
  1. 冯小刚将扮演主人,陈冲则饰演电影中他的妻子。

    Feng will essay the role of the master , while Chen is set to play his character 's wife .

  2. 中国最牛C的导演冯小刚在拍摄完《唐山大地震》之后,公开声称Weinstein是“骗子。”

    One of China 's biggest directors , Feng Xiaogang , who made Aftershock , publically called Weinstein a " cheater . "

  3. 2010年,好莱坞电影大亨哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)在电影节的热门论坛上三言两语地说了几句,随后借口说自己得去赶飞机,先行离开。冯小刚紧接着便说道韦恩斯坦就是个“不折不扣的伪君子。”

    In 2010 , Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein excused himself after making a brief statement at one of the festival 's popular forums , saying he had to catch a flight , and Feng followed up by saying Weinstein was " an outright fraudster . "

  4. 我们都喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。

    We all like watching the movies directed by Feng Xiaogang .

  5. 冯小刚的作品诙谐幽默。

    Feng 's writing style is humorous and full of wit .

  6. 因此,你会如何评价冯小刚的行为呢?他是个我行我素,自以为是的狂妄之徒吗?

    So , what is your assessment of Feng and his behavior ?

  7. 冯小刚也许是中国最精明的商业片导演了。

    Feng Xiaogang is perhaps China 's most clever commercial movie director .

  8. 这是冯小刚独特的喜剧方式和策略,增添了影片的观赏性和娱乐价值。

    This is a unique comedy way and strategy .

  9. 人们晓得冯小刚制造的电影将有一个很好的故事情节,影片会很感人。

    People know a film by Feng will be well written and moving .

  10. 有中国特色的明星制。冯小刚的成功为中国的商业电影树立了榜样。

    And 3.the movie star system Chinese characteristics .

  11. 导演吴宇森、冯小刚和陈凯歌也都在其中饰演了角色。

    Directors John Woo , Feng Xiaogang and Chen Kaige also have acting roles .

  12. 这是我从来不敢想象的事,但是冯小刚的确这么做了。

    That 's something I never dared imagine , but Feng certainly did it .

  13. 冯小刚在这部动作喜剧《老炮》中饰演一位上了年纪的老流氓。

    Feng played an aged gangster in the action comedy " Mr. Six . "

  14. 在这一点上,《私人订制》将我带回到冯小刚的早期时代。

    In that context , Personal Tailor took me back to an earlier Feng .

  15. 冯小刚的金手指已经全面触伸到北美地区。

    The Midas touch of Feng Xiaogang is reaching all the way to North America .

  16. 中国的伍迪·艾伦——冯小刚

    China 's Woody Allen - Feng Xiaogang

  17. 而凭借最新史诗巨制《一九四二》,冯小刚导演或许可以摆脱这些骂名。

    But with his new epic Back to 1942 , Feng might avoid such criticism .

  18. 冯小刚的贺岁影片近年来已经成为一个品牌。

    Feng 's New Year celebration films have become a brand name in the past years .

  19. 冯小刚与前妻育有一女,2009年与徐帆领养了一个女儿。

    Feng has a daughter from his first marriage and adopted a daughter with Xu in2009 .

  20. 不像冯小刚的世界,耿浩生活于无名演员饰演的歹徒群体之中。

    Unlike Feng 's world , Ning 's is populated by gangsters played by no-name actors .

  21. 周杰伦:就是可以好好地拍一部戏,不再被冯小刚调侃。

    Jay : To film a movie nicely , not to be mocked by Feng Xiao Gang .

  22. 冯小刚是九十年代末期在中国影坛崛起并一度颇具争议性的商业电影导演。

    Feng xiao gang is a controversial commercial movie director raised in end of 90 ' century .

  23. 冯小刚的加入让很多人对新春晚的期待大增。

    Feng Xiaogang 's participation makes people look forward to watching this brand new Spring Festival Gala .

  24. 在开始进行电影制作以前,冯小刚的影视事业还是起步于导演以及偶尔客串电视剧。

    Feng 's screen career began in television , directing and occasionally acting , before moving into filmmaking .

  25. 而这一回,冯小刚似乎将目光同时投向了国际市场。

    But this time , Feng seems to have set his eyes on the international market as well .

  26. 冯小刚这段发表获奖感言的视频在网上被疯传,稍后被审查人员删除。

    A video of his acceptance speech briefly went viral online before it was itself removed by censors .

  27. 中国著名电影制作人冯小刚为众人所熟知,他言语犀利,直言不讳,同时他所导的电影票房屡创新高。

    Chinese filmmaker Feng Xiaogang is known for his uncompromising remarks as well as for his top-grossing movies .

  28. 甚至有评论称,冯小刚的创作精神和雄厚实力在相当长的一段时期内将引领中国内地主流电影和电视剧的走向。

    Critics say Feng 's creativity and strong financial resources are a trend for mainstream Chinese film and TV culture .

  29. 但是去年的《唐山大地震》的成功,让已53岁的的冯小刚一跃成为中国最有票房号召力的导演。

    But last year 's Aftershock has elevated the 53-year-old to the position of the most bankable director in China .

  30. 春晚总导演冯小刚宣布:2014年春晚将不会超过4小时

    THE CCTV Spring Festival Gala 2014 will not exceed four hours , said the event 's general director Feng Xiaogang