
  • 网络USG;American government;Government;u.s. government;Us Government
  1. 协调美国政府援助物资的调集和交付。

    Coordinate the movement and consignment of USG relief commodities .

  2. 在美国政府的压力之下,菲亚特和其他汽车制造商同意遵守新的安全规定。

    Under pressure from the American government , Fiat and other manufacturers obeyed the new safety regulations .

  3. 华盛顿是美国政府所在地。

    Washington is the seat of government of the US .

  4. 他欠美国政府2万元税款。

    He owed $ 20 000 in tax to Uncle Sam.

  5. 美国政府将这块土地永久性划拨给该部族。

    The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity .

  6. 俄罗斯政府迫切希望和美国政府保持一致。

    Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington

  7. 美国政府对和平计划不满,认为它不可行。

    Washington is unhappy with the peace plan which it views as unworkable .

  8. 美国政府希望看到战争能以和谈方式解决。

    The US administration would like to see a negotiated settlement to the war

  9. 《太阳报》称之为打在美国政府脸上的一记重重的耳光。

    ' The Sun ' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government

  10. 专家们对为什么美国政府没在这个国家采取类似的强硬措施来对抗艾滋病而感到疑惑。

    Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country

  11. 美国政府的专家们审查了每一页内容,涂掉了外国情报专家可能利用的任何信息。

    U.S. government specialists went through each page , blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use

  12. 这些丑闻如今公之于众的事实说明了美国政府的相对透明。

    The fact that these scandals are now public is testament to the relative openness of America 's government .

  13. 美国政府称今年的玉米产量应该会比去年提高8%左右。

    The US government says that this year 's corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year

  14. 有人怀疑叛乱有美国政府在背后支持。

    Some suspected that the rebellion was backed by the US government .

  15. 美国政府于1941年对日本宣战。

    The US administration declared war on Japan in 1941 .

  16. 院外集团企图牵制美国政府的政策。

    The lobby is trying to hamper the policy of the U.S. government .

  17. 美国政府立即开始调查此案。

    The government of the United States began at once to investigate the case .

  18. 美国政府没有正式承认。

    The US government made no formal acknowledgement .

  19. 好几个月以来,英国和美国政府就在密切协调下应付日本。

    For several months the British and American governments had been acting towards Japan in close accord .

  20. 外国观察员,包括来自俄罗斯和美国政府以及非政府组织的,已给本次选举打个及格分。

    Foreign observers , including some from the Russian and American governments as well as ngos , have given the election passing marks .

  21. 但美国政府最好在对这些严峻的数字作出反应之前深呼吸一下。

    But Washington would do well to take a deep breath before reacting to the grim numbers .

  22. 但目前,美国政府更注重防止新碎片的形成,而不是将垃圾运出轨道。

    But for now , the U.S. government is more focused on preventing new debris from forming than taking the trash out of orbit .

  23. 长期以来,健康和环保倡导者一直敦促美国政府机构限制使用报告列举的11种化学物质,呼吁对它们的长期影响进行更多研究。

    Health and environmental advocates have long urged US government agencies to tighten the use of some of the 11 chemicals the report cites and called for more studies on their long-term effects .

  24. 苹果公司拒绝破解恐怖分子的智能手机,因此与执法官员展开了一场斗争,这也意味着技术行业与美国政府之间缓慢改变的局面至此进入了高潮。

    The battle between Apple and law enforcement officials over unlocking a terrorist 's smartphone is the culmination of a slow turning of the tables between the technology industry and the United States government .

  25. 一方面,美国政府强大的法律和安全机构,他们所争夺的是最能引起同情的数据:藏在制造群体谋杀的死者手机里的秘密。

    On the one side , you have the United States government 's mighty legal and security apparatus fighting for data of the most sympathetic sort : the secrets buried in a dead mass murderer 's phone .

  26. 这就是为什么这项新政策还包含了更新美国政府现行轨道碎片减缓标准的指导方针,该方针要求发射卫星或航天器的任何实体积极分析其所有行动产生空间碎片的可能性,无论是意外故障还是正常操作。

    That 's why this new policy also includes directions to update the current U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices , which already require any entity that launches a satellite or spacecraft to vigorously analyze the likelihood that any of their actions , from an unexpected failure or normal operations , will create more space debris .

  27. 那么,为什么美国政府和商界担任高层职位的女性并不是很多呢?

    So why , then , are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States ?

  28. 国会是美国政府的立法部门。

    Congress is the legislative branch of the U.S. government .

  29. 美国政府部门部分停摆期间所有被迫休假的联邦雇员都将补发工资。

    All federal employees furloughed during the partial government shutdown will get back pay .

  30. 凯特先生说,如果欧共体一意孤行,美国政府将于六周后开始报复

    The administration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged .