
  • 网络US factory;HMMA
  1. 难怪今年有关多晶硅生产商(如RECSilicon)关闭美国工厂的消息令人振奋,此类消息推高了在美国上市的中国多晶硅厂商大全能源(Daqo)和韩国OCI的股价。

    News this year that polysilicon producers such as REC Silicon had closed US factories understandably improved spirits , lifting shares of US-listed Chinese silicon maker Daqo and Korea 's OCI .

  2. 第一起记录在案的机器人致人死亡事件,发生在1979年的福特(Ford)美国工厂。自那以来,这类事件每年发生不到一起,在所有致人死亡的工业事故中只占极小的比例。

    Since the first recorded robot killing , in a US Ford factory in 1979 , such incidents have occurred at a rate of less than one a year - making up a minuscule fraction of all deaths in industrial accidents .

  3. 美国工厂化循环水养殖中生物滤器的研究与应用

    Applications and studies on the biofilter in American industrialized recirculating aquaculture

  4. 产品一般美国工厂工人的生产量在稳定成长中。

    The output of the average American factory worker is steadily increasing .

  5. 宝洁将欧洲市场清洁剂的生产集中在它的美国工厂。

    Procter & Gamble centralizes European production of detergents in its Amiens factory .

  6. 通用汽车美国工厂将放假9周。

    GM to shut US plants up to9 weeks .

  7. 其他数据显示,美国工厂的开工率降到了最低记录的水平。

    Other data shows the amount of U.S.factory capacity being used matched a record-low level .

  8. 上个月,美国工厂耐用制品的订单量攀升3.5%。

    Orders to US factories are for long-lasting manufactured goods jumped 3.5 % last month .

  9. 而表现最差的美国工厂的得分比中国和印度的平均分还要低。

    S.factory ; the worst-run U.S.factories scored worse than the average Chinese or Indian plant .

  10. 不过,5月份美国工厂订单下降0.5%的跌幅则较预期轻微。

    However , the0.5 % decline in US factory orders in May was smaller than expected .

  11. 经济学家预计七月份美国工厂的耐用品订单比上月增加3%。

    Economists estimate orders for long-lasting goods made in U.S. factories surged 3 % from June .

  12. 就业岗位受到的影响显而易见:来自低成本国家的产品迫使美国工厂关门。

    The effect on jobs is all too vivid : shuttered factories whose products come from lower-cost markets .

  13. 上个月,美国工厂活动以两年多以来最快的速度扩张。

    The nation 's factories were expanding last month at their fastest pace in more than two years .

  14. 美国工厂采购经理报告显示,10月份出口订单出现了大幅增长,进口则有所下降。

    American factory purchasing managers reported a sharp jump in export orders in October and a drop in imports .

  15. 1月美国工厂生产下降0.8%,此前工厂生产连续5个月保持增长势头。

    Production at factories across the US dropped in January down 0.8 % , the slowdown reverse 5-month production increases .

  16. 美国工厂活动11月份达到26年来的最低更加深了低迷气氛。

    Adding to the gloom was data that indicated that U.S. factory activity dipped to a 26-year low in November .

  17. 我们的工厂先后与许多美国工厂订立了合作协约。

    Our factory has concluded with many counterparts in the United states , one after another , agreements of cooperation .

  18. 当老旧工厂关闭,美国工厂因就近方便,所以补足了屠宰量。

    As older , out-of-date plants closed down , slaughter capacity was met by US plants due to ease of access .

  19. 这家美国工厂将通过对现有设备的技术改造和添置新设备,使溴化丁基橡胶的产能提高60%。

    The U.S.facility will increase capacity to produce Exxon ? Bromobutyl rubber by60 percent by modifying existing equipment and adding new equipment .

  20. 今天的经济日历由德国服务业数据、欧盟零售销售数据、服务业数据、英国服务业数据和美国工厂订单数据构成。

    Today 's calendar consists of German Services data , EU retail sales , services data , UK services data and US factory orders .

  21. 四月份,美国工厂发展缓慢,但是分析人士表示,这种情况不太可能持续到下个月。

    Factories are coming off an April slowdown in the US but analysts say that 's not likely to last in the coming month .

  22. 但只有当倒闭的美国工厂和失业的员工迅速转向其它一些同样多产且高收入的活动,这种说法才能成立。

    But this is true only if the shuttered US factories and furloughed workers quickly shift to some other equally productive and well-paid activity .

  23. 美国工厂在六月份非常忙碌,上个月,一项关键的制造业指数连续13个月快速增长。

    National factories were busy in June , a key manufacturing index were a 13th straight months mount last month rose as a faster pace .

  24. 现在许多美国工厂处在设计或施工的各个阶段,迫切需要一支训练有素的劳动大军。

    Many plants are now in various stages of design or construction in the United States and there is a pressing need for a well-trained work force .

  25. 比起九月份,美国工厂稍微有些忙碌,订单数较前月上升1.7%,上涨的大部分原因是商业飞机的订单数大幅攀升。

    US factories were bit busier than September with orders up to 1.7 % after the previous month and large partly due to big jump orders for commercial airplanes .

  26. 是什么使得一个在美国工厂堆放箱子的工人,挣得数倍于越南或墨西哥工人的工资?

    What was it that allowed , say , someone stacking boxes in a US factory to earn multiples of the wage earned by a Vietnamese or Mexican worker ?

  27. 美国工厂称,由于它们从挺过经济衰退的工人那里获得了更多东西,生产率大幅提高(不过,这样的生产率大幅提高难以再现)。

    America 's factories have reported strong productivity gains as they have wrung more out of the workers that survived the recession ( although those gains will be hard to repeat ) .

  28. 德国制造商可能失去价值数十亿欧元的可再生能源附加费豁免权,致使一些人警告称,德国的工厂将无法与受益于页岩气繁荣的美国工厂竞争。

    German manufacturers are at risk of losing energy exemptions worth billions of euros , prompting warnings that factories will be unable to compete with US rivals that are benefiting from the shale boom .

  29. 问题是,经济学家一直在使用政府发布的数据来衡量美国工厂产出的增长,并从中找到了大量好消息:比如,如今1个工人干的活放在1950年需要5个工人来做。

    The problem is that economists have been using government data to measure the growth in the output of American factories and finding plenty of good news : it takes one worker today , for example , to do the work of five in 1950 .

  30. 华谊兄弟全资子公司点睛动画有限公司聘请了美国梦工厂前总制片人乔·阿奎拉担任CEO。

    Its wholly owned unit , Huayi Brothers Win Animation , has appointed DreamWorks Animation 's former executive Joe Aguilar as its chief executive officer .