
  • 网络The Audacity Of Hope
  1. 这就是无畏的希望。

    The audacity of hope !

  2. 十月份奥巴马的第二本书,《无畏的希望:再现美国梦》在书店上架了。

    In October Obama 's second book , The Audacity of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream , hit the bookshelves .

  3. 美国总统候选人巴拉克.奥巴马以配音版新书“无畏的希望”获得格莱美最佳朗读专辑奖。

    Presidential hopeful Barack Obama earned a Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album for the audio version of his book The Audacity of Hope .

  4. 在金融世界中有大量能够获得有利可图的小道消息并愿意将其出售的小人物,其绝对数量之多令人震惊:并非无畏的希望,而是无畏的贪婪。

    The sheer volume of obscure figures in the financial world with access to lucrative tips and an inclination to sell them was astonishing : not the audacity of hope , but the audacity of greed .

  5. 06年奥巴马发表新书《无畏的希望》时,曾和布什在白宫会面。

    When Obama met with former President Bush at The White House during the time he had published his 2006 book Audacity of Hope , Bush reportedly turned to an aide shortly after shaking hands with Obama .