
  1. 吉尔吉斯斯坦议会选举造成的政局变化,引起了世人对中亚地区地缘政治结构走势的关注。

    Geopolitical situation in Central Asia became a focus of attention due to the result of the election for Kyrgyzstnian parliament .

  2. 去年10月,吉尔吉斯斯坦议会选举被预告为自苏联解体后,中亚地区第一次结果未提前决定的选举。

    LAST October Kyrgyzstan 's parliamentary elections were heralded as the first in post-Soviet Central Asia in which the result was not known in advance .

  3. 因为吉尔吉斯斯坦议会正在就是否将美军赶出玛纳斯(空军)基地一事进行投票表决。

    S.forces in Afghanistan , already imperiled by militant attacks in Pakistan , may face a further setback this week when the parliament in Kyrgyzstan votes on whether or not to kick the U.

  4. 吉尔吉斯斯坦政府要求议会批准关闭美军空军基地。

    The government of Kyrgyzstan asked parliament to approve the closure of an important American air base , Manas , near the capital , Bishkek .

  5. 吉尔吉斯斯坦选举委员会宣布议会选举结果无效,此前该国发生全国性抗议。

    Kyrgyzstan 's election commission has annulled the results of parliamentary elections following nationwide protests .