for believers and jokers alike .

  24. 在我看来,这完全是针对那场比赛的无端猜测,它更多地反映了萨尼·阿巴查(SaniAbacha)统治下的尼日利亚的状况,与国际足球当时的情况无关。阿巴查是个冷酷无情、极度腐败的领导者,当时刚刚去世不久。

    The speculation - unfounded in this instance - seemed to me more a reflection of the Nigeria of Sani Abacha , the ruthless and massively corrupt leader who had just died , than of the state of global soccer .

  25. 本文对DHUM进行了改进,在DHUM中引进寂静段自环,并根据汉语语音的特点,提出了一种无端点检测的语音识别算法。

    In this paper , by introducing the self loop of the stationary segment of the DTW and HMM Unified Model ( DHUM ) , and according to the characteristic of Chinese speech , a recognition algorithm without the ending point detection is proposed .

  26. 我发现自己无端地卷入他们琐碎的纠纷之中。

    I found myself being dragged willy-nilly into their petty disputes .

  27. 关于无端点稠密有序集理论完全性的证明

    The Proof of No Endpoint Dense Ordered Set ′ s Completeness

  28. 我开始无端端地呵斥我的男朋友。

    I began snapping at my boyfriend for no apparent reason .

  29. 每年许多人无端死于车祸。

    Many people are needlessly slaughtered each year in road accidents .

  30. 但是甚至陈词滥调有时候也会无端说中。

    But even cliches sometimes hit the nerd on the head .