
  • 网络Crown Publishers;Crown Publishing;The Crown Publishing Group
  1. 皇冠出版集团副主席、执行主编罗杰·舒尔(RogerScholl)认为关于乔布斯的书籍市场还没有饱和。

    Roger Scholl , the vice president and executive editor of Crown Publishing , said the market for Steve Jobs books was not close to saturated .

  2. 《成为史蒂夫·乔布斯》的发行商皇冠出版集团称,该书是迄今为止对乔布斯的唯一正确解读,是“无法取代的历史”,并把印刷量从起初计划的4万册增至8.5万册。

    The publisher of " Becoming Steve Jobs , " the Crown Publishing Group , is promoting the book as the first account to get the story right , calling it " the definitive history . " Crown has increased the print run to 85000 copies from a planned first printing of 40000 .