
  • 网络Law and Justice
  1. 法律与公正党最强有力的候选人是卡钦斯基的孪生哥哥雅罗斯拉夫。

    The most powerful candidate for Law and Justice would be Mr Kaczynski 's twin , Jaroslaw .

  2. 另外一人则是已故总统卡钦斯基的孪生兄弟,代表极右派法律与公正党(LawandJusticeparty)。

    The other is Jaroslaw Kaczynski , twin brother of the late president , who is running for the far-right Law and Justice Party .

  3. 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的幕后操作者。

    Lech was the younger and shyer , Jaroslaw the brainier , the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party ( PiS in its Polish acronym ) which they founded in2001 .

  4. 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的操纵者。

    Lech was the younger and shyer , Jaroslaw the brainier , the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party ( PiS in its Polish acronym ) which they founded in 2001 .

  5. 他高度关注腐败问题,而这也是法律与公正党众多元老关注的重点。

    His great concern , and that of many founding members of PiS , was corruption .

  6. 图斯克先生的挑战来自法律与公正党,他们将爱国保守主义和对外国人的敏感以及有社会思想的天主教混杂在一起。

    The challenge to Mr Tusk comes from PiS , which blends patriotic conservatism and prickliness to foreigners with socially minded Catholicism .

  7. 执政联盟成员自卫党表示,该党将退出和法律与公正党共同组成的执政联盟。

    Self-Defence , a junior coalition partner , said it would pull out of the coalition with the ruling Law and Justice Party .