
  1. 冯珊珊对女子职业高尔夫球协会(LPGA)说,就她自己而言,她希望能像网球冠军李娜那样,以自己的成功鼓舞中国年轻的高尔夫运动员。

    For her part , Feng told the LPGA she hopes that her success can help to inspire young golfers in Chinathe way tennis champion Li Na has .

  2. 虽然高尔夫运动被韩国等其他亚洲国家主导(韩国球手在LPGA前100名中占了24名),但冯珊珊是男子及女子100强当中唯一一位来自中国大陆的高尔夫球手。台湾球手曾雅妮在女子100强中排名第一。

    While Asian peers like South Korea dominate the golf circuit - the country has 24 golfers in the LPGA 's top 100 - Ms. Feng is the only mainland Chinese golfer to appear on either the men 's or women 's top 100 rankings ( though Taiwanese golfer Yani Tseng is the women 's No. 1 ) .

  3. 20岁的冯珊珊(音译)是对外经济贸易大学经济学专业的一名学生。她最近很郁闷,因为一打开微信,满目都是好友晒高级餐厅、出国旅行、参加各种精彩活动的信息。

    Feng Shanshan , 20 , an economics major at the University of International Business and Economics , feels frustrated when she checks her WeChat only to see photos from her friends eating in fancy restaurants or enjoying exotic trips and exciting events .