
  • Monopoly;Millionaire
  1. 通货膨胀严重,货币变得跟“大富翁”游戏钞票无异。

    Inflation was so high that the notes were like Monopoly money .

  2. “大富翁”是有史以来最畅销的游戏之一。

    ' Monopoly ' is one of the best-selling games of all time

  3. 积木叠叠乐和大富翁等桌面游戏也很不错。

    Jenga and board games like Monopoly1 are go-tos for game night as well .

  4. 小市民想和大富翁比比豪华,农夫的儿子花钱像个王侯,这不足为奇。

    No wonder , when the little shop man tries to match the splendor5 of the Provost 's board . And Hodge the farmer 's son spends money like a lord .

  5. 他在文章中写道,新版桌游大富翁(Monopoly)设置了一座配备红外传感器的电子塔,旨在阻止使诈。

    In the piece he writes that a new version of the board game Monopoly has a tower with an infrared sensor to stop cheating .

  6. 大富翁游戏的创始人查尔斯•达罗(CharlesDarrow),他是第一个成为百万富翁的游戏设计人。

    Charles Darrow , creator of the Monopoly game , who became the world 's first millionaire game-designer .

  7. 2008年约克公爵Andrew透露说,皇室成员是不能玩大富翁游戏的,因为“太邪恶了”。

    In2008 , Prince Andrew , Duke of York , said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home " because it gets too vicious " .

  8. 在根据真实罪案改编的电影《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)中,以出演喜剧闻名的演员史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell)饰演大富翁约翰·E·杜邦(JohnE.duPont)时隐藏在假面具后面。

    In the true-crime drama " Foxcatcher , " the actor Steve Carell , best known for comedy , loses himself behind a prosthetic facade in portraying the multimillionaire John E. du Pont .

  9. 印度浦那——几十年来,培乐多(Play-Doh)、大富翁(Monopoly),以及孩之宝(Hasbro)的几乎所有其他玩具都在中国生产。

    PUNE , India - Play-Doh , Monopoly and practically all of Hasbro 's other toys were made in China for decades .

  10. 当然了,这位大富翁过着非常精彩的生活,并且她的旅行也是Oprah宣城自己不害怕变老的原因之一。

    Of course , the multimillionaire leads a very glamorous life and her journey there is part of the reason Oprah says she does not fear aging .

  11. 发明猫眼的PercyShaw成了大富翁,Min-KyuChoi也会像他那样,赢得自己的财富。

    Just as the inventor of'cat 's eyes'for the road , Percy Shaw , became a multi-millionaire on the back of his idea , Mr Choi is also likely to win his own riches .

  12. 高级职员都是些大富翁,工人们则受压榨。

    The executives are fat cats and the workers get screwed .

  13. 大富翁钱包,娱人娱己的趣味钱包。

    Zillionaire Wallet , a wallet to amuses you and others .

  14. 我曾与一位亿万富翁玩大富翁,猜猜结果?

    I once played Monopoly with a billionaire and guess what ?

  15. 人们都称他是“一美分垒起的大富翁”。

    He was called " a millionaire out of one cent " .

  16. 家乡的钱看起来、摸起来都像大富翁的玩具钞票。

    Money from home looks and feels like " Monopoly " money .

  17. 欢迎继续收看“百万大富翁”

    Welcome back to " Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? "

  18. 欢迎收看“百万大富翁”

    Welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ?

  19. 若本身有大富翁的话请尽量带来。

    Please bring the monopoly if you have one .

  20. 她一直与大富翁为伴,过着花天酒地的生活。

    She 's been racketing around among the nabobs .

  21. 我早就是个大富翁了

    As it is l am a millionaire .

  22. 要么是昨晚你真遇到一个大富翁。

    Or you had a really good night .

  23. 权力不会属于穷人,也不会属于大富翁。

    Power will not belong to the poor , and not to the billionaires .

  24. 他的生意一年比一年好,成了一个大富翁。

    His business got better year after year .

  25. 作为有一个孩子的好处就是我可以一直玩“大富翁”游戏。

    The benefit I HAD as a boy was that I loved playing Monopoly constantly .

  26. 这个投机赚钱事业让他成为大富翁。

    The moneymaking venture made him rich .

  27. 要是我是大富翁就好了。

    If only I were a millionaire .

  28. 我从没见过我母亲在玩完《大富翁》之后会哭成那样。

    I 've never seen my mother cry like that at the end of Monopoly .

  29. 如果委员会作出对他有利的裁决,他将成为大富翁。

    If the committee decides in his favour , he will be a very rich man .

  30. 只有大富翁会被网到。

    Only millionaire 's get trapped .