
  • 网络Legal basis;legal principle basis
  1. 基于此,本文首先阐述了检务公开推行的时代背景与域外相关动态,进而对检务公开的内涵、法理依据进行了的梳理和诠释,阐明了检务公开的应然性。

    Based on this , this article first elaborated the background of opening procuratorial affairs and foreign related dynamic , and then on to business public connotation , legal principle basis of carding and interpretation , expounds the necessity of opening procuratorial affairs .

  2. 第二章分析了反垄断法规制知识产权拒绝许可的法理依据和理论基础。

    Chapter ⅱ discusses the Legal principle basis and the theoretical basis of the anti-monopoly of the refused permission of intellectual property rights from different perspectives .

  3. ISP承担版权侵权责任,有其相应的法理依据。

    It has jurisprudence basis for ISP responsible for their copyright infringement .

  4. 第一部分防卫权&正当防卫正当性的法理依据。

    The first part is the right of the justifiable defense .

  5. 通过现代传媒来监督政治权力有其法理依据。

    There law reference on media supervising political power through modern media .

  6. 最后,详细阐述了量刑建议权的法理依据。

    Final , expound legal basis of the power of sentencing suggestion .

  7. 笔者分析了它的理论背景和法理依据。

    The author analyses its theoretic background and the legal principle foundation .

  8. 市场主体垄断权既有经济理论依据,更有法理依据;

    This monopoly right is based on both economic theory and legal theory .

  9. (二)菲律宾的非法主张毫无历史和法理依据

    ii . The Philippines " illegal claim has no historical or legal basis

  10. 构建公司人格否认制度的法理依据

    Legal Theory of the Disregard System of Corporate Personality

  11. 论情事变更原则的法理依据

    On the Legislative Motivation of Case Change Principle

  12. 第一部分,探讨了教育法律责任的法理依据与宪政基础。

    Part one probes into jurisprudence basis and constitutional government foundation of educational legal liability .

  13. 他的思想也成为美国大众传播法的法理依据。

    Mill 's thoughts have been the jurisprudence foundation of the American Mass Communication Law .

  14. 多语世界的单一罗马化&我国街道名称译写规范的法理依据

    " Single-Romanization " in a Multilingual World & Standardization in Romanizing Street Names in China

  15. 扣船制度在英美法系和大陆法系中有不同的法理依据。

    There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Common Law and Civil Law .

  16. 自认对于法院和双方当事人所产生效力有所不同,其法理依据各异。

    Admission can generate different validities to the court and both partners based on different theoretical foundations .

  17. 其次,具体分析发展我国慈善事业的基本法理依据。

    Secondly , it will examine the legal basis of charities in our country with great details .

  18. 如审计的原则、程序、法理依据、审计模式都存在一些不尽合理的地方。

    And many problems such as auditorial principle , process , legal basis and mode are exposed .

  19. 第二部分,有限责任公司股东退出的法理依据,主要论述建立股东退出机制的合理性。

    Part Two explains the legal bases for the exit of a shareholder in a limited company .

  20. 紧急救助论&见义勇为立法的民法法理依据

    Discussion of the Emergency Rescue

  21. 一审法院判决“蒙牛酒业”侵犯商标专用权并构成不正当竞争行为,其法理依据仍是传统的混淆理论。

    There has always been controversy over the traditional trademark confusion theory and the modern trademark weakening theory .

  22. 公共利益的明确界定,是解决土地征用权冲突的法理依据和关键问题。

    Clear scale of public benefit is very important point which can solve legal conflict about expropriation of land .

  23. 检察机关作为原告人提起附带民事诉讼难以找到法理依据。

    It is difficult for procuratorial organ as plaintiff to seek source of law for instituting the incidental civil actions .

  24. 本文分析了侵害债权制度的产生、历史发展、制度价值及其在立法上的法理依据;

    The institution of obligation violation is a yield of the recent development of the institution of obligation and violation .

  25. 任何法律主体承担民事责任都应有一定的法理依据,清算义务人也不例外。

    As any civil liability burdened by the legal subject should have certain legal basis , the liquidation obligor is no exception .

  26. 当前无效合同制度存在的利弊与缺陷,审判实务法理依据的不足,亟待无效合同制度的立法。

    Law-making on the invalid contract system is the very solution to the existing problems in current invalid contract system and judicature .

  27. 一般认为,国家对吸烟行为规制的法理依据有二:损害原则与法律家父主义。

    It is generally believed that principle of injury and legal paternalism are legal principles that state regulates the conduct of smoking .

  28. 接着分析了电子商务中消费者个人数据法律保护的法理依据应该是人格权的保护。

    Then analyzes the legal basis for the legal protection of consumer personal data ine-commerce should be the protection of personality rights .

  29. 第二章分析了审判质效评估体系的法理依据、方法借鉴和功能效用。

    Chapter II trial of qualitative analysis of the legal basis for effective evaluation systems , methods , drawing , and functionality .

  30. 本文论述了合同受阻的法理依据,分析合同受阻的成立条件及解决方式。

    In the light of the jurisprudence concerning contract frustration , the preconditions of frustration and the ways of its settlement are analyzed .