
  • 网络National Archives;NARA;National Archives and Records Administration;National Archives of the United States
  1. 据NPR新闻的布赖恩·奈勒报道,美国国家档案馆和克林顿图书馆公布了约4000页此前未公开的档案。

    NPR 's Brian Naylor reports that the National Archives and the Clinton Library released some 4000 pages of previously withheld records .

  2. 根据美国国家档案馆称,连任两届的总统比尔·克林顿颁布了364条行政命令。

    According to the National Archives , two-term president Bill Clinton gave 364 executive orders .

  3. 这封华盛顿美国国家档案馆保存的华盛顿亲笔所写信件就展示了这样的交易条款。

    This letter from the National Archives written by Washington himself lays out the terms of one such exchange .

  4. 在美国国家档案馆和记录管理局,我们不缺少将要数字化和翻译的纸质记录。

    At the National Archives and Records Administration , we have no shortage of paper records to digitize or transcribe .

  5. 美国国家档案馆也在建立一个计划来筹划我们应该如何做以进一步满足开放政府的目标以及我们将如何实现它。

    The National Archives is also creating a plan that lays out what we need to do to further meet the goals of Open Government and how we will get there .

  6. 隶属于美国国家档案馆的克林顿总统图书馆发布了最新文件,使人们得以了解白宫在为时任总统比尔·克林顿和莫妮卡·莱温斯基的丑闻辩护时所使用的策略。

    Newly-released documents from the Clinton presidential library in the national archives are providing a glimpse of the White House strategy used to defend then president Bill Clinton during Monica Lewinsky scandal .

  7. 面对这一社会趋势,美国档案界率先提出了“CitizenArchivist”这一概念,并由美国国家档案馆实行“CitizenArchivist”项目。

    Facing with this tendency , the American archival community first coined the term " Citizen Archivist " and then the NARA launched the " Citizen Archivist project " .

  8. 但在很长一段时间内,美国公众还是无法看到这些被发现的邮件,因为这些邮件需要经过美国国家档案馆的审核,之后与总统和政府机构有关的记录才能公布。

    It will be years before the public sees any of the recovered e-mails because they will now go through the National Archives'process for releasing presidential and agency records .