
  • 网络gigawatt;GWe
  1. 吉瓦级超超临界压力发电机组应用变频技术的技术与经济分析

    Technical and Economic Analysis on Frequency Control Technique Applied to Gigawatt Ultra Supercritical Pressure Power Generating Units

  2. 进展集中在太阳能发电方面,去年太阳能发电装机容量增长50%,到2022年还将新增660吉瓦(GW)。

    The progress centres on solar power , where capacity grew by 50 per cent last year and is set to add another 660 GW by 2022 .

  3. 市场研究集团IHS预计,今年中国太阳能电池板新增装机容量将达到创纪录的17.3吉瓦,略低于全球第五大太阳能发电国意大利的总装机容量。

    Market research group IHS predicts that China will add a record 17.3 gigawatts of solar panels this year , slightly less than the total installed capacity of Italy , the world 's fifth-biggest generator of power from the sun .

  4. 拥有在全球名列前茅的吉瓦级产能,是有价值的。

    There is a value to have a globally relevant capacity in gigawatts .

  5. 印度打算到2020年增加12吉瓦的太阳能,包括分发2000万盏太阳能灯。

    India plans to add12 gigawatts of solar power by2022 , including the distribution of20 million solar lanterns .

  6. 在美国、加拿大、英国和德国有很多吉瓦目克提瑜伽学校。

    There are Jivamukti Yoga schools around the world in the US , Canada , England , & Germany .

  7. 太阳能发电装机容量应该会持续增长,在本十年结束之前新增40%,至81.4吉瓦。

    Solar installations should keep growing , another 40 per cent to 81.4 gigawatts before the end of the decade .

  8. 疯狂电吹风功率已经达到18.7吉瓦(18.7×109瓦)!盒子周围的环境已经接近航天飞机发射时发射架底板附近的环境了。

    At 18.7 gigawatts , the conditions around the box are similar to those on the pad during a space shuttle launch .

  9. 据可再生能源专家BNEF介绍,今年全球66吉瓦的太阳能电池板需求,仍将远远落后于75-80吉瓦的产能。

    Worldwide , demand this year for solar panels at 66GW should still trail well behind capacity of 75-80GW , says renewables specialist BNEF .

  10. 到2022年,可再生能源的持续增长将使其拿下全球电力市场的30%,装机容量增加总量达到逾920吉瓦。

    By 2022 , continued growth should give them 30 per cent of the global power market with a total growth in capacity of over 920 GW .

  11. 中国目前在小水电项目和风电装机容量方面居于世界领先,2005年以来中国的风电装机容量每年翻一番,2012年已达到61吉瓦。

    China now leads the world in small hydroelectric power projects and in wind capacity , which has doubled every year since 2005 and reached 61 gigawatts in 2012 .

  12. 谢丽尔。斯潘格勒,维丽瑞尔。波兰达。达姆森,和苏珊。帕克特是大学招生工作人员。在肯塔基州的弗罗伦斯培训时,她们走进了当地一家叫做强。吉瓦的烧烤酒吧去吃饭。

    Cheryl Spangler , Valeria Borunda Jameson and Susan Puckett , three university-admissions workers on a training visit to Florence , Kentucky , had walked into a local barbecue joint called Chung Kiwha .

  13. 看来,美国政府已经对此作出了认真的思考,宣布计划在2016年上半年最大限度地提高太阳能电池板的产量到35吉瓦。

    It seems , the government of USA has given this a careful thought and has proclaimed a plan to maximize the production of solar panels in the first half of 2016 to 35 gigawatts .