
ɡuó jì rén dào zhǔ yì fǎ
  • international humanitarian law
  1. PMC的发展仍然持续进行,而PMC在国际人道主义法上处于一个灰色地带,因为国际法上并没有对他们有任何明确的规定。

    The development of PMC is ongoing all the time , but there is a grey zone in international humanitarian law regarding PMC since the international law provides no specific rules or regulations on it .

  2. 重新确认并发展国际人道主义法会议

    Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law

  3. 当代国际人道主义法问题圆桌会议

    Round Table on Contemporary Problems of International Humanitarian Law

  4. 丰富了国际人道主义法的内容;

    Expanded the contents of international humanitarian law ;

  5. 国际人道主义法视角下的反恐规则

    The Anti-terrorism Rules under International Humanitarian Law

  6. 令人可悲的是,国际人道主义法在这方面的有关规定时常得不到遵守。

    Sadly , the provisions of international humanitarian law in this regard are often not respected .

  7. 国际人道主义法明确禁止武装冲突中的恐怖行为。

    International humanitarian law prohibits without exception all acts of terror during international or non-international armed conflicts .

  8. 1949年的四个《日内瓦公约》及两个《附加议定书》确立了战争行为采用的规章和规则,并进一步确认了战争罪行违反国际人道主义法和习惯国际法的基本模式。

    The 1949 Geneva conventions and its ' protocols established the laws and rules that war should obey .

  9. 各进出口国必须评估其转让是否会严重违反国际人道主义法,和导致恐怖主义或有组织犯罪。

    They must assess whether their transfer could lead to serious violations of international humanitarian law , terrorism or organised crime .

  10. 国际人道主义法研究所布什主义不是国际法。论国际船舶油污法律体系下我国相关主体的公约义务

    Study on the Obligations of Related Subjects in China under the Conventions in the International Law System of the Oil Pollution from Ships

  11. 此外,在“威胁国家生死存亡的危急关头”,难道国际人道主义法没有为特定权利的中止提供法理依据?

    Besides , does not international humanitarian law provide for the suspension of certain liberties " in times of a public emergency that threatens the life of the nation "?

  12. 起诉应对卢旺达境内所犯种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者国际刑事法庭信托基金

    Trust Fund for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda

  13. 战争孕育了国际人道主义法,国际人道主义法在现代战争中迅速发展,又反作用于战争,制约着交战双方的行为,影响着现代战争发展的方向。

    Born from war , international humanitarian law develops quickly in modern wars , counteracts modern wars and influences the development of modern wars , in the way of binding the behaviors of the two parties at war .

  14. 国际人道主义法成为战争中世界各国评判交战双方军事行动性质的主要依据,在现代战争中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。

    International humanitarian law , playing more and more role in modern war , has become the leading criterion for the countries all over the world to judge the nature of military actions by the two parties at war .

  15. 亚非区域国际难民和人道主义法

    International Refugee and Humanitarian Law in the Asian-African Regio

  16. 该决议要求交战双方立即停火,保持“至少为期三十天的人道主义休战”。联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯提醒各方履行应尽义务,遵守国际人道主义和人权法,随时保证平民及基础设施的安全。

    The resolution demands an immediate cessation of hostilities for " a durable humanitarian pause for at least 30 consecutive days throughout Syria . " U.N. chief Antonio Guterres has all parties their absolute obligation and international humanitarian and human rights law to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure at all times .

  17. 联合国难民署北非区域公共信息官达利亚·艾尔·阿奇说道:“联合国支援任务人权机构已经公布了一份强调严重违反国际人权及人道主义法的报告—包括随意炮击,空袭及针对平民发动攻击。”

    Dalia Al Achi , regional public information officer in North Africa for the UNHCR , the U.N. refugee agency , " The U.N. support mission and the human rights agency have released a report highlighting serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law - including arbitrary shelling , aerial attacks and targeting of civilians . "

  18. 根据国际法有关规定,海上封锁作为一种作战手段和作战方法,只要在封锁中遵循国际人道主义法关于对作战手段和作战方法的限制,在国内武装冲突中实施海上封锁同样合法。

    This essay holds that according to International Law , marine blockade , as a fighting method , is legal in armed conflict , provided that is strictly abided by the international humanitarian law concerning the limitation to the fighting methods and means .