
zhuāng sǐ
  • death mimicry
装死[zhuāng sǐ]
  1. 他装死才在大屠杀中死里逃生。

    He survived the massacre by feigning death .

  2. 狼如是也跑到马车要经过的那条路前面,躺下装死。

    The wolf ran ahead and lay down before the cart path , pretending to be dead .

  3. 你就想要我转过身去,躺下装死?

    You want me to roll over and just lay dead ?

  4. 那个士兵躺下装死,以免被敌人俘虏。

    The soldier plays dead to escape capture by the enemy .

  5. 他不舞动铲子,实行装死。

    He did not wave his spade but played dead .

  6. 告诉她我装死以逃避责任?

    That I faked my death to escape from her ?

  7. 嘿!躺下!你在装死呢!

    Hey , get back down there . you 're playing possum .

  8. 他在敌人面前装死才得以逃脱。

    He escaped by coming possum over his enemy .

  9. 但快手基多不知道宝贝是在装死。

    But little did quickdraw kiddo know that little b.b.was only playing possum .

  10. 他装死以免被敌人俘虏。

    He played dead to escape capture by enemy .

  11. 我得想个法子自己装死用。

    I got to figure out a way to fake my own death .

  12. 蛮尼你怎么不装死?

    Manny , why don 't you do that ?

  13. 汤姆索亚是个围栏油漆工,爱装死,是个真正的美国精神病患者。

    Tom Sawyer is a fence painter , death-faker , genuine American psychopath .

  14. 我认为装死会更安全些。

    I decided it was safer to play dead .

  15. 它装死时能真正的装死

    It is . When he plays dead , he really plays dead .

  16. 我会跑回家装死。

    I 'd run home and play dead .

  17. 他能拿棒子,挥动它的爪子,以及装死。

    He can fetch a stick , shake a paw , and play dead .

  18. 他们两人是装死还是真死?

    Seemed to die or died they both ?

  19. 他装死以逃避被俘。

    He feigned death to escape capture .

  20. 看它把腿缩进身体装死。

    To see it shut its legs against its body and pretend to be dead .

  21. 我想如果我装死,就没有人来烦我了。

    I thought if I pretended to be dead , everyone would leave me alone .

  22. 装死是最好的选择,如果没用的话,戳它的眼睛。

    Just play dead . If that doesn 't work , go for its eyes .

  23. 装死,埋战斧(合好),要打仗等这样的词语变得很平常了。

    Expressions such as play possum , bury the hatchet and go on the warpath became common .

  24. 罗密欧:都说我死了咯,烦不烦啊!(继续装死)

    Romeo : all say me dead , don 't bother !( there ) to feign death .

  25. 有时他们会装死躺下,等待时机,反攻过去。

    Sometimes they " play possum " and wait for a chance to " spring a counter-attack " .

  26. 那他要么是保存完好的尸体,要么是他装死逃了出来。

    So either he 's a really well-preserved corpse , or he escaped by faking his own death .

  27. 显然,你会选择逃跑,装死,也可能会与它谈谈条件。

    Obviously , you run away , play dead , or perhaps negotiate a deal of some sort .

  28. 我知道了,甲虫装死是为了防身,我又增添了一个小知识。

    I know , beetles played dead in order to self-defense , I also added a little knowledge .

  29. 你不打他几棍子他就装死。他在敌人面前装死才得以逃脱。

    If we don 't , they will play possum . He escaped by coming possum over his enemy .

  30. 猎人突然发现有只狗熊正向他走来他只好装死。

    The hunter had to feign death when he suddenly found out that a bear was coming toward him .