
  • 网络TRIM;trim strip
  1. 如有必要,安装装饰条。

    Install trim strip if necessary .

  2. 塑料薄膜不干胶装饰条(带)的性能检测

    Examination for Plastic Adhesive Film Performance A Brief Study On Decoration

  3. 将装饰条卡入车壳的标记区域。

    Clip end piece into the bodyshell at the marked areas .

  4. 95.95m高现浇钢筋混凝土竖向装饰条施工技术

    Construction technique of 95.95-meter-high vertical decorative cast-in-place reinforced concrete bar

  5. 本实用新型公开了一种烟草机械设备底部密封装饰条。

    The utility model discloses a seal decorative strip on the bottom of tobacco equipment .

  6. 一种更便宜的,可丢弃的装饰条使用铝做的,在20世纪50年代横扫节日饰品市场。

    A cheaper , throwaway tinsel made from aluminium-based paper swept the festive market in the 1950s .

  7. 愤世嫉俗之人会看一眼S级新进气格栅的铬合金装饰条,心里想到:中国。

    A cynic would take one look at the chromic effrontery of the S-class 's new grille and think : China .

  8. 本实用新型是一种电梯配件,特别是一种边缘装有塑料装饰条的电动扶梯梯级。

    The utility model relates to a lifter fitting , particularly an electric staircase step of which the edge is provided with a plastic decorating strip .

  9. 一种更便宜的,可丢弃的装饰条使用铝做的,在20世纪50年代横扫节日饰品市场。问题&如果遇火它会像闪电一样爆发。

    A cheaper , throwaway tinsel made from aluminium-based paper swept the festive market in the 1950s . Problem – it went up like a flash when it caught fire .

  10. 整体组合使梯级更加精致,在使用的过程中装饰条能有效的保护梯级,延长梯级的使用寿命。

    The step is delicate by integrally combing , the decorating strips can effectively protect the step in the process of using , and the service life of the step is prolonged .

  11. 该密封装饰条本体为条状,在密封装饰条本体内浇筑有若干片永磁铁块,在密封装饰条本体的内侧设有延伸块。

    The seal decorative strip comprises a strip-shaped main body , a plurality of permanent magnet blocks cast in the main body , and an extension block arranged on the inner side of the main body .

  12. 装饰格条可随心变化。

    The decoration bars can change as your pleasure .

  13. 近年来,高分子液晶态向错结构的研究已取得了较大进展,发展和应用片晶装饰、条带织构装饰和表面裂纹装饰等技术可以在电镜和偏光显微镜下直接观察各种向错结构。

    In recent years , the study of disclination structure of liquid crystalline polymers is making great progress , The lamellar decoration , banded texture decoration and surface crack decoration have been developed to show the morphology of disclination in nematic phase of liquid crystalline polymers .

  14. 在马达加斯加几株面包树就好像古罗马废墟入口处的那些柱子一样,装饰在一条土路的两旁。

    Like the pillars at the entrance of an ancient Roman ruin , a stand of baobab trees frames a dirt road in Madagascar .

  15. 除了冬青树和常青藤外,松树和云杉也会被人们放置在房子里,在上面装饰上金属条、电灯泡、小玩意等;

    Besides the holly and ivy , pine or spruce trees are set up in people 's houses and decorated with tinsel , electric lights , and baubles ;

  16. 祂的象徵是疗愈的双手与权杖,上面装饰著两条蛇相互纠缠带有翅膀的东西,这标志在药房或医院常见到。

    His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus , a winged staff intertwined with two snakes , which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals .

  17. 园子里的围墙被雪装饰的像一条银蛇。

    The walls in the gardens were full of snow , like a silver snake .

  18. 故宫太大了,一次参观不可能看完,不过亮点有以下这些:交泰殿装饰的龙有近14000条。

    The Forbidden City is far too large to fully experience in a single visit , but highlights include the following : The Hall of Union and Peace has almost 14,000 ornamental dragons .

  19. 相邻装饰型材之间设置有用于掩盖住龙骨边缘凸起的装饰条。

    The bossed decorative strip which is used to cover the edge of the keel is arranged between the adjacent decorative profiles .