
  • 网络U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement
  1. 杰克森表示,美韩自由贸易协定将加强美韩之间本来就已经坚强的经济和安全伙伴关系。

    Jackson says the KORUS FTA would enhance the two countries'already strong economic and security partnership .

  2. 美国通过美韩自由贸易协定奠定了其重返亚洲的基础,强化了其在东北亚地区的地缘影响力。

    US laid the basis for its return to Asia , strengthen its geopolitical influence in Northeast Asia .

  3. 美韩自由贸易协定的形成、运行机制及启示:竞争性自由化视角

    On the Formation , Performance Mechanism and Its Enlightenment from US-Korean FTA : in the Perspective of Competitive Liberalization

  4. 但是,反对美韩自由贸易协定的活动人士南熙燮则认为,美国经济的困境恰恰足以警告人们不要批准自由贸易协定。

    But activist Nam Hee-sob says many Koreans see the troubles in the American economy as a warning to stay away .

  5. 宋荣馆说,如果这项美韩自由贸易协定获得批准,也许会对韩国的农业造成伤害,但是有利于韩国的制造业。

    Seong says if ratified , the trade pact may hurt Korea 's agricultural sector , but provide a boost for manufacturers .

  6. 特拉姆卡发表这番评论之际,正值奥巴马政府准备将美韩自由贸易协定提交国会批准之际。

    Trumka 's comments come as the Obama Administration is getting ready to submit a free trade agreement with South Korea to Congress for approval .

  7. 昨日,数万韩国农民和工人与防爆警察发生了冲突抗议美韩自由贸易协定。

    THOUSANDS of South Korean farmers and workers clashedwith riot police yesterday at a massive rally against a free trade deal with the United States .

  8. 更少有人仍然相信,面对国会的强烈反对,他能够批准具有里程碑意义的2007年美韩自由贸易协定。

    Fewer still believe that he will be able to ratify the landmark 2007 US-South Korea free-trade agreement in the face of strong hostility in Congress .

  9. 预料美国国会将就此星期三进行投票。但是这个美韩自由贸易协定还需要等待首尔方面的议会批准。

    A vote in the United States Congress is expected this week ( Wednesday ) . But KORUS-FTA , as its known , still needs legislative approval from politicians in Seoul .

  10. 李明博首先感谢参众两院星期三晚上迅速通过了美韩自由贸易协定。

    The South Korean president was quick to thank both houses of Congress for passing a major trade agreement with South Korea Wednesday night , in a rare display of bipartisanship .

  11. 美韩自由贸易协定是美国自签署北美自由贸易协定以来所缔结的最大规模的自由贸易协定,其经济意义和政治期许更是不言而喻。

    KORUS FTA is recognized as the largest free trade agreement for the United States since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ), with self-evident economic and political expectations .