
fǎ bì
  • legal tender;legal currency;paper currency issued by KMT government starting 1935
法币 [fǎ bì]
  • [paper currency issued by the KMT government from 1935 onwards]1935年以后,国民党政府发行的纸币,1948年为金圆券所代替

  1. 银行表示已经流通出去这些错币已经是法币了。

    The central bank official said those that are out already are legal tender .

  2. 法币的出现也标志着中国开始逐步形成了中国的货币政策。

    The appearance of the legal tender indicates that China begins to form the monetary policy progressively .

  3. 我所见到他们提出的政策要么很疯狂(一名抗议者在一段视频中大喊着要求关闭美联储(Fed)并废除法币),要么不太可能获得广泛支持。

    The policies I have seen are either crazy ( one protester railed on a video about closing the Federal Reserve and abolishing fiat money ) or have little chance of gaining wide support .

  4. 美国财长的主要经济顾问哈里德克斯特怀特(HarryDexterWhite)对此表示支持,但前提是中国要作出一项互惠性承诺:保证将法币与美元挂钩。

    The Treasury secretary 's main economic adviser , Harry Dexter White , backed the idea , but with China undertaking a reciprocal commitment to peg the yuan to the dollar .

  5. 英国与中国的法币平准基金

    Britain and the Stabilization Fund of the Chinese National Currency

  6. 将法币与美元挂钩意味着法币升值、美国出口商品更具竞争力。

    Pegging to the dollar would mean a stronger yuan and more competitive US exports .

  7. 1933-1935年南京国民政府白银危机与法币改革研究

    The Research of Silver Crisis and Legal Currency Reform of Nanjing K.M.T Government during 1933-1935

  8. 1935年南京国民政府实施法币改革,确立了汇兑本位制。

    Nanjing enforced the Reform of Chinese Legal Money in 1935 , established the Exchange Standard .

  9. 因为各种各样的原因,法币能够在抗战最艰苦的时候保持其作为货币的价值。

    And the legal currency kept its intrinsic value even in the worst time due to various reasons .

  10. 即使不能转换成标准硬币但由政府宣布为法币的钱币。

    Money that the government declares to be legal tender although it cannot be converted into standard specie .

  11. 英镑当时正对美元贬值,也就连累法币跟着一同贬值。

    As the pound was falling against the dollar , it was dragging the yuan down with it .

  12. 1935年中国实行法币政策后,银本位制度实际上就放弃了。

    Then in 1935 , China began to implement a legal tender policy and the silver standard system was abandoned .

  13. 摩根索还是担心:中国会和英国达成类似的交易,作为交换,把法币与英镑挂钩。

    Morgenthau remained concerned that China would do a similar deal with Britain in return for a yuan link with sterling .

  14. 1935年法币政策的实施,加强了中央银行的力量,推动了中央银行职能的发挥。

    The implementation of the reform of currency in 1935 strengthened the power of Central Bank and propelled the development of its functions .

  15. 堀田:据我所知,从19世纪初叶,英格兰银行发行的纸币就已经成为英国的法币了。

    Horita : I understand that Bank of England notes have been legal tender in Britain since the early part of the19th century .

  16. 这主要表现为:统一铸造法币,确定钱陌制度,规范钱币质量,严禁私铸劣币。

    They were as follows : minting coins unitedly , setting up coins system , normalizing coin quality , and banning forged coins .

  17. 前两个部分主要涉及的是货币改革的国际背景以及法币出现和成长对远东国际关系剧烈的冲击。

    The first second parts mainly about the international background of the monetary reform and the violent impact to international relations in Far East .

  18. 银行家:是的,在发行日元和硬币方面,日本银行拥有法定性的权威,它所发行的日元和硬币是日本唯一的法币。

    Banker : Yes , the Bank of Japan has statutory authority to issue yen currency and coinage which is the sole legal tender in Japan .

  19. 粮食价格平稳,稳定了大后方物价的总体水平,也使得法币较受民众信任;

    Thirdly , the stabal grain price stabilized the general level of the commodity prices and also gained people 's trust in the paper money issued by the government .

  20. 而虚拟货币的问题在于,当它们不是由政府信用在背后支持(币)就必然会钉上某种现实的法币,从而演化出一个兑换率来。

    The trouble starts when a virtual currency that isn 't backed by a trusted government , becomes linked to a real one that is through an exchange rate .

  21. 经济学教授不能解释边币和法币⑵,当然学生也不能解释。

    Professors of economics cannot explain the relationship between the Border Region currency and the Kuomintang currency [ 2 ] , so naturally the students cannot explain it either .

  22. 我刚到中国的时候,一美元可兑换蒋介石的法币七千元,现在涨到了三十万元。

    The exchange which had been seven thousand of Chiang Kai-shek 's dollars to one American dollar when I arrived in China was now up to three hundred thousand .

  23. 滥发伪法币和伪金圆券,破坏人民的经济生活,使广大人民陷于破产的地位;

    It floods the country with the bogus national currency and the bogus gold yuan notes , thus ruining the economic life of the people and reducing the broad masses to bankruptcy ;

  24. 法币改革以后,币制演进到不兑现本位体系,发行准备金制度对于纸币发行量的硬性约束转化为软性约束。

    After the Reforms of Chinese Legal Money , the institutions evolved into the system of Non-Convertibility Standard , which resulted in that the constraint of Institutions of Issue Reserve to the issuance amount was softened .