
  • 网络America First;Priorities USA
  1. 荷兰国际集团投资管理公司(inginvestmentmanagement)美国优先贷款部门董事总经理丹诺曼(dannorman)表示,“今年夏天,市场对高收益贷款资产的技术型需求很旺盛”。

    " There has been a lot of technical demand for high-yielding loan assets this summer , " said Dan Norman , managing director of the ing investment management senior loan group in the US .

  2. 我们的计划就是工作优先,工人优先,家庭优先,美国优先。

    Our plan is pro-jobs , pro-worker , pro-family and pro-American .

  3. 我们希望税务改革以美国优先,

    We want tax reform that puts America First .

  4. 与普通股不同,高品质美国优先股在很大程度上受到利率和信贷息差的推动。

    Unlike common stocks , high-quality US preferreds are largely driven by interest rates and credit spreads .

  5. 近日,米莉和她的家人前往了保守派政治行动会议,随后便被《美国优先项目》的詹妮弗·劳伦斯给拦了下来。

    Millie recently went to CPAC with her family and was stopped afterward by Jennifer Lawrence from the America First Project .

  6. 美国优先关注中东问题对于北京是个巨大的机遇,它能在不遇到任何真正对手的情况下发展军备,扩大外交影响。

    America 's pre-occupation with the Middle East is a huge opportunity for Beijing . It can pursue its military build-up and extend its diplomatic reach without encountering any real opposition .

  7. 尽管两国在全球贸易谈判中争执不断,且人们担心,印度在美国优先清单上的位置下滑,但希拉里承诺,华盛顿“决不会”阻碍全球最大民主国家的经济发展之路。

    In spite of the two countries ' battles in global trade talks and fears of India 's slipping down the US 's priority list , Mrs Clinton vowed that Washington would not do " anything " to stand in the way of the world 's largest democracy 's economic progress .

  8. 美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御。

    America 's priority is to help nations defend themselves

  9. 采用气质联用技术(GC/MS)对上海市大气颗粒物中美国EPA优先控制的16种多环芳烃进行定量研究。

    The pollution characteristics of EPA priority controlled PAHs in aerosols in Shanghai were quantified with GC-MS .

  10. 利用高效液相色谱-紫外检测器测定大气颗粒物中的PAHs,建立了多元梯度淋洗程序,并选择合适的吸收波长测定出15种美国EPA优先控制的PAHs。

    Meantime , we obtained multiple-unit gradient program and appropriate absorbance wavelength to measure 15 PAH_s with controlled priority listed by the US EPA .

  11. 奥巴马还断然拒绝了一些共和党人的建议,即美国可优先支付国债利息。

    Mr Obama also flatly rejected suggestions by some Republicans that the US could simply pay interest on its debt .

  12. 布什总统美国利益优先的政策也无可厚非,任何一个国家的政府都应该将他们本国的利益放在优先考虑的位置上。

    And it is right for Mr Bush to put American interests first-all governments should put their own national interests first .

  13. 投票通过预算确保所有美国的优先事项投资到位无停摆威胁临近最后一刻的尴尬。

    And passing a budget that will make sure all of America 's priorities are funded without resorting to shutdown threats and last-minute gimmicks .

  14. 该文报道小型管式炉燃煤实验,研究不同燃烧条件下17种多环芳烃(包括美国EPA推荐优先监测的16种多环芳烃)排放情况,探讨多环芳烃生成的影响因素和生成机理。

    An experiment for coal combustion in a small pipe oven is reported with its results . The emission performance of 17 PAHs , which contains the 16 PAHs specified by the US Environmental Protection Agency , is studied under different combustion conditions .

  15. 美国政治上优先考虑的事情已然经历了一个大转变。

    AMERICA 'S political priorities have undergone a breathtaking about-turn .

  16. 总数包括债务还有财政部拥有的美国国际集团优先股股份。

    The total includes debt as well as preferred shares of stock in AIG held by the Treasury Department .

  17. 这种通过坚持美国法律应优先于他国法律而将美国主权强加于人的做法并不新鲜。

    This push to exert us sovereignty by insisting that its laws should take precedence over those of other countries is not new .

  18. 在向美国政府发行优先股,以筹集迫切所需资金后,花期集团面临削减成本的强大压力。

    The sale comes as Citigroup faces intense pressure to cut costs after issuing preference shares to the US government to raise much-needed capital .

  19. 应征者须具有专业设计资质(美国注册建筑师优先),至少10年专业经验且获得建筑学学士或硕士学位。

    Candidates must be licensed design professionals ( US license preferred ) with a minimum of10 years professional experience and a Bachelor of Architecture or Masters Degree .

  20. 向美国政府出售优先股的银行,在最初5年将支付5%的累积股息,第5年之后,股息率将调整至9%。

    Banks selling preference shares to the US government will pay a cumulative dividend of 5 per cent for the first five years , resetting to 9 per cent after the fifth year .

  21. 报告说,90%的亿万富豪都在考虑把孩子送到国外上高中,美国是他们优先选择的目的地,其次是英国和加拿大。

    The report says that 90 % of the superrich are considering sending their kids abroad for high school , and the U.S. is their preferred destination , followed by the U.K. and Canada .

  22. 其中属于中国优先控制污染物的有5种,属于美国环保局优先控制污染物的有7种。(4)三江汇合口点沉积物中有机物种类明显多于赣江南支口。

    Between these , five belong to priority of organic pollutants by China . seven belong to priority of organic pollutants by EPA . ( 4 ) The type of organic matter in the convergence of three rivers is much more than in the southern branch of Gan river .

  23. 美国国防部将会优先考虑那些能够进行电子商务的公司。

    The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically .

  24. TPP的价值将取决于美国在谈判时优先考虑的事项。

    Its merit will depend on US negotiating priorities .

  25. 欣赏这位美国男士贯彻女士优先的行为方式。

    Appreciate this American man insists through the behavior method of the lady first .

  26. 认真讨论合并事宜,应当成为美国和加拿大的优先要务。

    Serious discussion of a merger should be a top priority for both the U.S. and Canada .

  27. 美国政府已购买优先股的8家最大的银行和数百个较小的资产根据这家陷入困境的救济计划。

    The US government has bought preferred stock in the eight largest banks and hundreds of smaller ones under the Troubled Asset Relief Plan .

  28. 增进妇女和女孩的权益已成为美国的一项优先事务,但我们需要更多的国家采取进一步行动应对这一挑战。

    Empowering women and girls is already a priority of the United States , but we need more countries to step up and take on this challenge .

  29. 美国安全局已经优先在纽约和洛杉矶试用这些设备,后续再美国的其他机场也会开始逐步使用这些设备。

    Security officials in the United States have pioneered their use at New York and Los Angeles airports , and they are gradually being rolled out in other airports in the country .

  30. 奥拓说,长滩港的运输时间、设施和成本结构方面的优势,将确保它在许多船商心目中维持住作为通往美国消费者的“优先关口”地位。

    The transit times , facilities and cost structure at long beach , says Mr Otto , will ensure it stays the " preferred gateway " to American consumers for many shippers .