
  1. 在译文中,冯唐将原文“Theworldputsoffitsmaskofvastnesstoitslover”译为“大千世界在情人面前解开裤裆”而遭到指责。

    The translated line that received most criticism was when " The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover " was translated to " The world unzipped his pants in front of his lover . "

  2. 然而,自7月份这本书发行3个月以来,这本书饱受争议,冯唐的自信或许显得有些苍白无力。

    But such confidence became rather pale confronting what negative comments embraced him since the three-months to finish book was issued in July .

  3. 在电脑屏幕上阅读长篇小说是一件很痛苦的事情,但是这一次是冯唐的小说,牛博的读者们有福了。

    Reading novels on the computer screen is quite painful , but this time it 's a Feng Tang novel ; bullog readers are quite lucky .

  4. 由作家冯唐翻译的中文版泰戈尔名著《飞鸟集》被指“翻译低俗”,而惨遭下架。

    The Chinese version of Rabindranath Tagore 's Stray Birds translated by renowned Chinese writer Feng Tang was stripped off the shelves following criticism over its " astray interpretations . "

  5. 在书籍遭下架消息公布后,冯唐在采访中说道,“我相信历史和文学史会给出判断,让时间说话,让文学史说话。”

    Soon after the notice was released , Feng said in an interview with The Paper ( a Chinese news portal ) that he believed " history and literature would make their judgment , " and that time shall speak , so shall the work itself .