
Fénɡ yù xiánɡ
  • feng yu-hsiang;warlord known as the "Christian General"
  1. 冯玉祥主豫期间的社会风俗改革述评

    On FENG Yu-xiang 's Social Custom Reformation during his Governing Henan Province

  2. 冯玉祥在陆军检阅使任内

    Feng Yu-xiang in his office of the Army Surveillance Commissioner

  3. 现代四作家序冯玉祥诗

    Four Writers Write the Preface for Feng Yu-xiang 's Poems

  4. 重新认识冯玉祥与辛亥北方革命之关系

    Recognition of the relationship between Feng Yuxiang and the Northern Revolution of 1911

  5. 冯玉祥与基督教关系研究

    Analysis on the Relationship of Feng Yuxiang and Christianity

  6. 冯玉祥背叛大革命的原因论析&从双重身份双重目标视角的考察

    On the Reasons of Feng Yu-hsiang 's Betrayal of the First Revolutionary Civil War

  7. 自贡地方报纸的宣传、鼓动是冯玉祥主持的第二次自贡节约献金运动成功的重要原因。

    The main reason of the achievement was the promotion and encouragement of the local newspapers .

  8. 冯玉祥的慈善活动

    Feng Yuxiang 's Philanthropic Activities

  9. 1927~1937年冯玉祥与蒋介石的关系新论

    New Discussion to the Relations Between Feng Yu-xiang and Chiang Kai-shek During the Year 1927 & 1937

  10. 冯玉祥组建察哈尔民众抗日同盟军的原因网络舆情的临战引导&基于哈尔滨警察与大学生互殴事件的分析

    The Reasons of FENG Yu-xiang Organizing the Anti-Japan Allied Forces ; Net-mediated Public Sentiment Emergency Response Guidance

  11. 在双重身份双重目标的矛盾中曲折前行&冯玉祥略评

    Going forward hardly in the conflict of dual role , dual goal & A brief analysis of Feng Yu-Hsiang

  12. 研究冯玉祥将军的结党活动,对于展示他丰富多采的人生阅历和独特性格大有裨益。

    Studying General Feng Yuxiang 's clique-forming activities is beneficial to revealing his colorful life experiences and unique character .

  13. 试析自贡报纸在冯玉祥主持的第二次自贡节约献金运动中的作用

    On Role of Zigong 's Newspapers in the Second Economy and Donation Movement of Zigong Sponsored by FENG Yu-xiang

  14. 冯玉祥幕僚群体成员多,存在时间长,大致分为四个不同的发展阶段。

    Having many members and existing for a long time , the group had four development stages on the whole .

  15. 后来,他遇到了爱国将领冯玉祥,冯玉祥对他的工作给予了大力的支持,并成为学校的董事会主席。

    Later , Tang encountered the patriotic warlord Feng Yuxiang , who supported his work and became board chairman of the school .

  16. 当时旅居美国的基督将军冯玉祥不但拒绝回国,反而号召他的旧部起来反蒋。

    Feng Yu-hsiang , the Christian general who had come to America , refuses to return to China and exhorts his former subordinates to rebel .

  17. 冯玉祥驱逐溥仪出宫事件之社会反响1924年在未皇帝溥仪被逐出宫,后颐和园被辟为公园。

    In 1924 the Last Emperor Puyi was driven out of the palace , after that the Summer Palace was turned into a public park .

  18. 北方战场失败的主要原因在于南方战场局部失败的不利影响和冯玉祥的军阀思想。

    The fight which took place between the National Army and the warlord Zhixi and Fengxi before the Wuyuan Rally , is not part of the Northern Battlefield .

  19. 1925&1927年,冯玉祥在政治方面的进步尽管不大,但特殊的政治形势决定其充当了独特的历史角色。

    Although not radically progressive from 1925 to 1927 the special political situation at that time accorded Feng Yuxiang a unique role in the history of modern China .

  20. 冯玉祥慈善活动包括慈善救济、慈善教育和社会公益三大项。冯玉祥从事慈善活动的动机既有同情心、责任心的表达,又有改造国家、改造社会的愿望,已远远超出慈善活动本身的概念。

    Feng Yuxiang is motivated by sympathy and resposibility as well as the wish to reform country and society , which goes beyond the concept of philanthropic activities .

  21. 评冯玉祥《我的生活》有关护国战争的自述冯玉祥在20世纪三四十年代到底写了多少遗嘱?

    Assessment for Feng Yuxiang s Memory about the Republic-Defence War in his My Life ; How many wills did Feng Yu-xiang make on earth in the 1930s and 1940s ;

  22. 苏联出于推动中国革命和维护自身安全的需要,积极支持冯玉祥,以打击奉张,制约日本。

    For the sake of promoting the Chinese revolution and maintaining their own national security , the Soviets vigorously supported Feng Yuxiang so as to weaken Zhang Zuolin and contain Japan .

  23. 看来八路军的第一个缺口是在“基督将军”冯玉祥旧部一类的杂牌军中间打开的。当时冯已经来到美国,并公开宣布反蒋。

    It seems that the first break in the army appeared among the provincial forces and former subordinates of the Christian General Feng Yu-hsiang , who had come to America and denounced Chiang Kai-shek .

  24. 蒋介石对张学良的拉拢,基本上达到了战胜冯玉祥、阎锡山、李宗仁各派,强化对东北集团渗透和控制的目的。

    CHIANG Kai shek 's cottoning to ZHANG Xue liang helped CHIANG to strengthen his penetration into and control of the northeast group and defeat YAN Xi shan , FENG Yu xiang and Guangxi fractions .

  25. 同时其消极影响成为导致冯玉祥在军事上最终失败的重要原因,使冯玉祥在政治上进步和思想上的转变更加曲折。

    Meanwhile , the negative influence of the aides and staff not only led to his ultimate military failure , but also made it more tor ˉ tuous for him to progress in politics and transform in thinking .

  26. 国民军是冯玉祥一手缔造,作为北方异军突起的军事势力,在中国近现代史上产生过举足轻重的作用。

    As a new military force suddenly rising in the northern part of China , National Army , built up all alone by Feng Yuxiang , has played a decisive role in the modern and contemporary history of China .

  27. 破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的这种破裂,表现于民族资产阶级的动摇,表现于冯玉祥、蔡廷锴、马占山等风头一时的抗日人物。

    Relating to , causing , or produced by disruption . Such splits have revealed themselves in the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie and the emergence of such anti-Japanese figures as Feng Yu-hsiang , Tsai Ting-kai and Ma Chan-shan , who have become popular for a time .