
  • 网络Supermodel;Zoolander;super model
  1. 超级名模简·布拉克内尔扮演一个性感女郎来勾引他。

    Supermodel Jane Bracknel plays a nubile temptress out to seduce him .

  2. 巴西超级名模吉赛尔邦辰(GiseleBündchen)最近披露,每天睡觉前,她都会在心里数一数自己感恩的事情。

    Brazilian supermodel Gisele B ü ndchen revealed recently that before going to sleep she mentally ticks off the things for which she is thankful .

  3. 这么说,你想成为超级名模喽。

    So you want to be a top model

  4. 现在60岁的卡萨布兰卡所创立的Elite塑造了包括辛迪-克劳馥和呶米-坎贝尔在内的许多世界超级名模,他被指控对一未成年少女进行性侵犯。

    Casablanca , 60 , whose Elite agency has represented supermodels such as Cindy Crawford ( news ) and Naomi Campbell , is accused of sexual abuse of a minor .

  5. 让超级名模祖兰德(Zoolander)们手臂上缠着一卷卷绳子和皮革招摇吧。

    Let the Zoolanders flaunt coils of rope and leather that creep up their forearms .

  6. 但这款产品已经在媒体上公开亮相,在本周一发行的《VOGUE服饰与美容》11月刊封面上,它被戴在了超级名模刘雯的手腕上。

    But there it is , the Apple Watch , accessorizing the wrist of fashion supermodel Liu Wen on the cover of Vogue China 's November issue , scheduled to hit the stands Monday .

  7. 贾斯汀·比伯今年23岁,曾获格莱美奖,在《超级名模2》(Zoolander2)和《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)中露过脸,据《美国周刊》(UsWeekly)报道,贾斯汀目前想将重点放在影视领域。

    Now the 23-year-old Grammy winner - who has already appeared in Zoolander 2 and CSI - wants to take acting more seriously , according to UsWeekly .

  8. 雯是中国的第一个超级名模,有着迷人的笑脸,她是雅诗兰黛(EsteeLauder)的代言人,也是巴黎、米兰和纽约T形台的常客。

    Liu Wen is the first Chinese supermodel , the kittenish face of Estee Lauder , a runway regular in Paris , Milan and New York .

  9. 亚洲女性在世界超级名模的舞台上表现不多,部分原因是她们身高较矮,而在这个行业中170cm的身高都被认为是偏矮的。

    Asian women are underrepresented among the world 's supermodels , in part because few have the height to compete in an industry where 170 centimetres ( 67 inches ) is considered short .

  10. 超级名模肯德拉·斯皮尔斯登上了2014年5月刊泰国版《Vogue》封面,照片由时尚摄影师MarcinTyszka掌镜,肯德拉所穿家居服饰由造型师EkaterinaMukhina设计,其妆容由化妆师TiinaRoivainew打造。

    Top model Kendra Spears teams up with fashion photographer Marcin Tyszka for the cover story of Vogue Thailand 's May 2014 edition . For the House of Style Kendra was styled by Ekaterina Mukhina , with hair by Christophe Hasenbein , and makeup by Tiina Roivainew .

  11. 刘雯说出了她对超级名模地位的感受。

    Liu explains about how she feels about her supermodel status .

  12. 在纽约难道只有那些超级名模才能被约出去吗?

    Only supermodels can get a date in New York ?

  13. 这个是给那些超级名模使用的吗?

    Which is the one that those supermodels use ?

  14. 1970年代的超级名模都和他传过绯闻

    Dated every top supermodel in the ' 70s .

  15. 而弗拉维奥则总是处于闪光灯下,他喜欢与超级名模泡在一起。

    Flav has always been flash , he likes to be seen with supermodels .

  16. 今天超级名模朴中恩来帮我们开奖。

    Supermodel Jung-Eun park will help us today .

  17. 如果你是一个超级名模我就明白为什么这很重要。

    If you were a supermodel , I can see why that would be important .

  18. 杰夫:我觉得你漂亮,不过你还不是一个超级名模!

    Jeff : I think you are , but you are still not a supermodel !

  19. 中国超级名模刘雯仍然其名气的历史性上升而震惊。

    Chinese supermodel Liu Wen is still in shock over her history-making rise to fame .

  20. 据报道,今天早上超级名模娜奥米?坎贝尔义务打扫纽约卫生局仓库。

    Supermodel Naomi Campbell reported for duty this morning at a New York City sanitation garage .

  21. 我也不知道她是谁,但是在15世纪,这相当于我们今日的超级名模。

    And I don 't know who she is either , century equivalent of a supermodel .

  22. 所有的超级名模都是通过选美比赛而成名的,所以我们都想把握机会。

    All supermodels become famous through beauty contests , so we all wanted to take our chances .

  23. 法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐的第三任妻子卡拉·布鲁尼是一位超级名模和歌手。

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy 's third wife , is a songwriter , singer and ex-super model .

  24. 她是目前列在金氏世界纪录称为“世界上最富有的超级名模”。

    She is currently listed in the Guinness World Records as the " world 's richest supermodel " .

  25. 英国小报报道说,超级名模纳奥米?坎贝尔最近在伦敦一家餐厅中大闹了一番。

    British tabloids reported that supermodel , Naomi Campbell , recently made a scene at a London restaurant .

  26. 超级名模凯特-摩斯位列11,西恩娜-米勒排在第26,凯拉-奈特莉第35。

    Supermodel Kate Moss just missed out on the top 10 . Sienna Miller was 26th and Keira Knightley 35th .

  27. 一天晚上她梦见自己成了一名纽约的时尚记者,在那里她遇到了超级名模和艺术家。

    One night she dreamed she was a fashion reporter in New York , where she met supermodels and artists .

  28. 超级名模娜奥米·坎贝尔最近告诉You杂志,她是维多利亚设计的忠实粉丝。

    Supermodel Naomi Campbell recently told You magazine that she 's a huge fan of the former Spice Girl 's work .

  29. 您还没有成为一个超级名模或最有吸引力的人在世界上是令人难以置信的性感。

    You do not have to be a supermodel or the most attractive person in the world to be incredibly sexy .

  30. 超级名模艾拉·麦克弗森和维多利亚·贝克汉姆都是众所周之的时尚达人,不过她们两位穿的这款衣服,谁更好看些呢?(李颖)

    Both supermodel Elle MacPherson and Victoria Beckham are known for their sense of fashion , but who wore it better ?